Tell me a secret Sup Forums
Tell me a secret Sup Forums
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i have jerked it more then once too traps
I got my friend arrested for drug possession cause he fucked my girl.
Revenge is a dish best served cold faggot. Have fun in the penitentiary.
I know where D.B Cooper is.
league of legends isn't really that good as most people say if they say it's good I like girls believe it or not
I did 9/11
I wish I was never born.
lmao what a cuck
Am I? He's getting turned inside out in prison while I'm fucking his sister.
I have a crush on a girl, who probably hates me because i called her friends whores.
sure thing cuckmaster
I hope rengar finds you and rips you to a bloody pulp
I had a dream where I was sucking the dick of a buff guy while fingering myself and crossdressing and then came and once I woke up I had jizzed all over the place
I'm not gay though
Sasuke wasn't actually sorry.
>Post-rework rengar
>Doing anything at all
I'm proud of you, user.
I don't like loli but I once fapped to Ashley.
I'm Christopher Poole.
Yes I still browse this shithole.
How'd you get revenge on your presumably ex gf?
I like Life is Strange because it allowed me to live out my fantasy of being a teenage girl, just for a moment. I feel like the creators share that fantasy. If you listen closely to the opening song "To all of you", its about just that.
The mystery and the story was obviously very good too, but it was this aspect that kept me going. I think few people would publically admit wanting to be the little girl, but I bet more people have those feelings than you might realize.
I archived over a hundred threads on this board by saving them on my computer.
But there already is an archive so why
My favorite fetish is handholding
I prefer dubbed anime to subbed anime.
I don't always have Internet when I want to look at opinions and quarrels from other people.
I think Assassin's Creed is an alright series. It just needs to have all the modern parts removed.
Life is Strange hits too close to home for me, to be honest. I have a friend who acts just like Max, I have a bit of a thing for her, and I even look like that beta bitch Warren.
It doesn't feel good at all.
My favorite fetish is girls
I was watching the Starsector fleet building tournament on some bloke called Fallenshogun Gaming's twitch channel and every time some berk joined that shitshow there was a meme music and a sprite of your ugly everything bouncing on the screen.
Cringed so hard, looked like one a-bloody fuck from Uzumaki, that one horror gook comic with the spirals i did.
And this the secret, you owe 50 trillions pounds for the reconstructive surgery for me poor back
Fucking degenerates.
i cant cs
I often do so much drugs it tends to impair my ability at video games. I used to like getting better at anything at all but now whenever I'm stuck at a rank because I literally can't brain enough sufficiently fast all I feel like is that it's a fair price to pay to get to use drugs.
Whenever I end up sober for long time and notice myself getting better I hate the feeling because it's never as satisfying as just doing drugs instead.
My mother beat me until I was 12, at which point she switched to beating my adopted sister.
almost every night i keep wishing i will die before i turn into a 25 years old virgin; my birthday is next month, and those thoughts are getting more and more invasive
I've jerked off to ahri more times than I"m willing to admit
sometimes I wish I could be a thicc and desirable female like ahri
i jerked a few times to rui matsuhita. She doesn't have balls and it's so hot
wishing to die is normal. i've been like this for most of my life.
Yeah....unfortunately I'm in the same boat....have about half a year to fix this......
I want to pet Ahri's fluffy tails.
I'm going to buy a new laptop just to play Overwatch.
Also, I'm going to buy a whole box of fidget spinners unironically.
>almost every night i keep wishing i will die before i turn into a 25 years old virgin
Geez, Im 27 and cant think that one day I wont wake up and everythings just gone, how can people wish to die ...
I got the shit kicked out of me by a junkie recently, and I'm actually disappointed that he didn't just stab me and get it over with.
Time to go ape.
When you have nothing to look forward to, no real reason to want to go on when you know it will just be more nothing. Everything cant be gone when there is nothing there.
God fucking damn it, I hate Warren so much.
A friend who used to go through the same phase once told me that if you feel that there's nothing you can to to change the world, you just need to wait for the world to change you.
he...fucked his sister?
Which one's Ahri? I dig the green haired Miku wannabe.
her hair is blue wtf?
I love Stalker, have read the book Roadside Picnic and seen the Tarkovsky movie, and soon intend to do the Stalker Challenge, but I've only ever played through Shadow of Chernobyl.
The one with the nine tails
Ahri is the fox girl
Sona is the miku wannabe, who's actually better since she's mute
I've done the same but I've only played and finished CoP
Typical whitey, instead of beating the fuck out of him you go running to the cops
I'd breed you if you were a thicc desirable woman
I want to sniff Ahri's worn boots
I masturbate constantly to porn of you, and I don't even play LoL
The guy was white hippie tho.
Also we Hispanics can get like 50 of our cousins to fuck his shit up. But he ain't worth it.
Pooping right now desu :[
Also last week I cut open a guy's face with a box cutter/Stanley knife
I'm dating one and it's great.
Me kisses da willy >:3
I'm going through that one soon.
Good idea though
>beat him up
>charged with assault
>stitch him up with drugs
>he needs his ass stitches back together in prison
Mmmmm now I want you to picture his bloody cum filled poop's leaking out his torn hole. Can you do that for me?
I've jerked off to Elise countless times, and many other characters which are femdom tier.
I want to meet a cute girl (female) who shares my love for vidya and shitposting.
caamille too?
the best part of league has always been the tiddies and the occasional great characters like Rengar
I voted for Joe McElderry
>girl (female)
You fucking sicken me
I desperately want to make a trap cum.
beta phag alert
my man
disgraceful whores
Naw Camille's design isn't very attractive, and I don't play LoL still so I don't know if shes a good character with good voice lines.
Sometimes, I wish I were a talented, emotionless assassin.
I'm really bad at video games, and I've been playing for about 25 years now
I love Quake, I praise the series, and I'm fucking awful at it.
I'm sorry user but years on this site and being exposed to traps and trannies and futa has lead to me not really caring about any of it. Dicks just don't do it for me, although it's fine if they do for you.
she's a self righteous bitch with a semi robotic voice
Why are hispanics so violent? Degenerates they are need to be genocided
No you didn't
> I browse this place for the memes
> I'm depressed and have a resentment towards humanity
> I may have a daddy/mommy thing going on with my brain (Thanks a bunch Level 5 with your professor layton games...)
>Said game made me realise I swing both ways.
I'm just another degenerate browsing the anus of the Internet afterall.
Just do it, man. you can do it.
>they are need to be
you are not fooling anyone
You're a hypocrite, to be desu. Also Sam Hyde and Hitler both said "might makes right", you weak little cuckboi
>Also Sam Hyde and Hitler both said "might makes right"
I picked Darius in an all support match