Did I do well Sup Forums?

Did I do well Sup Forums?

There is one bad game here


And it's persona 5
>inb4 triggered weebs

Persona really isn't that bad

Say what you will about persona, but I enjoy these types of games user.

You're obviously talking about Andromeda, but I'm going to pretend you mean Persona so I can make an original and witty reply that will gain me internet points from my fellow Sup Forums users.

>Buying a Bioware game in the current year
>playing PS4 in the current millennium
>shopping at GameStop in the this plane of existence
three strikes and you're out

I actually just purchased andromeda from faggotstop today because of that little deal they had. 19.99 for a few brand new games, including titanfall 2, battlefield 1, has been heroes, and some other titles. ME:A seemed like the best choice.

That's not Nioh or Bloodborne fucking fag.

You should get titan fall 2. Singleplayer and multiplayer both are pretty fun.

I have both you child.

play andromeda without patching it for the optimal experience user



Tell me user, can I get persona 5 on steam or Xbox one? Is it on the steam summer sale perhaps?

You can buy a PS3 for $10 and Persona 5 on that.

Why should I do that and suffer longer load times? Just to impress you? Looool

You live in Commiefornia, you can't really "impress" me, I'm just trying to save you some cash before the fault lines bust.


>He bought Ass Defect: Memedromeda
Atleast P5 is good

>Mass effect

No,you did horribly wrong.