What did Sony mean by this?

What did Sony mean by this?

Pandering to gays. Every company does it so they look like "the good guys" even though they actually couldn't give a shit less.

Sony supports love. whats the problem?
inb4 edgy homophobic answer.

They meant that homosexuals are people too.


"Here, gays, have a poorly designed profile picture. Buy our product."

But that's incorrect.


Awesome, they've gone retro.

We want the Yuropoor audience

Pretty sure gays don't want businesses to care about them. They want them not to be a faggot about their personal life when they're trying to give them money.

This is why MS is still better.

Hypermasculine shooters and manly racing games > SJW cuck shit in every game.

They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

>not using the modern, progressively correct LGBTQ+POC colors

The regular rainbow has been co-opted as a hate symbol by the alt right.

>Edgy American summerfag teenagers make another thread about how transexual aren't real people and homosexuality disgusts them

we get it you're insecure about your sexuality, go back to Sup Forums

I don't get it, most of you hate gays one day but love traps the other. Make up your minds faggots

LGBT are not real gays though.

ugly lesbians should be send to iran

its the second letter

Why do you people get so triggered about the littlest things?

what did Steve Jobs mean by this


"Transgenderism is not mental illness, and enabling their beliefs causes no harm."

Say that after watching this webm.

Hey faggots, buy our stuff.


mentally ill people should keep to themselves and not parade their degeneracy around

>permanently mutilating kids based on shit they don't understand and pumping them full of drugs is so progressive XD

Please, never have kids. Please.

They accept love and tolerance towards the LGBTQ community.

Nothing wrong with that unless you're a bigot.

Gender dysmorphia is a mental illness. Sexual reassignment surgery is the treatment.

>permanently mutilating kids

Proof on this?

If it's their choice there's no reason not to support them in embracing their gender.

Oh another hippie buzzwords "love" and "tolerance". Fuck off and stop pretending like you have some higher moral ground.

americans should have never been introduced to social sciences and humanities

give them a break, they have to vent their repressed delusions somewhere.

Now in Technicolor

>caring this much about what other people do in their private lives that in no way affects you whatsoever
Goodness what a nosy neighbor you must be!

get used to it, bigot

Where do you draw the line? If you saw a murder happening would you ignore it because it's just part of someone else's private life?

Why are there so many anti Semites who hate rainbows? It's literally just a symbol of G-d's love for us.

If it's their choice to become a snake will you break their back, remove their arms and let them slither around the floor?

..which raises the chances of suicide even further

You support this done to kids, don't you?

happened to pick related and many others, he can never go back even if he changes his mind. (and he is miserable, big shock)

>not caring about literal child abuse
Goodness what a fucked up person you must be!

We have the moral high ground because we're the good guys. We are the ones opening the doors in accepting people of all types of races and genders and abolishing the evil capitalist hatred of old 1% people.

Compared to people like you who have nothing but hatred in your hearts, you are all losers who will never understand what it feels like to be a good person.

>hippie buzzwords "love" and "tolerance".
>someone else's ideal ethical virtues are "buzzwords"
slow down there tyke

shitpost all you like, I'm not going to change my mind on my political view just because you keep calling me names

>..which raises the chances of suicide even further
[citation needed]

don't let the suffering of children stop you!

mild inconveniences to be PC! :)

>the rainbow is now and forever will be considered gay
what went wrong?

The best part is how spot-on that texas faggot is considering the current state of Sweden.

>implying if I give you the studies you will not ignore the further
>implying simply taking a look at your average tranny isn't enough

All gay people want is publicity it seems, "oh wow look how gay i am!! Deal with it losers! Dont like seeinh gay people? Well get used to it!!" Kind of gays seem to make up the vocal majority

literally happens to like one in a million children

bad parents exist everywhere

also not like I should care about the wellbeing of some dumb americuck child, your shithole country can eat itself inside out for all I care, fat burger cunt

>If it's their choice there's no reason not to support them in embracing their gender.
So you accept pedophilia? After all it might be a children choice to want to have sex.
You all are retarded. Children are literally too stupid to make so significant choices and stop hiding behind pretty words.

