First Gamecube and Wii, then Wii U, now Playstation 3.
Feels good to be able to play all these games in 4K without buying 4 other consoles. :)
First Gamecube and Wii, then Wii U, now Playstation 3.
Feels good to be able to play all these games in 4K without buying 4 other consoles. :)
Other urls found in this thread:
Congratulations. You can finally play the games I played years ago.
Enjoy your scraps Pceasant, we've enjoyed our games years ago.
Enjoy the scraps
you need a 6tb hdd just to enjoy this emulator
This is it. Consoles are DONE.
I'm happy for you pc cuck, you finally have some games to play
lel enjoy your used goods
The state of console peseants
Well at least now Scott Pilgrim is playable.
I fucking knew the CEMU jew scam would prompt other scammers to come out of the woodwork to collect shekels. Even if this is remotely legit, it'll be locked behind a paywall with DRM and will still end up being shittier than N64 emulation.
>Can't even run P5 stable with a $600 CPU.
>No MGS4
Keep on waiting for those scraps, peecucks
Just wait until they release the Playstation FOUR emulator, consolefags!
This is pretty neat and all but its a shame the ps3 has no games.
Yeah in another 8 years woow
>muh sloppy seconds
it'll never be perfect emulation and you know it, you fuckers can't even do star fox 100% true
This one's open source, though...
Why don't Sony just shut this down? Do their employees not know emulators exist?
Why they even show Persona 5 in that vid, it lagged like shit.
PS3 is like the worst thing to emulate too. Call me if 3DS emulation works.
To let people know the state of Persona 5. Are you retarded?
Emulators are 100% legal because you don't get to violate any sort of copyright or patent when doing clean room reverse engineering.
Also companies DO profit at a long run from
the emulator authors job sooner or later.
(generally both in case of nintendo).
3DS emulation is quite ahead already.
Just check citra.
I don't care about console wars, can I finally play Persona 5?
Mother fucker, it'll be another 2 years or longer until you can play the top PS3 exclusives at full speed with good stability from start to finish with minimal bugs. Look at PCSX2, it's been worked on for over a decade and it still is wonky with many games.
Why would you advertise the shittiest part of your product and as complete shit?
sweet dude you can play those games we played a years ago. ur welcome for the beta testing or something like that.
Actually you can play some games through to completion at full speed already. I guarantee you Demons Souls and Persona 5 will be easily emulated this year.
>and it still is wonky with many games.
Name 20.
Can I play Persona 5 yet? So long as it's equal to the PS3 in performance I'm fine with it.
Your kids will be able to play the games you did and they will last forever now.
>your product
So you are retarded. Gotcha.
Wake me up when I can watch MGS4 at 4K with proper AA on this thing.
Where the fuck is the vita emulators?
this thread just proves how desperate pcbros are for games
You guys are starving
>playing the inferior version of persona 5 at 15fps
Right beside PS4 emulators.
>It took you over a decade to play games people have long since beaten and forgotten
>Most titles don't even run well on the emulator so far
What's the fucking point? Just go out and buy a used PS3 for like $50 and slap homebrew on it.
>it'll never be perfect emulation and you know it
Nobody wants a PERFECT COPY of PS3 games because they ran at 720p and 30FPS. In a couple of years we'll get all of that with 1080p and 60FPS on PC
There are easily more than 20 games that have sound issues, areas that have slowdowns that the console doesn't, minor graphical bugs all over the place, etc. Even just until the latest dev build one of the Ace Combat games that suffered from some black vertical lines in hardware mode finally got fixed. I can't specifically name 20 because I only have like 14 ISO's, but even most of those have noticeable issues you would not have on the native hardware, the latest example was DMC1 when in hardware mode the HUD is fucked up and small and moves in a PIP format to random corners of the screen.
Actually, that's not far off from the truth.
The PS4 hardware consists on a x86 CPU/GPU combo connected to a PSVita like hardware that emulates a PCI-Express card to talk to the x86 CPU.
So emulating the PSVita is essential to emulating the PS4.
playing 10 year old games at a higher quality is a meme and while some do believe it and swear by it, the real reason to love emulation is the technical achievement as well as the fact that some games do legitimately disappear and cannot be played without emulation.
fuck you all i hate these threads and Sup Forums in general. im actually going to kill myself right now and no im not going to stream it.
Holy fuck do you also celebrate that you can finally watch TV in color?
Well I mean, yeah that's why I said it. The framework of a Vita is just a smaller PS4.
Also I can play those games for free because I download them from the internet.
Wil you truly do that before being able to play far east eden zero?
>not knowing this is purely for archival usage for decades in the future when these consoles will have passed on.
>ACTUALLY waiting for these to play emulations and bragging about said archival footage accessible to everyone
You alright user?
Is it stable and easy? Wgat specs i need?
>Doesn't know about Bleem!
>have ps3 and pc
>dont care about muh exclusivity
>dont care about muh high resolutions
>just happy i can now pirate console exclusives and save money
Bleem fucked up because they included the playstation bios in it.
