Should I pull the trigger /v?

Should I pull the trigger /v?

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1060 is a complete joke

Don't forget to aim at your head first

I just built the same thing for 900 with a different case and extra shit.

Fuck no. I managed to build my current computer, and if I could, you can do it too. It's not hard.

*sips shekels*

come on I know Sup Forums isn't the brightest board out there but jesus christ even a retard knows its a scam to buy prebuilt

Why don't you just build a computer for cheaper and customize it your way?


This is actually a pretty decent way to get a capable machine on a budget. I recommend getting a 1050Ti, better value

Fuck me, what's the catch here?

Here. Try to get this if you MUST have a prebuilt.

>1060 3GB


Are there prebuilts with GTX 10XX models that are cost effective compared to buying the GPU directly right now?

1200 Dollars for a 3gb 1060?

That GPU is a joke and the 7600k is the only Intel CPU worth buying right now.

I bought a gtx 680, I7, 16gb ram for 1800 around 6 years ago. Did i overpay? It was my first gaming pc.

the catch is that it's shit

Can't overclock that i5 and that PSU won't be able to handle a more power hungry graphics card; the 1050 draws all its power from the PCIe port

It's 5 year old hardware, but desktop PCs have stagnated

It's not very good (probably as powerful as a PS4 graphics wise and weaker CPU-wise), and you basically have zero room for upgrading

It's $200 and can outperform modern consoles

go ahead and buy it then
have fun

>non-K i7 CPU
>GTX 1060 3GB and not the 6GB

That thing is a piece of shit. Go to the PC Build thread on Sup Forums and get some good advice, build your own.

That sounds like you were overpaying. 680 was possibly the top card on the market at that point (so conceivably $700), but the rest shouldnt be more than another $600 for mobo/CPU/PSU/RAM/HDD. Did you get an SSD? They were probably 10x more expensive then than they are now.

Not my build, but I'm sure he'll have fun

none. its a low range 1080p machine. should go ahead and get the 1050ti though at that point, same price. I found one for 110 at microcenter

Prebuilts are for normies. Wait until this ethereum bullshit clears up and build one.

Lmao wtf I'm in the same position as you

Yeah what I'm thinking is that it will ""run"" anything (as in there shouldn't be a single game on the market that would be unplayable on it)

But more importantly it would fucking murder the LoL/DOTA/CSGO/Overwatch/Minecraft/SC2/Skyrim that most PC gamers spend 90% of their time playing on their $2,000 machines

Sorry it was a 670 and it was more likely 5 years ago. It came with a sata 2tb and a 500gb ssd.

to be honest pre-mades aren't that bad anymore the reason why people mostly buy them is because they are small as fuck since the companies can change the hardware.

it might run anything on low settings with low fps

This list is so demanding

Problem with premade is that they're specced like shit. i7s with crazy amounts of RAM paired with entry level graphics cards and a PSU that can barely power it all
Also BTX format because fuck you

Wait til amazon prime day (if you have amazon prime)

The catch is he's buying off of ebay, any one of those could have a plethora of problesm

I've bought plenty of used desktops off lease from eBay and they never gave me problems

5 years ago a 500gb SSD, I'm guessing here but probably $500 USD by itself?

Post specs or bluff

Honestly user, it'll run pretty much anything.

I'd still go for something a bit beefier than a 1050, but, you're basically putting points into main stats and ignoring soft stats, but, that's fine for a budget build.

>thousands of people are playing Medieval 2: Total War a decade after its release

If you're going to buy a prebuilt, stick to consoles

>he fell for the needing expensive PSU meme.

>buying pre-built

Buy this, sell the 1060 for a ridiculous amount on ebay or whatever, then buy a 1080 with your profits.

Prebuilts actually make a ton of sense right now because of the GPU mining bubble. You can get a Prebuilt, sell the mid-range GPU it came with, and then get a high end GPU and a replacement power supply if necessary.

What would you upgrade first.

He could have easily shaved off 200 dollars on that case alone.

The only pre-built PC I would buy is one with some fancy watercooling shit, like those acrylic tubes and whatever, because I can't do stuff like that.
But otherwise, it's just legos OP.

Buy a time machine to 2021 for when you're actually going to need a computer better than that

$1,200 for that boring pc ?
I need more light and rainbow keyboard

I don't remember honestly. I just know it was like 1800 and i always felt like i overpaid.

Then help me out

Aesthetics and warranty are the only real attraction of prebuilts.

