On the right we have an MMO made by a team of nobodies shivering under the heavy boot of a greedy Korean conglomerate.
>best graphics in the genre >best combat in the genre >best job system in the genre >best housing in the genre >best PVP in the genre >best character creator in the genre >beautiful artstyle >manages to merge realistic/practical and tastefully sexy costume designs seamlessly
And on the left we have an MMO made by the highly beloved, multiBILLION dollar giant that is Squeenix.
>ugly, flat, low res textures, low poly models and terrible lighting >still uses the generic, archaic and monotonous tabtargetting system we've seen in every single MMO ever made >mediocre jobsystems that serve as more of a time wasting minigame than an actual means of progressing your character and contributing to the in-game economy >housing that serves no real purpose outside of being a house >nonexistent pvp scene because of how horrible pvping in this game is >extremely bare bones character creator >ugly a sin and incoherent costume/monster/character design
What happened? I though Korean MMOs were supposed to be the ones holding back the genre.
John Barnes
Anthony Torres
>Genderlocked and racelocked classes >best on anything Not defending ff at all but HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Blake Diaz
>single-player mmo in which other players are more of a hindrance than help >race/gender-locked classes >action-mmo meme >no content I tried to enjoy it because it had wizards in it, but there's just no reason to play.
Thomas Taylor
>BDO >best graphics best screenshots maybe, have you even played the game? it runs sub 30 fps on every city, you can't walk 5 meters without a tree popping up in your face, the client is incredibly unoptimized and eventhough it's a fucking engine released 4 years ago it doesn't run well in top end super computers of today.
>job system Again, what? you hit 56 and 90% of your old abilities become useless when you change to the advanced class.
I have nothing in favor or against FFXIV except for stupid weekly lockouts, but shilling BDO and ignoring the obvious flaws is a god damm blasphemy. Not to mention the cash shop wich allows people to throw away their savings into artisan memory only to downgrade their weapons and commit suicide.
Ryan Thomas
The bait this time was too weak, user. I can't even bother to discuss it. I hate FFXIV passionately, even. Even then, this is just flat out weak.
Cooper Harris
BDO looks like someone with absolute shit taste started modding Skyrim.
Zachary Cruz
Delete this post
Asher Robinson
Not an argument I'm not a big fan of genderlocked classes myself (even though almost every class has a gender alternative), but that's a nitpick at best.
>>single-player mmo >it's bad because the game gives you the option of playing by yourself >more of a hindrance than help %100 wrong. A party boosts your potential in virtually every activity you do. >>race/gender-locked classes See above >>action-mmo meme Best combat in the genre. Tabtargetting trash is only made because devs are lazy and incompetent. >>no content Meme. Fishing, cooking, alchemy hunting, sailing, all the different forms of pvping, questing, grinding, transportation and trading of goods, managing workers, (literal) farming, I could go on. It has everything an MMO should have and far, far more.
>best screenshots maybe, have you even played the game I have and it looks incredible in game. >it runs sub 30 fps on every city Get a better computer. Making an extremely detailed MMO with hundreds of players will obviously be taxing. Texture poping is an issue though, I agree. >Again, what? Cooking, alchemy, fishing, you know, actual jobs you can take up. > ignoring the obvious flaws Oh I'll never deny that the game is seriously flawed, but it's still by far the best MMO experience available and an incredibly well crafted game.
Easton Baker
>hate [videogame] passionately Why would you expend the time and energy to do something so retarded for something so trivial.
Brody Bennett
Black Desert looks good in screenshot mode an thats it.
What a fucking joke you are OP at least be honest. Ugly fucking game, shit popping in an out everywhere, the trees, the floor, grass monsters. It's so fucking jarring even maximum settings does little to change it.
Also the combats pretty shit. Anyone who's spent 5 minutes watching that trash knows it too.
Mason Watson
>job system >catch a horse >bring to stable >afk ride him for 12 hours so he levels >procesing >send your workers to grab wood >leave your character processing afk for 12 hours while you masturbate >fishing >go to a hotsop and leave your character fishing 6 hours or more if you buy extra inventory space from the exclusive cash shop >alchemy >buy all the weed you can >afk 4 hours making clown's blood >every other job >afk zzzzz
BDO is shallow as fuck, you've probably don't even have 100 hours on it if you haven't realized that.
