SGDQ 2017

NOW: Doom (2016)
NEXT: Half Life 2
LATER: Silent Hill 2


STREAM: twitch


Silent Hill 2 baby please

ironic weebs

first for clipping through walls and woooooooooo

>excited for doom run
>had to take care of some shit
>come back
>runner is so boring he makes the run boring as fuck
has it been like this for the past 20 minutes?

why is a 20 year old game 100% less glitchy than its sequel released last year

lke how hard is it to make walls work


bad game



Doom 2 when?

what was your first 4chins board?

looking forward to all the furry shitposting during that run


Reminder to block and report every ironic weeb cancer that posts in Twitch chat

That looks problematic.

>no undertale this year

Post Peter Griffins

>tfw you can't go back

Just got home, how's this run been thus far?

He didn't pick up that figurine did he?

Reminder that if you interact with twitch chat in any way you're retarded.

>Original DOOM
>Not glitchy

pick one son


He's literally balancing and slow walking on a beam. If this is an acceptable Doom speedrun you can fuck right off.

is the half life guy or this guy more skilled? just wondering

also by how much

walls literally don't matter

Sup Forums
fucking habbo raids brought me to Sup Forums in 2006

>tfw i'm on that list

Lel that fat guys behind him looks bored af.

>he's too dumb to write a grease monkey to auto hide any images that have href links containing forsen, moon or cir

I don't know anything about this current runner, but he looks like someone who's going to transition any day now.

Boring as shit.

Why are the guys on the couch looking down with their eyes closed?

Sup Forums like most of these other retards

they weren't fucking kidding, jesus christ

Awful. Anons talking about masturbation is more entertaining.



>tfw the runner's not putting the integrity to a test


Twitch chat is literally people from Sup Forums

>having twitch chat open in the first place

I'm enjoying this run. The glitches are fun.

just filter it famalam

worst run
worst Doom
compared to this shit it's solid as a rock

2/3 doods in his posse are crossed arms nodding off

A Doom run is actually making me sleepy.

The monitor they are watching is on the floor.


>twitch chat too autistic to see the difference between friendly shit talking and "cringe nerd rage XDDD", so DrTChops will be forever known as the whining couch guy

I guess any publicity is good though.


Why can't Bethesda program a good game?

>I'll... probably survive?
>instantly explodes
that's hilarious

it's on easy and he's just wallhacking, it's boring as shit

>"I'll probably survive"
>body explodes

that was good


This isn't Doom mate.

Dude it's the fre*king 4th why in the heck are you watching a bunch of nerds play games really fast? Go watch some fireworks and get a life.

Well at the very least you can use the increased friction from the cum stains against your testicles to cum quicker.

go away funcannon


Really? Is it just the game or the runner? He sounds like a fag.


drtchops is too sleepy to carry this

why are people clapping over a video game?

are americans this deluded and dull?

>Got done jerking off in my shorts
>They gonna go in the wash in a few hours anyway so why the fugg not
>Mum comes in shortly after
>"Hmmm, have you sprayed something user? It smells different but I really like it"

I can't remember her exact words, but this DID happen. It was an abstract kind of feel.


wtf what game is this from

>Not having Twitch chat open to see all the TriHard spams during Donkey Kong

fuck off stupid neneposter

>using save states in a speedrun in case you fuck up
What's the point in doing these strats if you aren't 100% efficient in them?

Post Yayaka lewds

it's the runner, he's doing it on easy and estimate is just an hour and a half.

You can blacklist words if you use bttv
really useful for those retards who like to spam emotes only because they paid their literal who eceleb $5 for them

What's the fastest you've ever completed a game Sup Forums?

who is this man?


Thank God I'm not so autistic I can't enjoy this run

Sup Forums

but you have to have frankerfacez to see nepSmug and the only reason to have ffz is for nepSmug :thinking:

Why can't you watch a good anime?

>not partaking in lightspeed shitposting

I'm not amerigan. Man I wish I was. I want a big burger, a big gas guzzler, a big gun and a big booty bitch. It's not fair.

What if Bethesda hired Nene to perform QA on their games?

thats a good question
I honestly dont have a clue

why is the goat milf so THICC


>has done exactly 1 trick first try the entire run

Fuck. Wrong image.

For a Doom speedrun there's very little rip and tear.

shes wants the d

i finished in ur mom in 2 seconds

so is it bad if I've only successfully masturbated once in my life before and it's super hard for me to cum because I've been edging my life and it's killed my dick?

>rub cum on my neck and wrists daily for fragrance
>keeps drying and cracking
>people are starting to get suspicious of how much "dry skin" I keep peeling off
How the fuck do you guys deal with this?


Reminds her of her college days.

When I was a teenager I got my SMB time down to like 6 minutes

Lame I wonder what original doom speedruns are like.