Why is it losing players?
Because that's what happens to fighting games after launch: They lose players. Wanna hear something interesting? Tekken 7 is losing players slower than most fighting games, and has more players than anything but Capcom/NRS games. This is bait. Fuck you. Sage'd.
Because it's a fighting game.
I just played it for the first time at an arcade. Gameplay-wise it feels like a slight step back from 6 and Tag 2. The slowdowns need to be taken out imo. I do love the new characters and the graphics. But I hate the "spark" moves or whatever they're called.
Pretty funny because 6 & Tag 2 were already a step back from T5 & T3 due to those shitty bound mechanics. I guess T7 further digresses from where Tag 2 left off.
because fighting games
No one cares about fighting games anymore
I stopped playing it because ranked online was nothing but an endless juggle. One miss step and you are juggled to the corner and then juggled to death .
It doesn't. It's pretty widely agreed that T7 is a better game than 6 and TTT2. The more you understand about how to play TTT2 the more of a mess the game becomes.
Obviously if you only play casually then the huge roster in TTT2 will probably be more entertaining.
Because I don't have the level of autism that is required to git gud.