How do people get to find out some of the weird things the game expects you to do? I seriously don't understand why the developers thought most people would figure out some of the things you have to do to proceed, and I'm not talking about the puzzles, I'm talking about certain parts of the story that come beforehand.
IInb4: Get good/It's because you're too retarded.
How do people get to find out some of the weird things the game expects you to do...
can you elaborate?
you're probably right anyways, I know the game well because my brother played it and I watched him when I was a kid, as well as played it a shit ton but I'm sure if I were to experience it blindly today, I would get stuck a few times wondering wtf I have to do
getting the biggoron sword comes to mind, no idea how you're supposed to know that
Most of that quest tells you where to go next. I think it all does except for taking to cuccoo to the lost woods.
I'm a huge OoT fan, I've studied a lot of stuff about this game...
The thing is, the game was redesign a few times, so there are a lot of stuff that was changed during the development.
The medallions should have powers... then the ocarina would activate medallions powers, before that they were items.
In the later iterations, some of the musics were actually the medallions powers but without the need of using them.Some of the other medallions powers became the Jewels.
A lot of dungeons were redesigned.
The Bottom of the Well, and the Ice cavern should've be the Shadow and Ice Temple... and then in one of the iterations the Water Temple was developed and took place of the Ice Temple.
The Forest temple should've be the Wind Temple, the Wind Temple became the Shadow Temple... Its medallion was not redesigned, it is has the Fan shape, that is common throughout the Shadow Temple.
The ones that kept the original design were the Dodongo (partially) and the Fire Temple
The first three dungeons were themed about entering "living beings", but it got changed and it came to Dodongo Cavern
I strongly believe that should have been a Light and an Earth Temple (at Gerudo, probably at where the archery mini game is).
The Temple of Time were supposed to be the Light Temple, also, the Child/Adult thing came later in development.
The Gerudo Training Grounds had a Dungeon Map in beta, indicating that it used to be a dungeon, but due to development it was cut and they "glued" a lot of unused rooms. I beleive it was supposed to be the Earth Temple.
So yeah, the game is a mess, specially the parts that you've got to deal with the Ice Cavern, Shadow Temple, Play musics to trigger doors/events (like the Darunia and the Windmill), the Fire Arrow... Buying the Red Tunic as an adult but seeing it as a children, so they came up with blowing up that rolling Goron... that is a major bad design, by the way.
These stuff were rearranged.
OoT was unfinished by its release.
Also, the nature of Lost Woods used to be Wind, but they changed that, that's why you used to get lost... but they bring that concept with the Breath of the Wild.
Wind is the true nature of Lost Woods.
Since the game changed directors so much, the school of magic stuff was lost, so you don't have the Earth and the Wind element...
But they do appear in The Wind Waker, instead you have a Forest one, which makes no sense.
The spirit is the junction of all elements. So it makes sense to exist.
In beta, you could access Gerudo as a kid, I believe that's when you used to get the ID, so you could walk freely...
Why? Because the Gerudos pass out when you shoot them... you didn't actually shoot then with arrows, but with a slingshot. That would make sense. The bracelet of Power to lift the Bomb Flowers was a redesign stuff too. You'd probably had access to Darunia without needing to play a music to open its door.
You'd see that the Red Tunic was too high priced and would look for a bigger wallet to buy it. That's it. But it was changed and became unintuitive.
The Gerudo training Grounds entrance is based on earth, and had Lynels decorations...
Miyamoto asked for the Young Link stuff, which probably throw a lot of stuff out of order...
The game itself used to be much more open. Since the only requirement to beat the dungeons was the Bow and Arrows.
But that doesn't happen with the dungeons that were redesign or came later.
For example, the Death Mountain part. You're suppossed to go there, Navi tells you to go there, and characters hint that you have to go to Death Mountain. Once you get there there's nothing for you to do, there's a timer that won't allow you to be there for more than 50 seconds because of the heat, so you spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you have to do, trying to go back there and try new things in those 50 seconds you have everytime, and it'll get to a point where there's simply nothing to do there. What you have to do is go to the goron village and throw a damn bomb to one of them who's rolling around and talk to him. There's absolutely nothing that would make you think you have to go there beforehand, much less to throw a bomb to that goron, in order to proceed with the story.