If you look at something and say "I won't be able to do that without fucking up" no amount of saving money will get you that result.

Depends on what kind of power supply you've got there, drop a new GPU in there and you would get a significant improvement.

don't be a retard and do it yourself

>GTX 1060
wew lad

I went ahead and revised the build

A 1060 alone costs over half that at this point.

My friend has an older version of one of these. He's had some many problems, and has had to reinstall the OS at least twice

>Unironically not having 16 of GB and atleast 4GB of GPU

Explain yourself

>Prebuilts actually make a ton of sense right now because of the GPU mining bubble.
Then in a few months when the bubble has burst and stock has returned to normal you will be kicking yourself.
>You can get a Prebuilt, sell the mid-range GPU it came with, and then get a high end GPU and a replacement power supply if necessary.
A lot of those tiny pre-builts like OP have special cooling systems that make it difficult or impossible to switch out a GPU or PSU. And either way it's still a waste of money.

>smores pop tarts
>not cinnamon and sugar
Get out.

It's pointless

That's still nearly a dollar per Pop Tart. That doesn't seem like a very good discount despite the quantity.

new gpu

that's a cheap sex doll

Check the prices on 780Ti, or 980-980Ti.

Might be competitive, and they're a pretty fair upgrade over the 1050Ti.

GPU market is a shit show right now though.

Logical increments is a good site.

If a man is horny, he will fuck broken plastic.

The point of the 1050 is that it's the best card in the world that can be dropped in any shitty office prebuild that doesn't have power supply pinouts because it's under 75 watts

>Then in a few months when the bubble has burst and stock has returned to normal you will be kicking yourself.
No, because you will still have a decent PC with a high end GPU which you probably couldn't have afforded otherwise thanks to flipping the mid-ranged card to retarded miners.
>A lot of those tiny pre-builts like OP have special cooling systems that make it difficult or impossible to switch out a GPU or PSU.
Only the really tiny form factor ones use anything special these days, no clue about OP's prebuilt in particular but it doesn't look like one that would use a special snowflake MXM GPU or a proprietary PSU.

The only thing worth upgrading in that is the GPU and even then 960 is still alright.

Do you really want to spend a lot of money on something you're just going to stick your dick into?

Sounds like a good choice then.

For that price, yeah.

At first glance I thought this was $389 for 6 boxes of poptarts

>tfw cant find any gtx 1060 3gb from anyone but a private seller
what happened

Thank you for remembering the Pop Tarts.

Nobody ever fucking does these days.

Think there will be gud deal on Amazon's Prime day? Last year it was shit.

Ditch the HP case and fashion one out of poptart boxes.

of course not, but most men do

Mining bubble inflated all GPU prices outside of the high end.


PSUs are pretty cheap. I got a 750w unit for about $70 back in 2010 and it's lasted me through multiple builds. $70 is only expensive if you're going for a hobobuild.

It's better to check if that hp has 1x4gb ram or 2x2gb ram sticks. It's not efficient to pair 1 4gb stick with 2 2gb ones. You either go 2x4gb or 4x2gb. Otherwise, that's a good sub-200 budget build

You can't remove the GPU out of the PC so there's that

A lot of people are really paranoid about PSUs exploding and taking the rest of their hardware with them.

Happened to a friend of mine, I've bought nothing but expensive PSUs since, even though I know I'm not getting anywhere near value for money.

but the piece of shit 1050 is available everywhere for 100-150 bucks
fug dis

Its too shitty for miners to bother with

>tfw have still not replaced my R9 290X

No idea what to get.

Yeah, because the 1050 is the best card that can't run the Ethereum miner

When did nVidia cards git gud at mining? Back in the day it was all about AMD cards

Still, it's more a case of spending $70 for something that will last a long time vs. saving $20 for something fishy.

Window 7

Just like a console then

>Fallout 4
>Arma 3
>Civ 6
>Euro Truck Sim 2
>DaS 3
>War Thunder
>Dead by Daylight
>NBA 2K17
>Black Cocks 3
>Elite Dangerous
>Dying Light
>The Division
>The Forest
>Dishonored 2
>American Truck Sim
>DaS 2
>CoH 2
>Friday the 13th

These games require anything from a GTX 750 Ti to a GTX 1060 for a decent experience, so yea, I'd say they're pretty demanding.

new display and gpu

Nice meme

Okay where did my post go?

Somebody made CUDAminer

well congrats, you bought a console without any of the console exclusive games