

Starved for games Sonyfags already bought >1m Undertale copies.

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you can buy it already?

how does flowey closing your window work on playstation?

(fuck spoilers)

probably sends you back to main menu?

vita and ps4 have operating systems

Sends you back to the main menu.

Anyone notice that Toriel looks a lot like Rupert Bear's Mother? You know that Rupert cartoon about the white bear boy.

>All Vita has is Neptunia and Undertale

Can't blame them, Undertale was a great game.


You ever play Tearaway?


thank god japan is into undertale now. kemono undertale rule 34 is sweet

How much does it cost, 10$ or so?

hope we get more asriel porn from this

Holy shit my penis.

fuck yes. we'll be rolling in goatmom doujins come next comiket

what game is this

What Nep game?

Undermeme is shit, but at least there will be more kemoshota porn.


>still no hardmode
Fuck Toby, I hope he stubs his toe

the million isnt referring to console sales, it's not even out on PS4/vita
it sold 3 million on PC, which is what the million hit is referring to

this t b h


I don't know why but for some reason reading the announcement on the PS blog makes me want to kill myself

Woah, so this is the power... of the ps4...

But seriously, fuck undertale. It was a game that didn't even deserve its popularity. Fuck, if this game was made by anyone else (mostly just known game studios), the fucking morons that call themselves game reviewers would quickly call out the stupid, cringy dialogue and bad characters. But nope, it was made by one guy, so of course it's literally a masterpiece.

pic related is the only good character that came from the game, and wasn't even made by toby fox.

Any added content for the Vita version?

You guys should fucking get on your knees and praise Tobyfox for not going maximum shill with his autistic fanbase like FnAF did and made 500 games and licensed all his shit for clothes/movies/posters etc

This series could have easily gone that route and has kept the autism to the maximum low.

I'm sure Toby Fox is such an influential motherfucker, all the game journalists were lining up to suck his dick because he made an Earthbound hack and did music for Homestuck.

Because it's the type of lolsoquirky shit Earthbound fags do all the time, and think they're being deep and emotional or some shit, and unlike Starman.net Toby Fox is taken seriously.

I'm really tired of this "I act like a child because I don't want to be edgy" meme.

Well i wanted to

He fucked up by not doing that. Undertale is huge. Could have had so much cash...

The only reason he's not doing that is because he knows it would be a death sentence.

Game journalists hyped up his game as the 2nd coming for all the wrong reasons, and not only would they turn on him in future titles, the fanbase won't be happy unless it could surpass that title.

how easy is it to hack a playstation tv nowadays? I heard someone developed a way to use a real sd card with it instead of sony's overpriced shit. I dont want a vita, but id like to have all my ps1 and like 3 vita games on it.

People pay for this trash?

I don't understand the retards hating on Toby Fox, he is at least as talented as a top movie director, it is rare for someone to program, game design, plus write the story, art and music.

That, and he isn't showing off wealth or success, and is probably content to live in a small house with his millions of dollars.

>haha consolefags, you cant play this "great" game!
>haha consolefags, you bout that "great" game cause your starved.
And people still dont want to admit that the biggest cancer on this site is PCfags. Open your fucking eyes

>yokotaro retweeted

Thanks for beta testing PC cucks. Sony wins again.

>People rehash their games
Fucking jew
>People do't rehash their games
The could have made so much money

Never change Sup Forums

>maximum low
minimum you barbarian

Muffet is fucking trash and so is your taste.

I wasn't saying he was an influence and thus was the reason it got high reviews.

I'm saying if this game wasn't an indie game made by one unknown guy and was made by a corporate game studio, the game reviewers would have quickly shit on the whole thing from the cringy lines to the bottom of the barrel character archetypes and would have called out the studio for trying to make a such a shitty "Hip for the kids" game.

He did this because he knows his fanbase is retarded manchildren. They dont buy that shit. Works for fnaf cause its fanbase is children.

This is the stupidest thing I've read today. Very very few reviewers knew who the fuck toby fox was back when they reviewed UT.

Picked up

>f-fuck this game for succeeding i wish it failed

There were tons of children playing this.

>You guys should fucking get on your knees and praise Tobyfox for not going maximum shill with his autistic fanbase like FnAF did



>EOP makes up bullshit based on machine tl like the retard he is because he cant read japanese
>dumb EOPs gobble it up


Yeah this shit was read out in my school assembly.

I am interested to see if they updated it AT ALL. Watch gastor is a ps4 exclusive boss fight.

He only asked that the game not be shown at GDQ, the biggest speedrun stream thing, not that it not be streamed or speedrun at all.