Tyler Jackson
>fishing afk fishing >cooking/crafting afk crafting >alchemy hunting going afk while your workers gather shit for you >sailing/traveling afk travel >pvp p2win >questing, grinding Same thing. Gather a large pack and throw all your aoe at it until you can't see anything. >trading goods You can only trade to npcs, which takes the whole fun out of it. >managing workers More like craft/buy a fuckton of beer and then go afk
It's a game that isn't meant to be played.
Ethan Robinson
>working takes time and doesn't let me precisely control the angle and strength with which I chop down trees in a hyper realistic manner
Please. Just try naming an MMO with a better job system. You can't.
Jason Edwards
The pop-in in BDO is atrocious though.
Jason Martin
As far as gameplay is concerned I did give it an honest try but yeah it didn't feel great. Vindictus felt better imo
Kevin Garcia
Korean Lineage grinder MMOs are all flash no substance. They churn out the same game over and over, just focusing on improving the waifus in the character creator but failing to ever address how incredibly shitty korean MMOs otherwise are. I bet within 5 minutes after leaving character creator you come to realize just how sleazy and cashgrabby the game is.
Charles Bennett
>best combat in the genre I tried BDO because I fell for this meme. The combat is boring, enemies lack balance. They're easy but take too long to kill.
Brayden Thompson
Everquest 2 easy, Age of Wushu easy.
Mabinogi, Mortal, Archeage, Gw2, to a lesser extent, but at least better than the garbage in BDO.
Luis Cox
>it's another "shill tries to trick people into buying black desert" episode Bought for $6 when it was on sale on steam. Wasn't worth it.
Josiah Jones
And PvP is an awful, desync-infested mess with terrible hitboxes and heavily dictated by gear/level. If you're unequal, the weaker gets one shot. If you're equal, whoever gets CC'd first gets one shot.
Jonathan Johnson
Complaining about grinding in an MMO is just laughable . >>best combat in the genre It's %100 true. >Everquest 2 Stopped reading.
Daniel Jackson
>someone stronger than me will stomp me Yeah, that's not a bad thing. >whoever gets CC'd first gets one shot. It's time for you to git gud
Jayden Jones
garbage game for retards
Tyler Jones
>someone beats me because the stats on his gear were higher That's a bad thing.
Adrian Wood
Don't sperg if you haven't tried it, crafting in EQ2 it's basically it's own game, you can craft all day, sell your shit, buy more shit, craft higher quality shit, sell again, buy even better quality shit, sell again, repeat for a fuck long time. And the crafting is actually fun, not just go pick 3 thousand flowers so you can afk before you sleep.
Henry Bailey
Don't get involved in high level pvp then. The game provides enough different tiers to accommodate everyone.
Christian Turner
>>It's %100 true.
Dude even Tera is better, and that says a lot.
Jace Thompson
The combat isn't that good man. I know you have time to justify your purchase because 90% of your game is afk but you aren't fooling anyone.
Tyler Young
>high level it's any level. there are no brackets.
Nathaniel Morales
Tera has solid combat, but by no means is it better than BDO. Name an MMO with better combat. Wrong.
Jonathan Green
>this tiny as fuck image FFXIV Stormblood is not the type of game to have such small FFXIV Stormblood images. You're obviously trying to tarnish the name of FFXIV Stormblood and it's shameful since FFXIV Stormblood is such a good game. FFXIV Stormblood is something every should try out.
Nathaniel Sanchez
>Tera has solid combat, but by no means is it better than BDO. Tera has shit combat and it's still better than BDO.
Easton Russell
FFXIV unironically has some of the best crafting in the genre
Joshua Scott
>wrong More like, right.
Andrew Jackson
>actual interesting mmo struggling to survive >bdo is successful with it's $30 costumes This timeline was a mistake.
Kayden Robinson
Bless is trash
Joshua Powell
Nope. And you still can't name an MMO with better combat than those two. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Nope.
Hudson Reed
Better than bdo by a mile.
Dylan Nelson
Cry more shill
Noah Young
Which interesting MMO is struggling to survive? It sure as shit isn't FFXIV. It's the healthiest sub-based MMO on thr market after WoW. Unless that image you posted isn't BDO.
Liam Harris
Blade and Soul has the best combat hands down, it's just the rest of the game that's shit.