Wait does this mean I can finally play drakengard 3 at more than 12 fps?
You do realize PS3 / Xbox 360 had a bunch of games that ran so shit they weren't worth playing, right? It's kind of nice to have access to play those finally.
I would much rather wait for free scraps than pay $400, $60 for each meal, and an extra $60 a year so I can eat with other people.
In the 10 years it took to make ps3 emulation acceptable all the games have been ported to pc anyway. What's the point?
>mfw Sony eventually releases PS1, 2, and 3 "mini" consoles akin to what Nintendo is doing
>superior in-house hardware, no emulation
>consoles come with 50 classic games
>people crack them and eventually we're all able to easily add our own ISO's to them
Not jom but ive never heard of it. Assuming its a real collection of games with better fps and res, my question is do people really buy into stupid wording like "like you've never seen before!"
That vagueness immediately makes me distrust them. Is direvtly saying "in high res/fps" not better?
CONSOLEFAGS BTFO, I can now play MGS4 Database on my PC in glorious 4K!
I meant to type $400 for the plate
>I can now watch MGS4 Database on my PC in glorious 4K!
Meant to quote
well i personally don't feel BTFO but i like this emulator so people can play titles they couldn't and support sony if they ended up liking a franchise, this happened to me with the PS2 emulator
Only neo/v/ would turn a playable last gen emulator into a console cocksucker war.
>emulator for an 11 year old console that isn't even getting produced anymore
Who cares
It truly is a sad state of affairs.
>PC gets ps3 compatability before the PS4
sony for fuck's sake step up
But user, you could REBUY definitive versions of PS3 games on PS4
Huh, neat. Now adamantly PC dedicated Souls fans can play Demon's Souls. Kind of have to wonder about the stability of it though, my PS2 emulator doesn't like to run correctly half the time.
>11 year old console
It didn't come with games, but it was a straight up emulator. There was another PS1 emulator for Mac called Virtual Game Station, that had Steve Jobs go up on stage and go "What if you could play Playstation games on the Mac?"
They mostly died not because they were deemed illegal, but because Sony bled them dry through lawsuit after lawsuit.
I hear the stability is pretty shit.
>Demons Souls without pvp
I feel bad for PCfags desu.
>Playing this game at X point in time compared to Y person is a bad thing
Literal shitty excuse with absolutely zero value that no one on Sup Forums has answered me yet. While you played A game B years ago, I've played C game at that same amount of time, there's no fucking difference.
I don't do PVP in souls games. I sometimes yank the ethernet out when I just want comfy souls.
The whole point of the minis is to not spend literally millions of dollars in research in custom ASICs, which means emulation or nothing.
But PS1 is already quite in close range of minis.
>no one on Sup Forums answered me "why does it matter?" yet
Fixed that for me.
>Feels good to be able to play all these games in 4K without buying 4 other consoles. :)
*at 12fps with barely functional games with a rig that costs more than the 4 consoles combined
Enjoy being 10 years behind the industry, PCfat... but I guess by now you're used to it! ;)
It would be cool if they got online working but I wonder if that would even be possible.
Im more interested in the wording from a sales perspective
thanks for reminding me
Oh also, if anyone's curious about the Steve Jobs thing,
>PS3 has no games
>PS3 has no games
>PS3 has no games
>PS3 has no games
>PS3 has no games
PS3 has no games
>Feels good to be able to play all these games :^)
all you had to do was literally wait 10 years.
>>"being X years behind the industry"
>Implying that's not the state of Consoles
>Implying PC Users don't play videogames before, at the same time and after emulating X title
Are you retarded or I just missed a really complex joke here?
Should probably be of interest to you then.
20 years from now, when you feel like showing your kids what were the games you played, you will quickly discover that emulation will be your only option.
This. I never understood why fags here are so obstinate in supporting early adoption cancer. They always get the short end of the stick.
>That persona 5
>That silky smooth 20fps
Oh shit the emulator plays P5 as well as it plays natively?
>Having kids
as a player i am superior since i played that game years ago, i win and don't bother replying, i already close the tab
To be fair MGS4 is a shitstain
>Starting the thread with console war trash
Wtf are you talking about? Star Fox can run fine on most emulators, 100% accuracy if you use Higan (you can even overclock the fucking Super FX to make the game run better)
>I-I can finally play th-these ten year old games, g-guys!
As a Player I am superior since while you played X game I didn't played, I played Y game you didn't played. Your mindsetiis as retarded as (You) are, go and kill yourself thank you very much.
All these poor trolling attempts. Emulation is only excellent up to the 4th gen. PS1 is the only 5th gen that doesn't have issues, 6th gen the gamecube, and 7th gen the Wii. If it wasn't for Dolphin's fast development the latter two would still be in limbo.
Now explain to me why exactly does that matter at all whern 10 years ago I was probably playing a game that you were not.
I don't understand the appeal of this. The only two games the PS3 has are Demon's Souls and MGS4. Everything else is superior on Xbox 360 or PS4.
we should all be joyous. Emulation is what keeps the memories alive.