>love interest fades into nonexistance after the final boss
Love interest fades into nonexistance after the final boss
>at the end of the next game you go back to the beginning of the first game to save your waifu
>Love interest is tied to the final boss, cannot exist without it
>But continues to exist until they do a wedding ceremony
Fuck Samurai Jacks ending, didnt even get to know his real name
Stop reminding me about the worst part of Gurren Lagann, Space Patrol Luluco and Kill La Kill.
> Love interest is the main antagonist
>love interest disappears, and no one but the protag remembers her
>even protag starts forgetting her, despite holding onto the memory as long as possible
I liked that 'next game'. Curious if the 3rd was as fun.
Cant find source by reversing. What is this?
>Kill la Kill
Nigga Senketsu was like her dad. That's fucked up.
>game has a love interest