Why people praise Bloodborne?

Why people praise Bloodborne?

PS4 exclusive

Because it''s fun

Because it plays the best

Dumb fuck

But Nioh lifted concepts that were first proven in the From Software games. It was already market tested before they jumped in.

because none of those things have anything to do with the fact that its a great game

>Why people praise Bloodborne?

first souls rehash for newfags

Because it's fun, unlike that shit you're trying to compare it to.

>fell for the ps4 meme to play bloodborne
>it gets no other game for years
>fell for pro meme thinking i could play BB at a decent framerate
>no patch

i want to fucking kill myself

Why people praise Nioh?
>all enemies seen in 4 hours
>absolute garbage level design
>literally 2 good bosses in the entire game
>720p 45fps or 1080p 25fps

See, I can shitpost, cherrypick and act like a retard too.

I haven't beat nioh. Who bitch this is?

as long as you learned your lesson user that's what is important

like me i will never let people trick me into thinking a blizzard game is good after getting the diablo 3 expansion, shit put me to sleep what the fuck was i thinking

She's from the DLC, Dragon of the North

How will we ever recover from this, Bloodbros? They've completely BTFOd our game.

Because Bloodborne is great and I dont even know the what the game on the right is.

It saddens me how much hate Nioh gets; it's a great game.

The first souls rehash was dark souls though.

The difference being that Dark Souls was actually good.

I think I prefer Nioh simply because it does not have Chalice Dungeons.

I really, really do not know what the actual blue fuck From was thinking with Chalice Dungeons. It has to be the most tedious, unfun, and down-right terrible thing From has ever put into any of their games. The very fact that you need the Blood Gems that come from these dungeons to make anything other than Strength / Skill builds viable is an atrocity to game design. This is the one game in this entire franchise where starting a new character feels like a punishment.

Do I need a guide to beat Bloodborne? I had to use one for Dark Souls

I actually liked the chalices to an extent.

I think the problem is that people do them all at once and overleveled so half of them are a pushover chore and the player burns out before they reach the later ones.

>The difference being that Dark Souls was actually good.

Dark Souls generation of players is already old and almost non-existent on neofag-nu/v/

They're just poorly done. It's obvious Chalice Dungeons were a poorly thought out and poorly implemented way for From to inflate the amount of content you get out of Bloodborne as the base story game is incredibly short. Problem is Arc and Blt builds really need good gems from them to compete with Strength and Skill builds. It's terrible, it's always a slog. However, I will agree that I do enjoy them to an extent in the sense than FRC root chalice coop is pretty fun as it features room layouts and architecture not present in the vanilla chalices. But overall, Chalice Dungeons are an incredibly shitty stain on an otherwise stellar game. Literally every time I think about making a new Bloodborne character from time-to-time I remember Chalice Dungeons and in that instant all motivation to play vanishes.

Bloodborne has better everything, that's why. Not even sure what point your image is trying to make.

Who is the girl on the right?

It's interesting how differently people perceive the optional content in both games: people that don't like the side missions in Nioh feel obligated to play all of them and get burnt out, whereas people handwave off the chalice dungeons as optional much easily. At least the side missions in Nioh are just mini-levels or remixes of main stages, the most important stuff locked behind them are some Guardian Spirits. There's a significant number of unique bosses and enemies locked behind chalice dungeons in Bloodborne though, and I'm sad I couldn't bother to finish it to see them all.

Don't use the Doll for shitposting you fucking ingrate.

>that garbage gothic xD emo shit

What did he mean by this?

At least do maria vs maria.

Mary from BB is even worse designed
low poly face and PS2 hair

Nearly all the unique chalice dungeon bosses are absolute trash though. Abhorrent Beast and Watchdog of the Old Lords are the only two unique CD bosses that are just mediocre instead of awful.

Beast-possessed Soul
Pthumerian Descendant
Pthumerian Elder
Merciless Watches
Pthumerian Queen
Bloodletting Beast
Keeper of the Old Lords
All three variants of Undead Giant

All of these range from boring to absolute dogshit.

Neh, would have been nice to see how cgi render looks instead of direct gameplay model but she still has really pretty face and fantastic outfit.



Learn the difference

I really wish From would stop copying Maiden in Black, she was a memorable NPC but being able to level-up at bonfires is way better.

Bloodborne was better than Nioh so I don't get what OP is trying to say.

because piss4 has nogaems and so every new piece of sony sponsored garbage that's shit out is gotyay. see hzd, decidedly mediocre game in a really oversaturated genre, shitposted about for a month straight.

t. shitter
Story chalices are pretty shit and are at least easy to go through, but FRC Roots are fucking amazing and can have the most hilarious and bullshit stuff in the series due to their random roguelite nature. Not only depth 5 chalices have the most brutal enemies like labyrinth sages or rolling fatsos, but the amount and sheer varierty of traps you stumble across makes Sens look like a fucking joke.

DaS1 was intended to have a level up waifu as well, they just couldn't implement it because of time restrictions.

I 100% agree.
As much as I liked The Doll, I would have much preferred to just sit by a lamp and get level ups, perhaps from the little creatures that hang around them.

>3 vs 10 years of development

Just goes to show you how restrictions can be a good thing sometimes, forces you to think on your feet.

The issue is going to go through the amateur hour story chalices to get to them.

FRC Chalices: Great coop fun

Story Chalices: A crime against God himself.

Who is the semen demon on the right

>boring or dogshit

Story chalices are trivial as fuck though, there are very few difficulty spikes.
You can probably finish them all in less than 2 hours if you really wanted to.

>not boring

Literal parry-bait.

My biggest complaint is there being no pro support. Even with boost mode The One Reborn tanks the fps on any of his big AOE moves. Also no higher res sucks, chromatic abberation with no AA at all is an eyesore and ruins the aesthetic. Fuck muh BUT IT'S A DREAM!! fags.

Nah bloodborne spoonfeeds you any progression related things. I think I was only stuck once

Nioh did not sell 1.5 million copies. Nioh didn't even sell 1 million copies. Nioh shipped 1 million copies and that shipment included sales. the developers said this in their press release.

Doll is cute!

*throws shotels at you*

>Abhorrent Beast
He is more agressive and elaborate in terms of moveset than any of the DaS1 bosses. Same goes for Descendant, Elder and Queen, although they are on the weaker side.