Does that mean taro finally gets to play it? I heard he wanted to

>no hard mode yet
lazy bitch

No, just more annoyed how, thanks to undershit, every game that even just looks slightly like undertale is compared to it, even games made before it or have no similarities to it at all.

What did snek meme by this?

>11yo brother watched autistic undertale videos on youtube
>ended up asking me to download him the game
>he did a full genocide run

was proud of him for a moment. then he went back to fucking cawadooty and gta.

anime so hates everything western even if it's good

Read the very top of the picture user.

Toby motherfucking Fox is so goddamn rich

>thing is compared to another well known thing
>this makes me upset
you won't get far in life

Lisa was inspired by the same thing Undertale was. The two games were compared before Undertale ever took off.

Wow what a fucking coincidence

Well what the fuck kinda answer are you expecting?

Blame the children, user, not the fanbase in general or the game.
Children will always be a cesspool of shit, unless some of them are smart cookies.

Oh no. Not the let's players. How dare he.

Post more tobyposting

>You guys should fucking get on your knees and praise Tobyfox for not going maximum shill with his autistic fanbase
Firstly kill yourself but secondly, he should have not made this shit game to begin with faggot

>whoah how can you care about your hobby being filled with hyped bad games and cancer if a few devs can get big money? you are just jealous if you don't worship the wealthy even if that goes against yout interests.

Dumb comparisons are not the fault of the game nor the guy that made it. You may as well call Miyazaki a shitter because people call everything the "Dark Souls of whatever genre".

The only reason Undertale got so popular is because journalists shilled the hell out of it because it had gay characters, and they weren't even actual gay characters, they were part of the Japanese character types the weeb dev made most of the characters drop into.

Because it was done by a western dev, the journalists actually liked it, not knowing they were based on problematic Japanese characters they hate.

Look at people like Anthony Burch, who were a pushing a "It's Earthbound, but good" narrative.

At the same time, if this was a Japanese dev, they'd hate it, and everyone on Sup Forums would be the ones praising it as the holy grail of vidya.

Honestly at this point the only rational explanation is that Sup Forumstards are all schizophrenic, just skim through Sup Forums text and are hallucinating must of the things they claim to have seen and read.
I am sorry but what you just wrote is just some conspiracy theory without any basis in reality.

>this is nep
For some reason I just assumed it was one of those rpg japs games, but no it's just pamdering weeb trash

>journalists shilled the hell out of it because it had gay characters
This literally never happened

Undertale has gay characters dude, I'm sorry you're just now learning about this

who's the other guy

Andrew Hussie, the creator of Homestuck. It's best not to talk about him.

Didn't he also make a fucktonne of money? I mean the comic was wildly successful.

I think playstation tv can work with normal flash drives as well

But I THINK thats what I heard
/HBG/ is a good source for info but unironically look up vitahacks on reddit

Kotaku, Polygon and the like were jerking it off for months because of that, they even start writing whole articles for single tweets from Toby Fox.

BECAUSE it was successful, which meant they'd get a load of views.

Is that the version that comes with the heart locket with a music box inside that plays the Asriel music? Was their any doubt that people were going to eat that shit up? Toby-kun knew exactly what he was doing.

>I don't like what he said, I better activate my Sup Forums card

>forgetting the fact that Fox was tied with Homestuck which got him the tumblr crowd
Multiple factors faggot

I can never play video games again knowing this was all it was leading to.

He's currently funding his own game that has taken five years to make and restarted development three times. He once set up an office in the middle of Manhattan to make the game, only to close it down and scrap all the work. What I'm trying to say is, he's probably going broke.

>toby isn't a social justice wa-

That's pretty cool

It wasn't just that, they wanted Undertale to be the new "Citizen Kane of video games".

It was progressive enough for them to push as that game, they worked hard to get it where it is today.

There's nothing particularly jarring in that statement.

Who are you quoting?

So can we all at least agree Lisa was a better indie game than Undermeme?

>tl;dr: eat shit, faggots


What Nep game is this?

He's forced to be now that the journalists pushed his game as the SJW agenda game.

He was pretty redpilled in the beginning, shitting on the media for painting his game as progressive, but as time went on, he slowly drank the kool-aid.

Can we agree that you shouldn't value other people's opinions as much as you do?

see SJW journalists basically shoeshorned whole great analysis about the game having gay characters after the hype to try to get themselves attention from Undertale's popularity, not the other way around and the true core demographic of Undertale is more Reddit and FNAF kiddies, not even Tumblr.
You are right about these types to latch on anything progressive-looking as long as it's not outweighted by "problematic" fanservice but almost all lesbians in japanase games are there for very obvious fanservice reasons, not really because muh japon.