Rainbows don't mean anything to japanese companies. It's just something that looks cool to them.

>I looked it up and found out my argument was wrong! I'm going to continue to spout lies though!

>all gays have the same opinions
fuck off retard

Who cares about a few rapes and murders as well! We must be tolerant!

>People look funny so I'm going to shape my political views around opposing them
WTF I hate Trump supporters now.

or maybe its Muslims. Allah hates fags and you will all go to hell.

>being spergy and confrontational when asked for a citation
deep breaths

A murder violates the rights of an "other" not under the care of the murderer. If you want to count supporting a child's bodily autonomy as abuse, go to college, get a degree in the relevant fields, and lobby for the change you want with facts and reason. The end. Otherwise you're just another bitch boy on the internet whining about the lives of people completely unrelated to you and pretending its some form of altruism.
>Goodness what a fucked up person you must be!
Same to you. Virtue signalling scum.

Literally nothing wrong with pedophilia, there's a current movement in fighting to put legitimacy of pedophilia amongst the LGBT community and more and more people and becoming more tolerant and accepting towards it.

I never said I was tolerant you stupid fuck

I want people like you to be gassed alive, personally.

>average /lgbt/ poster

look at all this fucking strawman


every. time.

>son wants to be have sex change
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

If a person identifies as a part of "LGBT community" you can assume that it's a total retard and attention whore. Normal gays/trans/bi etc. don't want anything to do with you.

Yeah, you're right. Let's kill all white people, those fuckers can't stop shooting up schools and mosques. A few bad apples spoil the whole basket, which in this case, is the entire white people.

I'll tell you what it means: Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

And everyone on the bus stood up and clapped

You haven't done anything except seek to aid people like yourself.

Either a fucking troll or a NeoFAG retard that should be shot down.

spoken by a straight person

Why would trannies fuck off back to Sup Forums though?

>Sup Forums boogeymen

>average european city

>He doesn't have a gay femboy friend who gladly sucks your cock with a sloppy mouth during dry season or when you're bored.

>hanged himself the day after he posts that


/lgbt/ trannies seem to mostly be blanchardians who hate types like Joshua

>its their choice

kids shouldnt have a right to choice just like women since theyre kids but worse

Why do Sup Forumstards put homosexuals on a pedastel?

ah yes this sudden politically charged thread on a video game board is exactly where it belongs

is this shit legal in the USA?
commow law i swear god kek

this is the saddest image I've ever seen

It's weird how these transgender kids always seem to come from hyper-progressive SJW parents.

I want to kiss hideo kojima on the lips and hug him he's so fucking adorable

>If I call it a boogeyman then I can pretend it isn't true!


I bet you also think that every animeposter is from Sup Forums

>women don't choose to have sex with you

Maybe people don't like where video games are heading and how politics have been affecting our games. There's nothing Sup Forums about that.

Based sonybro triggering petty assholes

>"jews/liberals/blacks/muslims/gays/everyone else that isn't my special specific group" boogeyman

That's in NY you dumbfuck.

they start early in america mandatory circoncision for every newborn

Defiance to the black lives matter movement.
The BLM is blocking and cucking several LGBT parades, forcing em to add black and brown to the flag and expelling everyone that is dressed as a cop (a tradition on many parades to show support from the police force).

she didn't though
he's never actually been to /lgbt/, i guarantee you
most trans people do not have supportive parents, regardless of when they transition. it is logical that the weird outlier cases would be with supportive parents. what sort of fuckin 11 year old is gonna get hrt if their parents won't let them?


Literally 90% of pro-LGBT posts here are falseflagging and the rest are NeoFAGs who fall for it.


I think gays are pussies because of how they keep kissing the feet of muslims while getting massacred by them.

they meant things