Xenoblade series

What a wonderful series this has turned out to be. I'm happy for Takahashi.

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crap weeb game


There goes the positivity.

Even though I think the designs took a dive, and the voices are ass, I hope the gameplay and story are at least decent. I have hope that the soundtrack will be pretty good after hearing that battle theme that some user linked in the treehouse threads.

who designed that garbage on the right? looks like steampunk stripper mario

>It's a male hero, harem, and mascot episode

but that's not Persona 4

Nomura. Who else?

Rex's design doesn't really look that much different from Shulk's in my opinion. I have faith in NoE delivering the voice work. Don't worry, I was skeptical about the originals VA work before I played the game and now it's one of my favourites. Gameplay looks and sounds like it's taking best of both from XC and XBX and adding new stuff on top. Story will be amazing I think, it's Monolithsoft. And Takahashi has always been an exceptional storyteller.

All's good bro.

Are his hands not way too big for such thin arms?

It's called aesthetic, mate! Oim the way oi am. Can't 'elp it. Now let me show ya wot me 'n Pyra are made of!

What do you mean? XB was a pretty enjoyable game, then XBX fucking sucked, and now XB2 looks better than XBX but worse than XB


it's an uphill battle already

Boku no Pico with some extra steampunk bits

what a load of trash

>Xenoblade pretty enjoyable

It's okay, user. You are allowed to call it a masterpiece.

I hope you can change outfits.

I fucking hate this

So much negativity, it's really getting me depressed

Monolithsoft are based and this is how Sup Forums treats them


Is there really going to be no dual audio?

Sup Forums will shit on anything good

>implying his ridiculous Mancunian accent isn't endearing

mechs when?

I don't like his design because he looks bloated, and that space under his shorts just makes him look silly. He looks like he's wearing steampunk summerwear. I could at least understand what was going on with Shulk's outfit, but this just looks like a mess.
As for the voices, listen to 1:43 and on. youtube.com/watch?v=Xjpao-nD5YU
It just doesn't sound good compared to XC and XCX. His voice doesn't match his looks, he looks too young for that voice. The story seems interesting though, and I like what the look of the areas, but they're making it hard for me to be hyped for the game.

>Takahashi has always been an exceptional storyteller.

Not really.

Is this a Xenoblade/Kingdom Hearts crossover?

It's a Yorkshire accent actually. But yeah both Northern

It will likely be more metalfaces

Way better than other JRPG directors. The man is a genius.

He's an objectively bad director because he always gets burnt out and wants to give up halfway through.

>steampunk summerwear
It's fantasy diving gear.
It doesn't sound purely Yorkshire to me. More like a mixed Northern, but I won't claim to be an authority on the matter.

His clothing design is inspired by old 1950's diving suits. So there's definitely an inspiration behind his design. Plus it's his salvaging outfit. Like something he goes to work in. It's cool, man.

Huh, I guess it does kind of resemble diving gear. I still think its looks bad. At least I can change it at some point, but I'll be pretty pissed if all of the armors happen to look like shit.

Whenever someone posts about Rex's outfit being inspired by an actual thing. The haters never respond. It's like they know they've got nothing to come back with.

>Diving gear
>Has exposed bits
If anything it's more stupid than I realized

the protagonist looks retarded but I want to fuck that sword so it's okay

I love the new arstyle it triggers faggots who only played xenoblade and hate anime. It's also objectively better as well, especially the models

It's diving beneath clouds, not ocean (as far as we know)

Gotta keep it anime

They had to balance it out for all the feminists. You can't just design Pyra like that and not give something to the ladies.

>it's okay if it looks like shit because it's based on something in real life!

This is so retarded it's not even funny.

only depends on the planned depth

>takahashi unironically said rex is maturer than shulk

Glad someone else agrees.

It looks nothing like that lmao. An RPG where the main character looked like that would be something I might play.

Yeah but atleast there's been actual thought put it into it and the designer didn't just use a generic Japanese pop band photoshoot for a reference.

Might be plausible.
Shulk only seems mature because the britbong dub was god-tier and Shulk's britbong voice acting made his personality less different. Jap Shulk's voice actor made Shulk sound like another whiny JRPG protagonist.

I thought he just said Rex was older and more mature than he looks.

It's inspired by it. Look at the legs. It has the same metallic circles and everything. Jesus man, ofcourse it's not gonna look exactly the fucking same.

>looking at photo of one thing
>looking at photo of another thing
So, it is just the same thing. Also when I look at the design I think of Japanese pop band before I think of old fashioned diving suit so they didn't do a very good fucking job.

personality very different*

Takahashi said Rex is way more mature than he looks.

I'm sure there was thought and reasoning behind many those outfits as well, doesn't make them good.

Pretty much. It's really sad.

The kid works as a salvager. Considering that Takahashi in a interview that there is a clash for resources in this game, the mc might have some experience with dangerous situations

Yeah probably. We already know from the treehouse gameplay that him and Nia are wanted by the Ardainian army.

