What is the most American game you have ever played, Sup Forums?
What is the most American game you have ever played, Sup Forums?
Bentley Scott
Other urls found in this thread:
Liam Cooper
Mortal Kombat
Ethan Ramirez
Landon Nelson
Metal Wolf Chaos
Nathaniel Morgan
Metal Wolf Chaos
Carson Martinez
Josiah Walker
None, because fuck America. I hate Americunts.
They are obese. They are heavily race-mixed. They love guns and kill people. They invade other people's countries. They worship a kike piece of shit named Jesus.They love to shit in their pants at Walmart.
Fuck them. Fuck America.
Christian Morales
American Truck Simulator
Jackson Evans
Pocket Bike Racer
Sneak King
Big Bumpin
San Andreas
Big Mutha Truckers
Nascar games
Ian Powell
Youve never played it.
Why are people so obsessed with America?