It's often a waste of money and you could achieve the same, if not even more, if you made it simpler on smaller scale locations.
One of the reasons why i liked NieR: Automata was because map was more like older games where you go to certain locations in order and unlock shortcuts to them which made the story way more tight. In an open world game this would be impossible.
Is Open World meme killing gaming industry?
>Waste of money
You know nothing of development costs. Don't pretend to.
It's not killing the games industry, but it is very harshly hurting the quality of the games that fall for that meme.
Are you implying that developers save money by making open worlds?
Open World and having 3 shitty maps connected isn't really the same thing.
no because a well done open world is fun to play in
ever played dying light?
Is open world the dark souls of vidya genres?
Not him, but yes.
It's easier to copy paste vast fields of nothing than it is to actually design levels.
Open World is this generation's CoDclone generic cash-grab. They can slap together a map, put in some collectibles and generic fetch quests, give you a paper-route of a main quest and call it done. Without having to actually design levels with a steady sense of progression and good difficulty curve, it frees up time and budget to focus on shit like muh realistic graphics
>They can slap together a map, put in some collectibles and generic fetch quests, give you a paper-route of a main quest and call it done. Without having to actually design levels with a steady sense of progression and good difficulty curve
My exact thoughts on Nier Automata
God that game was tedious garbage, 99% of the levels are barren fucking nothingness that only bloats the game instead of acting as actual content