Protagonist completely changes in the sequel

>protagonist completely changes in the sequel

Zero escape series
Really disappointed in junpei


what game?

Is that a wig or hair extensions? I'm impressed if it's hair extensions and wonder why there are still young baldies.

>Pre HRT
>Looks like a Jobs stand in for Michael Fassbender.
>Post HRT
>Looks like an extra in La La Land.
Looks like he's losing either way.

they look the same one is a balding neckbeard hipster and the other is a carnie reject hipster.

I'm not the same boy you grew up with.

Sorry, but I am done with playing the action hero.

Her head is way smaller, doesnt compute.

You're right, user. How could someone who experiences a traumatic event, and then further trauma throughout his job for the next two years, transition through a severe personality change, considering that personality is dynamic and always changing anyway? Everybody should live a happy fulfilling life like yourself where bad events never happen and life is made of lollipops and rainbows! An hero, underage trash

Wew lad

fuck off retard

>that filename
Kill yourself, redditor.

That is my internal response when I see posters like the one I responded to.

how much anime did he watch before transitioning?

you regrow your bald patches if you become a woman


hipster doesnt mean what you think it means

what's the word to describe someone who's blind to perspectives?

Damn, she's hot.

>Side character becomes cute in the sequel

id hit it

just saw this on reddit

is this the worlds biggest comb over

Jesus christ she is fucking wife tier

>have zero issue with finding trans people attractive
>think people who feel that way and loudly insist they are TOTALLY STRAIGHT are fucking funny

you like dick too,just on a more feminine body you faggots

Never happened

>Character becomes what they hated most

Jesus Christ this reminds me of my friends roommate, walked in on the faggot wearing a skirt and when I confronted him he admired he liked the feeling of being girly. I couldn't tell anyone about this either or it would ruin him. He displayed link for me too which was pretty awkward

This was a fucking crime. Such a fucking cute femmy guy turned into some ugly disgusting tranny. He should have just trapped. Never go full retard.

>wife tier
>10-12 year old kid

Dr. user, I'm CIA.

Is this pic real?


>find a cute girl who likes you
>it's actually a fucking fag with an identity crisis

he actually de-transitioned, forgot his name though

Gays need to be executed.

If its a cute girl then fuck him like one.

sounds like you got burned user-did you find out there was a penis mid-makeout?


I'd drop them, after I hit it of course

>Optional love interest is better than the canon one

While I don't have a problem with transgenders and their efforts to transition: It should be illegal to do such a thing to a child.

A child doesn't have any context, is still in development, and I know while some might say, "that's the point- start early", what might seem like a big deal as a child can at times be grown out of or just be the product of overbearing/influential parents.

My point is: if we don't trust children to vote, drink, or the military, why would we trust them to make such a huge life choice as changing genders?

I consider this kind of thing to be child abuse.

>isnt biologically that gender
>thinks its in same league and normalized
>will never legitimately reproduce as that gender
>will always need to visit some clinic and force some forced fertilization

Sorry, ma'am. I'm not into fucking DUDES.

But you're totally down with it before you knew? What does that make you? Shallow imo

Isn't he going bald?

>really cute girl
>but you can't stick your dick in a fishy, smelly axe wound so it's not okay

What is Catherine for PS3?

>user would rather fuck the "female" on the right

yeah because sticking your dick into a smelly disgusting shit filled asshole is so much better right

>looks like a girl
>acts like one
>wants to get treated like a girl
>wants to get fucked like a girl

You should've just pumped that boipussy full with some nice thick cum and then dumped the tranny

>protagonist is allowed to be customized in extremely dynamic ways compared to the party members

>defending anything in ZTD

Marry, fuck, kill

Cannot agree more with you

Exactly, like that Jasmine girl, she can't fully transition now because she started way too early in her life while she was no where near fully developed

you can clean an asshole pretty well actually

there are also other things to stick your dick in

But I think ZTD is a piece of trash that should have never been created and Uchi should shoot himself. That doesn't remove the existence of conditioning and experience, and dynamic personality, in the real world.

In this case it was an improvement

marry and fuck bailey, kill amy

sup shit taste user.

I mean, I understand why he would change but he's so much less likeable.