In the bottom of the well there's a skeleton and Navi says she hears spirits talking about the eye of truth you're suppossed to find. Again, you can spend a lot of time trying to figure out what the hell that means, specially since there's a store with a mask called the mask of truth or something like that. What you have to do is simply go to a wall that's down the well and walk through it, because you can do that for whatever reason.
To light some torches to enter into the Shadow Temple you need the Dim's Fire power or something like that. To get that, you need to go back to one of the places you visited at the begining of the game and destroy a rock that covers a hole. At the point you get to Shadow Temple you're way WAY too far from the time you visited that place and there's absolutely no reason for you to go back there, well, except for that power, but there's nothing, absolutely nothing that tells you how the hell you're suppossed to get it . Damn, you don't even know such power exists in the first place, so you can spend hours trying to lit the fire with arrows and failing. I honestly don't know how some people managed to get that without looking it up.
Makes a lot of sense. The tunic thing also happens with the blue one, since you can see it in a store in the Zora's village.
Did you manage to finish the game without looking anything up?
Also, I believe that the Saria's song was the helper of the game... she was supposed to be the "Navi". That was changed and Saria's song became useless. The original purpose of the Ocarina was to call for help, and that's it...
But since it was a cool item, they tried to use the medallions with it... but didn't worked very well.
With the Child/adult stuff they had to create the Ocarina of Time and we never hear about the Saria's Ocarina anymore.
In the narrative context that makes no sense, because the idea behind the Saria's Ocarina was to remember "home" it was the main player/Link's motivation. It was a story element, and with Saria helping you... that would help to strength the bond of her with the player... but it was thrown away by the endless redesigns...
And don't forget that the Zora's domain never become normal again, it was supposed to unfreeze.
The Master Sword position really puzzles me, I'm not sure where it was supposed to be, I think it was supposed to be in the forest, but where exactly?
Remember that the Temple of Time should be a dungeon... the Light Temple (that we end up seeing
in Twilight Princess). Also, notice the warp from the Temple of Time... it is the Light Medallion.
Sadly Nintendo never got a Zelda "quite right", the last finished and completed Zelda game was the ALttP. And maybe TP. By the way, Twilight World was supposed to be the Dark World... but they changed that.
No game is ever "finished" in the sense that someone can step back and say "yes this game doesn't need any more content or refinement"
If you can beat it and can feel satisfied about doing so then it's finished
No, english is not my first language, so I know for sure what was badly designed... why?
Because the parts of the game that I got stuck was exactly the ones that was part of the redesign, and without knowing english, I couldn't find a clue on how to progress with the game...
I got stuck at playing the music at the windmill (they changed the location of the dungeon), originally I think you should use the Wind Medallion to blow the wind at the windmill and open the Shadow Temple (which was changed to the bottom of the well).
Also I got stuck at the Goron Tunic and Fire arrow.
I called a stranger to ask for help about the Fire Arrow (got his phone at the renting store) and a neighbor told me about the Goron's Tunic stuff.
But there are a lot of stuff like this in the game, the more you analyse, the more it becomes obvious how crazy was its development.
I remember finishing it on my own. The only thing I looked up was skulltula locations.
this is a lost thing these days but i actually like some cryptic "why would you do that" stuff in games.
otherwise games progress i get clues i do the next thing etc... but that feeling of being a kid and just dicking around and exploring a game for fun, thats how you end up finding these things and progressing, when you just run from the start of the game to the end like most games have you do these days these things seem like flaws (and most likely they are developmental hicups from changing the game around so much) but the amount of hours i spent in OoT just playing around finding cool stuff and adding to the mystery of the game and making it feel more like a real living breathing world where something important might just be in some random spot and not where the game points me to go, it is part of why its one of the best games of all time. Not perfect on paper but perfect in practice, its hard to analyses because of this and hard to explain to people who havent actually just sat down and played the game for fun.
what i'm getting at is similar to how older movies that had to rely on simple realistic special effects often came out a lot better duct taping their way through something and it just came out with more passion and heart behind it than a movie with a huge budget and tons of cgi these days that on paper was flawlessly made but loses some of the passion in the process of actually being made with that modern perfection behind it. Random stuff that old games ended up having in them give them more personality and heart than a modern game that only does exactly what it should.
