Why has no one been talking about the most patriotic game at all today?
Fallout Thread
Why has no one been talking about the most patriotic game at all today?
Fallout Thread
I really like this power armor, I'm really surprised not so many people actually found it in Fallout 4.
>those hoses
Can't unsee Miku hair.
Fucking retarded design, so glad bethesda took over.
Can we have one fallout thread without bait and shitposting
Frank Horrigan is cute! CUTE!
>game where you kill the president of these United States and destroy what's left of it's government
For Fallout 5 no joinable Enclave no buy.
Why did they just forget best Faction?
Is Frank Horrigan's head just really tiny or what
Yet it's one of the most American video game.
Friendly reminder that Fallout 1 is not isometric.
I only recently discovered he´s voiced by Worf.
>without bait and shitposting
>Sup Forums
No such thing
Why should I feel patriotic for a racist country built on the backs of thousands of slaves fuck white people and fuck donald trumPF
(also I'm not going to leave cause ya'll whiteys brought us here and should suffer not cause I don't have the balls to back up anything I say)
Whats the earliest gun I can get in Fallout 2 that isn't the pipe rifle?
Pulse rifle if you play your cards right.
10mm Pistol is found on a semi-concealed corpse in the rat cave below Klamath. This should last you for a while, then you can buy guns off Tubby in the Den. Killing Tubby does not turn the town hostile and even grants you bonus karma, and he keeps all his assortment on him.
Hey look, it's the WTF am I reading meme guy.
>Why has no one been talking about the most patriotic game at all today?
Because we have a different board for generals
he got too huge
Fallout has a lot commentary on the dangers of over-patriotism and extreme nation loyalty. People really miss that part of it.
Ture, Enclave was a very Interesting Faction. I always interested in video game badguys, because i wanna see their side of the story, Usually dont buy it doe. Except for Fo4 Institution