>"you shouldn't judge people based on what they look like!"
>"btw I have a crippling mental affliction and the only cure is to change how I look like"

It is certainly a complicated issue, but I don't think in the majority of cases its the kid just saying "I want this" and everyone bending over to allow them to transition. The vast majority of these cases are after years of therapy and various stages of different drug regimens; not the tumblr self diagnosis route. I don't think it is either fair to say that the majority of trans children are that way because of SJW parents wanting them to have xir on their birth certificate and pressuring them to their ideal gender standards.

The coin flip and dice roll scenes were genius though

This is retarded thinking.

>Want to drink Tea
>grab a bottle of tea colored fluid
>open it up and it smells like nasty sewage water and turns out to be
>complain to the company
>"fucking deal with it shitlord, you liked it when you saw it"

Tranny's put on a fake facade of being something they are not. I don't want someone to just look like a woman, they better be a woman.

Fuck off. Dicks in vagina is the literal biological evolution of our species. It literally evolved to feel good.

it's how some people cope. Not all trans people transition. Nice ignorance.

Marissa Maddison

>she can't fully transition now because she started way too early in her life while she was no where near fully developed
Wait are you saying that because she started hormone therapy to go through puberty as a female, her male genitalia wasn't developed enough to allow for a successful SRS?

yeah dicks in ass feels good too because the prostate is back there. You can orgasm hands free if you massage your prostate. So gay sex is actually better for dudes since we have that. I wonder why some women prefer anal to vaginal though. They must be insane.

>Food analogy

Ugggh, how fucking revolting. A disgusting balding, manlet Jew with bolt on tits and then there's Bailey Jay.

Marry that Cupboard
Fuck Tranny
Kill Amu

Trans people have a mental problem and need to seek professional help. They should not be encouraged to pretend to be something else.

Okay, you got me. The coin flip was pretty great. I don't really remember the dice roll though.

wait really?

Coin flip was good

The diceroll wasn't because that's not how real life works

How do I into a hands free prostate orgasm?

Women like anal because it's not physical it's mental. They like too feel subjugated, demeaned, and used. It's hot as fuck and literally a patrician fetish.

how did he regrow his hair?

almost everyone in the world pretends to be something they are not.

this is a ton of autism to justify your extremely fragile heterosexuality

rogaine and lots of wario land 4

It would have been ok if he wasn't still willing to suck up everything Akane shits out. Their romance at the end without really addressing the past bullshit felt so boring, just a tsundere/yandere pair.

>all those fucking hons on /r/transtimelines


my guess is either medication, some sort of transplant, or hormones revitalized hair growth.

>car gets damaged
>call the guy who claims to be a repairman
>guy appears, dressed like a repairman, has a truck like a repairman, other people tell me he is a repairman
>ask him to repair my car
>"I'm not really a repair man, I can't fix this"
>wasted my time calling the fake repairman
>wasted my time waiting for the fake repairman
>now im going to have to go through the whole process of getting another repairman
There you go. Now kill yourself.

>literal evolution of our species is defined by heterosexual sex
>this is autism.

Really sad user.

And we draw the line when they start to mutilate their genitals.

What would you do if you ran across a cute girl and at the last second you find out they have a dick

would look cute if she lost the nose ring.

How can you tell the difference? One's ugly to the point of still looking male after all this time, made a living off of being a disgusting slut for people on camera, and the other is Bailey Jay.

Define "last second"

Why? Is that the only way you'll be able to stop lusting after them?

get off Sup Forums junpei

Punch em in the face like that Marine in Thailand. Freaks should pay for their deception.

If you find that image of the Dave Chappelle quote about slut uniforms, you can post that image and save yourself a lot of typing in the future.

It depends how they look.
If they look too masculine, knowing they are transsexual would ruin it, even though I'd be fine if they were a somewhat masculine female. If they look like a hot babe its just a bonus though.

>what might seem like a big deal as a child can at times be grown out of or just be the product of overbearing/influential parents

They can stop hormone treatment at any time and develop exactly how they would have without HRT. In children the treatment used delays puberty so if they change their mind it's no big deal. Trying to transition post puberty is much, much harder.