Why is it losing players?
Because that's what happens to fighting games after launch: They lose players. Wanna hear something interesting? Tekken 7 is losing players slower than most fighting games, and has more players than anything but Capcom/NRS games. This is bait. Fuck you. Sage'd.
Because it's a fighting game.
I just played it for the first time at an arcade. Gameplay-wise it feels like a slight step back from 6 and Tag 2. The slowdowns need to be taken out imo. I do love the new characters and the graphics. But I hate the "spark" moves or whatever they're called.
Pretty funny because 6 & Tag 2 were already a step back from T5 & T3 due to those shitty bound mechanics. I guess T7 further digresses from where Tag 2 left off.
because fighting games
No one cares about fighting games anymore
I stopped playing it because ranked online was nothing but an endless juggle. One miss step and you are juggled to the corner and then juggled to death .
It doesn't. It's pretty widely agreed that T7 is a better game than 6 and TTT2. The more you understand about how to play TTT2 the more of a mess the game becomes.
Obviously if you only play casually then the huge roster in TTT2 will probably be more entertaining.
Because I don't have the level of autism that is required to git gud.
I stopped playing because I was spending more time in warm-up than in actual matches.
Because everyone plays brawlhalla now.
git gud
because getting good at Tekken really is like having a job. Other fighters like SFV and Guilty Gear are far less demanding on the player IMO. Doesn't help that Tekken 7 doesn't have shit for a tutorial.
i only got this game for the easy achievements
Because I got to put in 9 hours before my wife and newborn baby flew to me and now I don't have time for any games. Hell, I tried to play Warcraft 3 because I can pause it but I end up not being able to come back to it until a day or more later.
Because gitting gud at most fighting games shows progress.
>Gitting gud at Mahvel
You can do these super long combos, wave dashing, triangle crossups and setups
>Gitting gud at Street Fighter
You can do combos with 100% consistency (In V anyway), you can correctly pressure opponent, you're untouchable in the neutral game, you hit your meaties correctly and tech throws
>Gitting gud at Tekken
You can correctly Korean Backdash, you can do good juggle combos... And?
It's really hard to know when you're gitting gud at tekken. So most people think there's no progress.
I'm not saying tekken is easy or anything of the sort, just there's no VISIBLE progress.
It's not very good
TTT2 was better game, fairer mechanics, bigger roster.
>TTT2 was better game, fairer mechanics
>fairer mechanics
>get juggled and finally land on the ground
>1 out of 10 decisions is the correct decision, otherwise you get juggled again
Because it's one of the most successful fighting games ever, so obviously it's not going to stay at 10k+ players constantly after the non-fighting game people stop playing it
Still has a good amount on PC and much more on ps4 though so your falseflag shit won't ever work or be true
>falseflag shit
So you deny Tekken is bleeding players at an alarming rate? The game has been out for a month and barely a quarter of the initial playerbase are still playing regularly. How much of a cocksucking fanboy do you need to be?
At this rate, the game will be dead in a few months.
more players than SFV ever had, which is the much more popular game
and yes it's falseflag shit because you're trying to stir shit up over literally nothing. still has many players and is just getting down to its actual core playerbase now after the initial rush of non-fighting game players buying it in the first week. keep trying
>TTT2 was better game
>fairer mechanics
this, tekken 7 is doing perfectly right now.
because no crossplay
thats why SFV is still kang
Shit story and characters
Why do I need to drill complex inputs to be able to back dash repeatedly without delay when 2D fighters just let me backdash repeatedly simply by tapping back several times?
SFV is atrocious, Injustice 2 is fun but hard to learn, GG is for weebs and Tekken is brutal because you can lose in two combos and it'll feel like you didn't even have a chance to do anything about it.
>TTT2 was better game, fairer mechanics
This is what plebs believe. They actually think the game with bound is gud. I never bothered with T7, but it's due to how fucking shit T6 & Tag 2 were. That and none of my mains are in T7. They friggin took out Julia and didn't even replace her with anyone who plays similar to her.
because 2D fighters don't let you move like that
>because no crossplay
Seriously why not. It's one thing when the console companies don't play ball but Namco didn't even try.
I like fighting games and this is right. Unlike other games where you can unlock new worlds, weapons and armor, the only way to get further in a fighting game is to git gud.
Can I get a quick rundown on this Kazuya Mishima charater?
apparently sony wont allow crossplay between other consoles
so then an alternative would have been crossplay between sony + steam and xbox + win10, but then youre splitting the pc base (which as a pc player i would have prefered)
so they decided to not have crossplay
this is the problem with you Aris cock suckers. You are literally his "2017"ers.
TTT2 was such a great tekken game, and probably the best tekken game we'll ever get. Basically every top level player would agree as well. Ask anyone. The only reason Aris hates it was cause he fucking lost non-stop, literally killed his competitive drive. The only "issue" was that it was too hard especially in this current market (Tag Assault, bound, and 2 characters ontop of that). Every fighting game has been and will continued to be dumbed-down.
>The more you understand about how to play TTT2 the more of a mess the game becomes
I mean, what? You are literally mentally retarded. Your statement makes no sense at all.
>Bound was a bad mechanic
No, it was a good mechanic. Super punishing and made me want to throw up when I got juggled and that's the Tekken I fucking love, a super punishing game that's heavily reliant movement.
It's Tekken and Tekken is a shit 3D fighter series.
>dying in two touches is good
>tag crashing out of a wall/corner situation is good
I thought it was because of all the "cheaters" on PC
I went back to guilty gear
it's actually the complete opposite. As a ps4 player, there are significantly more people on PC than on Ps4.