There is a sign that tells you to bomb the goron.
You've touched a really good subject...
The Din's fire used to be the Fire medallion.
You'd open the Temple's door by looking at the hint on the pedestal. Look at this picture... it was a redesign problem.
>the last finished and completed Zelda game was the ALttP
Damn, it's weird how they got so many good scores with their games when they're not even what they should have been.
You got stuck in the exact same places I did, except for the windmill one.
Yes, I got that after some time. It got to a point where I thought "If you're stuck, try the most nonsensical thing you can think of, it'll be the answer." And it worked, it honestly did, I solved a lot of things thinking that way. The problem was that I never expected to spend so much time wandering around without having anything to do at all, it was a problem for me because there was no reason for me to do that more than not knowing what to do, and it made it really tedious and boring because of it. There were times where I walked around from town to town looking for something to do, but nothing ever came out, specially when everything told you that you had to do something specific, like the Death Mountain example.
Exactly, I've studied a lot of OoT flaws, but it is still the best game I've ever played. Its flaws are more like... features.
yeah but that random walking around made you try out items and weird things talk to characters get a feel for different environments etc..
its all the extra time that makes you appreciate a game. if every temple was easily unlocked with the appropriate medallion, and things like the tunics didnt show up until you could buy them or you were pointed in that direction everyone would fly through the game and it would feel like the same experience. the random parts are what makes it a unique world, some people might have seen the bolder and thought to go back right away with bombs once they had them, others may have been exploring over that way for a totally different reason later in the game and discovered the bolder for the first time etc.. seeing that tunic and wanting it and then forgetting about it is the sort of thing that as a kid made getting that item so rewarding.
i just think its these sort of "flaws" that give games a heart, and games that lack this sort of thing while objectively very good dont leave a lasting impression on people.
If only you had a magic fairy to tell you where to go next
Pretty sure they wanted us to buy this thing desu
You had to actually talk about the game and give/receive hints with other people, since internet was uncommon and not as resourceful as it is today...
It was a completely different experience. Few people will understand what Pokémon was really about, for example.
It was as random as the DS ring to fight the 4 kings.
I did, but she didn't actually told me where I had to go next. It told me "go to the Death Mountain" but I didn't need to, I had to go to the goron village and throw a bomb at one of them. I don't really expect a game to tell me everything I need to do, but it's crazy how there's absolutely no relation between things, it lacks a reason for you to do anything.
I get what you're saying, and it makes me appreaciate the game more, but it's still something that I found tedious because there was nothing I could consider interesting by doing so. The times I wander around I spent them by talking to the same Npc's over and over again, and reading signs or entering places, but there was nothing fun in that, in my opinion, at least.
It's still a great game, and I honestly never saw these things as flaws, more like things I couldn't understand.
Zelda games always had you do some wierd shit to proceed around that era, LTTP had just as much obscure hidden stuff and MM was crazy with its time events
Yeah, but in this game nothing there's no relation with what you need to do and what you have to do to do it, it's insane.
It was fun, but doesnt work in 2017 anymore.
You can just buy the tunic. You should have already seen it in the shop as Young Link and remembered that it was heat resistant and adult-sized. Either way, though, stopping the rolling Goron is natural; you go to the dungeon area, can't progress because of the heat so you go to the nearby town looking for clues, and there's only one NPC to talk to. Bombing it is suggested by the "don't bomb the Hot Rodder Goron" signs, or remembering doing so as Young Link for the Bomb Bag upgrade.