And yes, FFXIV does have better crafting. It's actually active and a GAME instead of the "gather materials and push the auto-craft button" of every other game
Daniel Morgan
It's pretty interesting people will defend a game that is extremely pay2win, plays itself a large portion of the time, and looks like shit. That's some nice tree pop in 5 yards away, bro.
I guess that just shows how desperate MMO players are these days. There's literally nothing else.
Hudson Green
>still hasn't gotten a western release because even the publisher thinks the combat is trash
yeah okay lol
William Nguyen
>confusing bless with bdo just because they're both korean mmos das racist
Tyler Scott
Hardly. It's the same Korean bullshit
Gabriel Taylor
I've never even heard of Bless until just now.
Brody Walker
you're a retard, I have a 1080 and the top tier i7 as of 6 months ago (can't be fucked to look up the model number, 7700 probably) and BDO runs about 50 FPS max settings 1080p with constant hitching and stuttering and looks like a shitty 360 game. FFXIV on the other hand has proper antialiasing and screen space reflections and gets 90-120 FPS on the DX11 client while looking like an actual high end computer game indoors and a decent 2010 era game outdoors
Jaxon Mitchell
>le trash combat meme It's cool that you can regurgitate what you've heard other people say. The combat is fine. People think every mmo now need action combat but they don't. Look at bdo, has pretty robust action combat what what good does it do when enemies are typical braindead mmo mobs? Bless' combat is tab target with one class that can cleave, it's pretty good. The problem is how unoptimized the game is.
Not really, bless is an actual well rounded mmo with shit to do. bdo is something you leave on in the background while you afk fish or something.
Cameron Wilson
>gather materials and push the auto-craft button" You need to selectively process materials through various different manners depending on what you want to craft. It's really no different than what FFXIV offers.
btw every MMO is trash and crafting is the worst mechanic ever shoehorned into video games.
Evan Hernandez
BDO is F2P trash in korea and russia for a reason
Michael Wilson
You have no idea what FFXIV crafting is like, do you
Levi Watson
>Not really, bless is an actual well rounded mmo with shit to do
Please list some of them. Especially things that set it apart from other MMOs.
You can just stroll in here and say shit in regards to some weird niche game like that without giving examples.
Carson Howard
I do. I've played both. They're basically the exact same thing and they're both terrible mechanics.
Oliver Cooper
if you hate FFXIV combat then you hate MMOs at their very root. hotbar combat goes way back when MMOs used to be MUDs.
Justin Bailey
>best gameplay Wrong. Not when Vindictus exists.
It's a shame everything else abour Vindictus sucks balls, I feel like a fucking heroin addict for the game's combat just because of all of the shit you have to sludge through to get to its meat.
Colton Reyes
It's not like there's been a good MMO recently. It all gets boring in the end.
Leo Perry
I don't know how that's possible when you're so blatantly, nigh-hilariously wrong
Cooper Price
I'm not trying to sell you on the game, fag. I was speaking in relating to bdo. Bless has a pvp focus but it still has dungeons and raids.
Carter Cruz
Consoles you fucking idiot
4.0 was held back by PS3, BDO was designed for high end PC's at the time
Levi Nguyen
>proper antialiasing FXAA is not proper antialiasing. > like an actual high end computer game indoors and a decent 2010 era game outdoors Top kek. Ugly, lowres, flat, repeating textures everywhere, terrible lighting and the overuse of ambient lightning don't make for a modern looking game.
Carson Lopez
>I'm not trying to sell you on the game, fag.
Then don't complain that your MMO is struggling.
Nolan Anderson
>designed for 'high end PCs' >has the draw distance of an N64 ahahahahahaha
Juan Hill
I liked what little I played of XIV in the initial beta way back when.
Gabriel Torres
Both games are shit but >right is a prerendered promotional picture >left is low-medium settings ingame picture
shitty bait 1/5 for making me answer
Jonathan Rogers
I'll do whatever I want, you fucking cuck.
Bentley Hall
I can't play the one on the right. Simple isn't it.
Not everyone gives a shit or plays video games enough to want to spend the equivalent of a Canadian college degree.
Minecraft is popular because literally anything can run it and anyone can play. Blizzard could drop the resources to make world of Warcraft rival crisis, but they won't because they opted for style over raw graphics.
The rest of the thread is bait.
