Australia level

>Australia level
>Land Down Under starts playing

Other urls found in this thread:

>Australian server
>internet suddenly drops to less than 1 mbps

>japanese level

>1 mbps
Look at Mr. Lightning Speed over here. We don't even measure speed in Mbps, we measure it in Kbps.

I measure mine in bps.

>America level
>Shoes in the fridge

>European level
>Arabian music starts playing

>Vietnam level
>it ain't me doesn't play

But I thought that song was about Brazil

>it ain't me starts playing


>european level
>smell-o-vision starts emitting the stink of piss and sewage


It's by an Australian band, how did you come to that conclusion? They even talk about Vegemite, a food only Australians could possibly enjoy.

>European level
>تلعب اغنية المسلمين

>French level
>bongo drums start playing

>American level
>The characters wear their shoes to bed

>Australia level
>NPC gives you a ground harness

I'm getting NiOh tomorrow and if this doesn't happen at least once I'm gonna be bummed

Maybe if you're poor.

>american level
>you have to tip for the cops for arresting you



being poor has nothing to do with it you dumb cunt. An unacceptable percentage of households are still stuck on ADSL.

>Canadian level
>RUSH starts playing

This is always my favorite one.

has there literally ever been a mission set in australind?

>American level

>Burger music plays

>Swedish level
>Saleel al-Sawarim starts playing

>t. slack jaw, not much to say

The entire Mad Max game. It should be illegal to post thicc that good



Please tell me there's more of her
I need it

>Desert level
>Doot doot

>Mexican level
>ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay mamacita

>Mexican Level
>Mariachi Music plays over the cries of dead Drug Dealers

Yes, I love it, fuck those Buzzfeed shitter Fakexicans that think it's a bad stereotype, we beaners love it!

Srsly fuck those vaguely hispanic latinx bullshit, posting about "When your mom grabs the Chancla but she's still on the chisme"bullshit, they aren't true mexicans fuck you

why in the everloving fuck would you think that?

> Mexican level

>spanish level
>acoustic gruitar starts playing

Calm down, user.

>spanish level
>feminist music intensifies

> Not castañuelas
You fucked up

>canadian level
>this starts playing:

The best 2bh

>mexican level
>poverty music starts playing

>australian level
>upside down music starts playing

>2011 games
>Party rockers starts playing


There was a level in the original Rainbow Six

>Calm down, user.
I got really mad at the whole "Mexican Mario is racist" fiasco


>muslim level
>terrorist music starts playing

>jew level
>shekel music starts playing

>nigger level
>crime music starts playing

>indian level
>poo music starts playing

>chink level
>chink music starts playing

>gook level
>traditional japanese music starts playing

>best korea level
>no music starts playing

>brazil level
>monkey music starts playing

>britbong level
>terrorist music starts playing

>french level
>baguette music starts playing

>spain level
>mexican music starts playing

>greek level
>debt music starts playing

>turkey level
>roach music starts playing

>russian level
>game forces you to play music

>antarctic level
>flat music starts playing

>moon level
>american music starts playing

>Ethiopia level
>human hunger noises start playing


Look at this povo cunt

Why would a dude with an Australian accent singing about vegemite be referring to Brazil?

>australian poster
>it's a shitpost

>>best korea level
>>no music starts playing

You couldn't be more wrong

>implying it's not nasheeds
That or cuck porn audio

Seriously, why the fuck do the americlappers wear shoes INSIDE their homes???
I was an exchange student for a whole year back in my High-School days, and this bothered me so fucking much.

I feel you

>Mexican Mario is racist

Yeah, I got pretty mad too.
Why do a small minority of social media commentators and bloggers get to decide what is and isn't allowed?

Fuck those limpwrists and their newspeak horseshit.

Fuck off.

Never happened.

I know you, they think that mexicans are pussies like blacks or muslis to take a joke.
Is even worse when they say to be mexican or latin but haven't got a foot out of burgerland, and even worse when they aren't latins like that jew girl from ubisoft that got triggered from meximario

>source: my ass