>xbx sucked

yeah, diving below clouds


Nomura only designed these two

Right one looks pretty good, whats the deal with the other faggot tho

no he designed the entire organization they're a part of

>Nomura made the only decent designs


>Nomura making organizations
>A good thing, ever
Welp, enjoy Xenoblade devolving into autism like Kingdom Hearts did after they introduced Organization 13

he only did the character designs dummy, not the writing

Wonder what happened since the release of the first blade that made people this retarded

It was a joke you fucking cunts


It's supposed to be reminiscent of modern day wetsuits.

Like I see it, but it doesn't stop it from being goofy as fuck.

Honestly my only issue I have with the game so far is the combat. Having to just stand still as the arts build up seem like a poor move. I'm guessing you will start to unlock gems or something to build them faster but having to build them up each and every time at the start seem pointless.

>Diving / swimwear
>Size 14 boots on a kid
>two unsecured belts hanging loosely from his waist making it a major diving hazard
>legs are supposed to be air-tight but his thighs, forearms, chest, and shoulders are exposed
>Gears just glued on anywhere
>A crossbow is mounted to his left wrist, despite being scuba themed. Good luck firing that underwater
>No area for tanks to hook up to, thanks to the fuckhuge anime tubes
>The vest zips up and connects to the helmet for an air-tight seal
>Except for the bottom being wide open and exposed
>Thigh guards because why not

Go ahead, one of you niggers tell me that this design isn't complete shit. You lie to me right now on the Internet and say that you think any of this trash is aesthetically pleasing or even close to what it was supposed to derive from.

Anime was a mistake. 10/10, I'm fucking mad.

A lot of that is rendered null by the fact that he's diving into clouds, not the sea.

The "crossbow" is actually a harpoon.

or a hook in the shape of a anchor

Oh yeah, it does kinda look like an anchor, an anchor-shaped harpoon, maybe?

So his dress scheme really is based on diving gear

>A lot of that is rendered null by the fact that he's diving into clouds, not the sea

>Wearing heavy scuba gear while jumping around in the sky
That makes it ten times as retarded. Thanks for pointing that out.

If that's a harpoon then I'll eat my fucking shorts. It's probably some gay grappling hook shit for latching on to clouds or whatever bs these anime writers came up with on the spot.

If they don't make a xenoblade x2 after this I will be really upset.

we don't know what's below the clouds

All his outfits are almost guaranteed to have helmets and wrist mounted harpoons as a common element. His pet whatever it is needs somewhere to stay and the harpoon is used in at least one attack animation.
.The move is called Anchor Shot, so that's likely the idea.

>Wearing heavy scuba gear while jumping around in the sky
Even ignoring that we have no idea how the hell diving in the sky actually works in this fantasy world, that shit barely looks heavy.

>If that's a harpoon then I'll eat my fucking shorts.
It has a pointed end and he literally harpoons enemies with it in combat. Bon appetite.

Shulk was a typical whiny emofag tho

So long as they never use this artsyle again I'm fine. Also if they waste more time and budget on more X trash I'll fucking destroy Monolith hq. Takahashi needs to realize Gears and Saga were shit and move on, and make more Baten Kaitos or a new ip. Anything but muh Anime Star Wars please.

he had nothing to do with BK retard

I couldnt last 3 hours playing xenoblade before i had to quit out of boredom.

Everything about the combat was pushing the wrong buttons for me.

I hope this has different gameplay.

I know im in the minority since and lot of people liked it, but i really did try to enjoy it.

There are fucking floating whale titans in the sky big enough to hold villages ad mountains and you're trying to argue the schematics of appropriate fantasy sky battle wear?

Arm harpoons and diving helmets were never the bad of the design. It's the fact that he's wearing a fucking skintight onesie surrounded by armor that doesn't cover his shoulders or inner thighs for literally no reason and is also plastered in gears that dont do anything, with a few JRPG belts for good measure.

I'd honestly even go as far as to say that there's good ideas in parts of the design. But it all just gets fucked to hell in the middle

Shulks clothing has a weird aesthetic but at least it actually works like clothing. He has a vest, long sleeve shirt, shorts, maybe some kinda long johns coming out a bit, and shoes, it's weird, but it at least is still actually clothing.

I'd legit buy the shit outof a game with a protag that looks like that tin can


The game is literally unplayable like this. FUck everything.

How autistic does one have to be to make this image?

Good. I hope they don't. Xenoblade 3 babyyyyy


Grappling onto clouds sounds awesome as fuck. Have you never played a Xenoblade?


that was pretty out of character, what was takahashi thinking?

I dunno man, I think the scene where Rex started eating fish and chips out of nowhere was pretty weird considering that this is a Japanese game. I'm pretty sure he said something about mudslimes too.

Any news on a direct or anything like those XCX videos yet


Motherfucker, are we gonna be left in the dust until it releases
I want more info on how the battle system works, the scrub playing the game on Treehouse wasn't enough

dunban is holding monado 2 in this picture