Christian Bailey
Speaking of MMOs, are there any like Runescape that aren't Runescape? As in, reaching the level cap is basically not feasible, nor the point of the game? With a gazillion different skills?
Nathaniel Thomas
this thread really highlights that Sup Forums has a serious problem with blanket generalizations and absolutism. i'm seeing a lot of people talking about the nuances of their preferred MMOs and then retards replying with "it's korean so it sucks" or "everything looks the same to me, a person who hasn't played most of these games"
Jace Taylor
>all the races are just cosplay
no thx
John Sullivan
>I'll do whatever I want, you fucking cuck.
Except for play Bless this time next year, because it's struggling and will probably shut down.
Anthony Evans
>there's people in this thread who actually doubt about FFXIV having the best crafting system ever created
it's offensive even considering it's bait
Owen Torres
What the fuck is bless. Nobody has heard of this shit man.
Although it does look miles better than ffxiv, like the perfect hybrid between bdo and ffxiv
Aaron Garcia
>WoW has style
Zachary Ward
>Using 1.0 as the measuring stick.
Come on now. Post 2.0 isn't amazing, but it isn't anywhere near as bad as that shit.
Ryan Jones
>Blizzard could drop the resources to make world of Warcraft rival crisis >crisis It doesn't even look all that good anymore.
Juan Miller
It's not even playable outside korea and a beta in japland, familia. >will probably shut down Probably yeah. It's down to one server in it's native land. Two faction mmo with a focus on pvp but has pve stuff too. The gimmick people mention most is almost every mob can be captured and turned into a pet or mount.
Christopher Cruz
>it's korean so it sucks This has yet to be disproved
Christian Ortiz
>Two faction mmo with a focus on pvp but has pve stuff too. The gimmick people mention most is almost every mob can be captured and turned into a pet or mount.
So Korean WoW where every class is basically a Hunter. Riveting.
Parker Robinson
Having the best crafting system in a medium where crafting is inherently shite is not much of an accomplishment. There's a reason people use macros for it and the reason is that spamming skills isn't fun.
Easton Perez
no matter what argument someone makes you would just say dismiss it anyway and render all their efforts pointless. debate is dead.
Jose Scott
I played Tera for 5 months until I got bored. Running Kumasylum and Corsairs Stronghold everyday can only keep me so entertained.
Korean MMO's are flashy, empty garbage. FFXIV on the other hand has its flaws, but it is 10x better than any Korean shit.
Lincoln Ortiz
I'd like crafting more if I didn't have to level all crafters just to be good at one.
Isaiah Green
I remember EQ2's crafting. It had some kind of whack-a-mole mechanic to improve quality. Most people just macro'd it, though, without caring about the minigame quality aspect. Still better than WoW "crafting" which was take shit to a workbench and combine with a button click (also macroable)
Josiah Johnson
You get them as pets, not turn into a pet class. some give small buffs but that's about it. There's other gimmicks, like guild being able to capture capital cities, but I don't care enough to play salesman for a game that might not even release outside of asia.
Logan Brown
Maybe when a good Korean MMO comes out, people will change their tune. But that has yet to present itself.
Caleb Cruz
If you like dungeons and instances and killing bosses over and over; stay the hell away from BDO.
If you like player generated content like guild wars, sieging and conquering stuff, ingame politics and scheming like EVE Online; try BDO, you might like it.
Camden Johnson
Stop pretending to be retarded.
Isaac Adams
>killing bosses over and over; But that's 90% of BDO's "endgame"
Logan Rodriguez
It's mentally unstable tranny from /tesg/ so just disregard everything it says.
Daniel Hernandez
No, it's not. You can hunt the field and worldbosses to gear up but it's not required as you get the same gear from night vendor way faster.
Parker Perez
FFXIV is only popular because of the brand. Objectively, it's between mediocre and bad.
Nathan White
BDO is only made to hook you into this game and never lets you leave.
It's disgusting that you can reach anything while you are afk. It is disgusting that you have to spend at least 400 $ to have the "basics".
If you want 4 tier 4 pets, you have to invest thousands in rng. You want a better looking armor? Makes 40 $. You want more than the shit tier bag space? Makes a few 100 $ PER CHARACTER.
BDO is a money grab and not worth playing.
Hudson Powell
Landon Green
more Kugane
Christopher Campbell
To me gook games look better but they don't know how to fucking translate or fix bugs.