Microsoft decided to make Mini version of original Xbox, so it's only 2 solar masses worth. What games will it put on it?
Microsoft decided to make Mini version of original Xbox, so it's only 2 solar masses worth...
Does it have to be an Xbox exclusive?
Realistically, no.
Otherwise it will have 3 games.
Halo 2
Jet Set Radio Future
Voodoo Vince
Jet set radio future
Halo 1 & 2
Ninja gaiden Black
Odd world munch oddysy
Mech assault
Dead or alive xtreme beach volley ball
Metal wolf chaos
otogi 1 & 2
Panzer dragon orta
Phantom dust
Proyect gotham racing
shenmue II
vodoo vince
Excellent opening, adding to this
>Otogi + sequel
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>early Splinter Cell series
Actually it may sell lmao
of course it means MS will never do it
Halo 1 and 2
The Elder Scrolls 3
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Jet Set Radio Future
Half-Life 2
Why does Xbox games have a very dark and depressing aura around them? even light heart games like blinx have some kind of dark aura.
For some reason it made me uncomfortable.
I was a teenager, so it didnt bother me too much, but it still kinda bugged me.
Maybe i was too attached to Nintendo games.
>xbox half life 2 port
Documentation for OG xbawks devkit literally specified "You are console developer now, please put BRIGHT colors in your games because console players love it". I guess developers lack basic reading proficiency.
what would microshit want or what would I personally want?
me personally:
>gun valkyrie
>metla wolf chaos
>shemue 2
Lets be real here. How many games would it have? No way they would give 30 or even 20 different games. I think at most they would give us somewhere between 5-15 games. Probably definitely between 8-12 games.
>guaranteed games
Halo CE
Halo 2
One of the Mechassault games
Chaos Theory
Kotor 1
Fusion Frenzy
Fable TLC
>games I'd want
Halo CE and 2
Kotor 1 and 2
Otogi games
Panzer Dragoon
Splinter Cell games
Fable TLC
There was other cool games I suppose like Crimson Skies but I'd really only want for the most part the games I've listed. I doubt we will ever see an Xbox Mini.
>yfw OG xbox has better gaems than xbox one
Obviously 6th gen has better games than 8th overall.
PS3 had better gaems than PS2, honestly
PS2 was just a glorified GTA + JRPG machine
All the SEGA shit, Halo and JSRF.
Really? Do you have a source at hand?
Sorry, I'm not going to get throw all the pdfs in my emu folder to find that. Ask someone on emu forums if you don't believe.
add in project Gotham 1/2 and crimson skies
Can we just take a moment to realize Xbone is getting XBOX BC this fall
Holy fuck I hope JSRF makes the cut. That game is so fucking cool
>suggesting Morrowind
Nigga try navigating that UI with a controller.
Just play it on a toaster and pump it full of mods.
It was a big game for the Xbox. I would not be surprised if something like an Xbox Mini were to be made that it would have Morrowind as one of the games.
I hope the xbox one x just has native disc backwards compatibility. Depending o updates will be difficult and nearly impossible since most devs from the 6th and 7th gen are dead.
It wont sadly. Still depends on the publisher. Sega and Team Ninja are still alive however, and they were a big chunk of the Xbox library. Start collecting those discs boy. JSRF is already expensive as fuck...
I've already been collecting and playing alot of game recently but I'm afraid my xbox won't last. How was sony able to make the ps3 60gb backwards compatible with ps2 games fine without no publisher problems but Microsoft can't with xbox? I don't understand?
Stubbs the zombie is a must
Yeah xbox has the best version of double agent if live to get my hands gack on it
Sony put the insides of the PS2 in the PS3. Thats called hardware emulation. Thats why the PS3 costed so much. Microsoft does a software emulation approach. It has its obvious downsides, but the upside is that it can emulate and play better on xbox one than it could on xbox 360. For example, gears of war and red dead redemption have a smoother frame rate and better draw distance where it might have choked on 360 before. If a game had a dynmaic frame rate or resolution, it will be closer to its target on xb1, as well as all games having vsync, as well as recording and streaming features from the xb1 itself. Its not all bad
Damn..from the looks of things I really doubt there going to even re lease or re patch alot of game for backwards compatibility. The concept is great but it's mostly going to be mainstream stuff or the well known games with good reception at this rate. I would hope publishers use this opportunity to revive old ips that bombed back when they released.
that's why it's always a good idea to keep your old hardware
In theory yes...but dont be so quick to give up. Last week they made wolf of the battlefield 3, a tiny xbla game from capcom that wasnt that good BC. As well as virtual on whatever the fuck and radiant silvergun. They do get a decent variety of games BC
>clock capacitor
Will an og xbox still work if a clock capacitor goes bad?
"Going bad" means leaking acid all over the motherboard.
So not really. The only hope is to pull it out before it starts leaking or before the leakage becomes too severe.
anything before 2004 should be fine
Dead or Alive 3
Do xbox games look sharper on 360?
Why the fuck are you getting it from Amazon? Go to ebay or jjgames if you want it cheap.
Holy fuck,you can at least pretend to be 15
You're a retard or a kid
It will have 20 games
Halo 1
Jade Empire
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Crimson Skies
Jet Set Radio Future
Mech Assault
Ninja Gaiden Black
Project Gotham Racing
Odd World: Stranger's Wrath
Chronicles of Riddick
Splinter Cell 1
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Fusion Frenzy
Dead or Alive 3
Phantom Dust
Phantasy Star Online (we can dream)
Steel Battalion (lol)