You're fucking retarded. and quite obvious that you've never played a tekken game before 7
>dying in two touches is good
You can tag out. It was a 2man team for a reason. And so, you had "3" touches. "3" because getting a full 70-80% combo on someone is incredibly rare.
Both of your complaints are "complaints" that still exist with tekken today. A full optimized combo on any character in this game is going to do at least 65 (if not 70+ cause I'm really lowballing here) damage off of a df2 or a hopkick. If you take 2 of those you're basically already about to die.
yes I'm sure tag crashing exists in tekken 7, a 1v1 tekken game
only post here after you turn 14, thanks
kek this is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on Sup Forums.
>no VISIBLE progress
Tekken is a touch of death series. One misstep is 50% of your life bar. That's why there are three rounds. Even if you don't have a juggle heavy character (King, Gigas) you'll lose that much on throws and stuff.
That's just the kind of game it is. It would be a lot more accessible if they bothered to explain the mechanics of the game and your basic options but they left that out so its bleeding players
>I'm not saying tekken is easy or anything of the sort, just there's no VISIBLE progress.
How about your rank you stupid cunt
Its because Namco does not want to or does not know how to. If it was about Sony then they could have just done PC and Xbox crossplay. Namco and Capcom are supposed to share online tech with each other so it may be possible down the line
Tekken devs originally didn't anticipate continuous backdashes and KBD is a 'bug' based on the way the engine was designed. Just like combos were a bug in Street Fighter.
What they should do is get rid of KBD and allow no-delay backdashing but then autists would complain because it removes artificial difficulty.
Giving intended behavior without the execution requirement removes the possibility of messing up.
Yea the lack of tutorial or at least list of everything you can do is pretty annoying
I think fighting games are beyond the point where things should be hidden, especially tekken where inputs that every character has are something you could just never know about unless you hear about it on some stream, like fucking chicken, which only works on like, 7 characters or so
Bringing a soulcaliber player into a tekken thread not realizing people may just not like the game
>apparently sony wont allow crossplay between other consoles
Can be considered the main character of the series. Good all-rounder, high execution Mishima (EWGF), pretty crazy rage drive.
Now this guy watches Aris
Only black people play Tekken.
Because the launch was just as bad as SFV, and worse in some aspects even.
As someone picking up the series for the first time this is 100% true.
SF V will show me combos in-game and you pick up tech just by playing a bunch.
Tekken requires that you know every last thing about your characters, and that you be able to consistently pull off lengthy combo strings.
I feel like retard because Yoshimitsu, Katarina, and Chloe are the only characters I can win with right now.
I'm trying go pick up Dragonuv and Kazumi but each character requires a ton of learning
PC is not a competing console, retard.
other consoles as in xbox, theyre okay with steam. i'd say switch too but apparently rocket league is getting crossplay so they must be included
I think it would make the game more accessible to new comers in a way that doesn't really damage the game too much. KBD isn't that hard imo its just annoying to move around like that.
I actually thing some 'better feeling' movement, like an upgrade to the engine would really move the series forward. I'll get called a heretic but w/e
Yea, I don't really know anything about tekken and he does some tutorial stuff, so since i started playing it I started watching him.
Another example of shit you would have no fucking clue about until you saw someone do it is handsprings
Maybe it's just because i've never played a tekken game before 7, but after watching some comp play I had to fucking google that shit because how the fuck am i supposed to know
Also TT2's character designs weren't vomit inducing.
kek sorry. I completely missed out on the whole tag crashing thing because that is one of the DUMBEST complaints I've ever seen.
Tag crashing was an easy way to circumvent your first complaint, you stupid fuck, and getting off the ground since in Tekken, getting off the ground is usually pretty difficult.
No to mention, tag crashing was punishable (was minus on block; admittedly, was hard to punish on block), can be parried, your leaving character can still take damage for a very short period of time, and could be sidewalked and into a punish. You lose your rage and red health upon tag crashing.
Tag crash was a very balanced mechanic and your complaints are a fallacy. Please, come back here when you aren't 14.
Next year it won't break 1k. The next time a Tekken game will break 1k again is when T8 comes out unless it sucks more than 7.
Fag crash was better than one button ultras for babbies.
450 of those are also SFV players
Are you talking about Aris? You're fucking retarded. You were still in fucking diapers sucking on your dad's tits when Aris was competing in Tekken, you stupid mongrel. He only ever competed (and did well) in soulcalibur 2.
And you know why I can tell it's a bunch of aris cock gobblers? Because ONLY aris hates TTT2. Nobody else does. Every other tournament competitor loves ttt2.
Because playing casually loses its appeal fast because it's a fighting game.
It only loses players on PC, like all multiplat games.
And how do you prove it's losing players?
Oh, right.
Game is boring, its Tekken 5 AGAIN for the fourth time.
Terribly stagnant series at this point. Most stagnant series in the genre by far.
Meta remains the same shit every time with slightly different tier changes because of some arbitrary framedata nerfs and buffs for characters.
Day1 I could stomp people with really fucking oldass Feng bnbs, after like two days I was used to the very few changes like screws so it barely felt like I was playing a new game.
The games are still kinda getting worse while staying the same shit.
Tekken7 has garbage performance all around, lobbies are so bad that they make 2009 games look like netplay heaven, it has less content than any other Tekken game since 5, the soundtrack is fucking GARBAGE and the few new mechanics they did introduce feel tacked on as shit.
It has less custom shit than previous Tekken games even though it recycles heavily from other games. Thats just disgusting. Game feels unpolished and rushed as fuck.
All of this after TWO years of delays.
This is the last Tekken game I'm touching until Harada gets off his ass to actually make a real sequel.
Be thankful at least she's untouched. Bruce was my main since T5 and now he's deleted and replaced by a boring crying waifu.
In all honesty, Bruce was pretty boring too