You don't own a computer

>You don't own a computer

>tfw no PC for this must-play game

Unblock origin clears that shit right up.

Is that the fucking Deku tree?

Any tree with a face is automatically the Deku Tree?

What an asshole.

>use fire arrows on this rambling old faggot tree like in the picture
>it does no extra damage over normal arrows
>I do 3-5 damage
>it has 125,000 health

fuck this game, and he doesn't even have anything interesting to say

>image search to see where that tree is from
>see this


Someone redpill me on what this is off

Is this suppose to be like Depth?

So is it an actual game or what? What game is it ?

It's some pop-up ad that's been everywhere lately.

Wait my bad, what was that deep sea roguelike Sup Forums always had threads up for

What's the name of the game?


Pressure. Fucking hell, user. Get with the program.

It's just been so long, user...


so is this game worth it?

the game
you just lost it


How the hell can I lose this game when I haven't even played it?

>tree is doing nothing, it's a fucking tree
>guy still decides to shoot a fire arrow at it
What a fucking asshole. You can see the poor look as the tree realizes it honestly has no way of defending and is now in the final seconds of its life.

Even newerfag

by not playing a game you are losing on it, i mean think of all the games you lost already. only way to change it is to play them and win

>newfags calling others newfags

fuck off newfags


hw tu downlad dis gmae ?

How do you get this ending?

im stuck at this part as well how do I installt he nude mod

>pleased to meet you
>hope you guess my name
>but what's puzzling you
>is the nature of my game

Those lines just stuck. Does anyone else also think this game is just incredibly well written?

I'm 90% sure that's Bill Murray

no it says it's Robin Williams can't you read?