What the fuck is his endgame?

What the fuck is his endgame?

I don't even know who he is. Who the fuck are those guys? I'm fine with the time travel bullshit and the fact that everybody is Xehanort, but I don't understand Kingdom Hearts χ.

He's Xehanort's Bodyless

He's the Master of Masters' sixth apprentice, tasked with carrying the keyblade No Heart so the Master can see into the future.

Also he has a black box that does /something/ and he can never open it.

Is this about that movie thing based off of the phone game?


>Also he has a black box that does /something/ and he can never open it.
The box Maleficent is looking for in 3?

This will end up like ZTD.

That's what we assume.

Please tell me this isn't actually a thing now


MoM tasked Luxu with carrying it until it was time to open it but didn't say what was inside

but we know what it will be

It's not, but he's most likely Xehanort's master.

Kek, it isn't but his keyblade is No Heart which is passed down in secret so that the Master of Masters can see into the future from the past
The Master of Masters is convolution personified

he's also the best character since braig

>but didn't say what was inside
Yes he did, which made Luxu ask why the fuck he'd put such a thing in said box

Okay I meant didn't say what was inside to the viewers

What if he just put some fucking sea-salt ice cream inside the box instead of his heart like everyone says

Kingdom Hearts is in the box.

In all seriousness I think it's probably the proto form of the Cornerstone of Light

He probably is Braig for all we know. Maybe his eye that isn't Xehanort is the MoM's, their personalities are too similar and perfect.

The Cornerstone of Light was just a throwaway McGuffin so we could have an old timey Disney world, so I doubt it.

We don't need a fourth fucking Kingdom Hearts.

It's a device that darkness is incapable of reaching.

The only time KH has actually shown up was in BBS

The gacha mobage sucks.


Actually that wasn't kingdom hearts either. The supplementary data in 3D states that the Blue Kingdom Hearts was yet another artificial kingdom hearts like the one in 2.

People will say it was probably made of the hearts of the people in the keyblade war

Kingdom Hearts could be a person.

Not really. In 0.2, when Ansem Seeker of Darkness is screaming about Kingdom Hearts, Aqua goes "the fuck?" and then Mickey has to explain how it's "not exactly the Kingdom Hearts she knows".


yeah but which one tho


KH: Nothing, just darkness.
KH 2: Hearts
BSS: More hearts

>You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt... Kingdom Hearts... is yeah but which one tho

Hey, that's how I remember it going.

Kingdom Hearts is Xehanort

pretty mediocre after 358/2 days

Yeah, we need a third.

Why did they have to go back to their own timelines when they failed to turn Sora?


Amazing how this seems sensible compared to what we know now.


At least the plot in kh was never good like it was in ze for the most part

Despite memes I followed along everything perfectly up until Chi. No idea what the fuck a foreteller is.

Same. And its a fucking phone game so who knows when the """"""""""""''story""""""""""" is gonna end

they're just keyblade masters in the era before the keyblade war, apprentices to the Master of Masters (or Mom for short), the ultimate troll.

They collect Lux for reasons unknown (probably to summon Kingdom Hearts) and compete with each other for no reason other than they were told to. Then they were told there was a traitor amongst them when there probably wasn't which ironically makes someone a traitor in an attempt to find that traitor So fox mask waifu made her "dandelions" who fucked off when the keyblade war happened. The end.

There's reaos nto believe that the events we see in Unchained X are happening in the world of sleep and the entire thing is like a flashback or something on Ventus' part because he apparently was around before the keyblade wars and probably went into a coma before being found by Xehanort, the events of BBS happens and he goes into another coma

also about the realm of sleep thing, about partway through the story we pick our Chirithy up which causes their cape to billow to reveal a dream eater symbol on them.

there's also Nightmare versions of Chirithy which become big monster cats

Also keyblade wielders who succumb to the darkness become fully cognitive heartless

i dont care about this guy, but im assblasted that nomura decided to suddenly put ventus in X with all the convoluted plot, confirming that he is thousands of years old.
how long will KH3 be in order to tell this story?

Pretty sure X is confirmed to only be a hundred years before the first game

Yeah it's disappointing to me too

hundredish. maybe a couple. Definitely not thousands.

What's everyone's bet on what happens when Xehanort manages to unlock Kingdom Hearts in 3? (because of course he will, just so we can finally end this nonsense)
My guess is, opening it up somehow will make all the worlds come together to become the singular world they were in the beginning of the universe.

Either that, or opening it up does literally fuck all, and Xehanort has wasted his entire life(lives?) devoted to absolutely nothing.

is master of masters the next final villain

>Young X wants MX's keyblade
>Braig wants a keyblade in BBS
>Young X knows of MX's keyblade in flashback in 3
>Braig is completely loyal to MX but also disrespectful
>doing some deal behind MX's back with Young X
Braig isn't half-Xehanort, Xehanort is half Braig.

Being Deadpool.