name some fun PC games I'm tired of BF1
Name some fun PC games I'm tired of BF1
sent ;^)
Lawbreakers if you like fast games.
Quake 3.
Heroes III
Garrys mod
Go back to bf4.
Hame still fun and alive
Go into a steam sale thread TONIGHT and look at what people are saying. Get at least 1 game or something and play it.
dead before arrival game
i await of it going F2P within months.
they better not wait a year to go f2p, or they will be the next battleborn
you're not funny kill yourself
gorky 17
burnout paradise
tron 2.0
metro 2033
alpha protocol
commandos / shadow tactics
airfix dogfighters
Timesplitters 2
>sub 2 k/d
>not even 1k spm
>can't manage at least 1 kpm
Play Undernight with me, it's 7 Bucks and my friends only play Tekken.
Playing through Wolfenstein New Order, it's really fun, filled with an interest story and interesting characters. I thought it would be a mindless CoD shooter but it's way more than that.
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2
Get r6s get titanfall 2 get it NOW NOW NOW
Honey Select
Play club
Custom Maid 3D
Artificial Academy
you're not funny kill yourself
>fun PC games
I would reccomend emulation or some console ports
There are quite a lot of good PC native games.
But none that actually require a very powerful hardware.
Shit like everything Zachtronics do, nitronic rush, cloudbuilt, OC megaman games like Megaman unlimited and rokko chan etc..
To not mention the old but good shit like dungeon keeper, capitalism plus, Age II etc..
Get the game Squad.
you're not funny kill yourself
Fallout (1&2)
Victoria 2
New Vegas
That's what I play these days.
Play this if you haven't already
People don't talk about this game much but I think it's the best zombie parkour fps out there
neat progression system, good difficulty levels, fun crafting and immersive horror especially during the night, really makes your ass clench when running away from virals and volatiles
also it's co-op, you can have up to 3 friends with you
The game is tons of fun
>reddit spacing
You're tired of BF1 because it's a shallow game made by greedy devs.
The only PC game you will ever need is Dwarf Fortress, and it's free.
The PC has hundreds of great exclusives or undeniably best played with a mouse and keyboard
>Arma 3
>Red Orchestra 2
>Endless Space 2
>Civilization 5/6
>Quake Champions
>Unreal Tournament 4
>Pillars of Eternity
>Project Reality
>Wasteland 2
>Batttlefield 1 / 4
>Dota 2 (its good despite Sup Forums being casual shitters pretending its bad)
>PUBG (same as above)
>Dead by Daylight
>Grim Dawn
>Total War games
just a few
More like steam chat typing, enter after every sentence
I've never been to reddit in my whole life, so I wouldn't know.
Also the spacing adds visibility and keeps the reader interested. If I wrote everything in a huge clump, it would be a boring read.
Do you have any knowledge of typography?
>reddit spacing AGAIN
Just type nigga stop tying to be smart. This is Sup Forums no one gives a shit about your long ass run on sentences. They only care if you use reddit spacing or obvious phoneposting
>not formatting your post if it's multiple paragraphs long
did you go to school or did you drop out after elementary?
PUBG is unironcally very fun. Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm is fantastic but there aren't a ton of populated servers. Rising Storm 2 is very good, but lacks content. Worth checking out.
age of empires 2
I don't own a smartphone, as weird as that sounds. Are people on this site actually autistic?
>caring about reddit spacing
Lurk moar you piece of shit
whats wrong with bone posting?
never went to elementary, but that doesn't concern you, GTFO
Tua madre?
>Are people on this site actually autistic?
>Admitting that you're a newfag
Just neck yourself faggot
Rainbow Six: Siege is probably the best team based competitive title out there, barring some technical issues they're trying to iron out with the current operation.
There's always Left 4 Dead.
Just finished Resident Evil 7, started like 6 hours ago and already finished. It was actually pretty good, but there was a specific part I just hated and rushed through.
please do explain what makes a newfag in your eyes, I am 110% sure that I've been here longer than you have but it hasn't changed how I operate my message
>I don't own a smartphone
>Are people on this site actually autistic?
Uh oh, watch out guys, we got a superior being of intellect here. I hope he doesn't tell everyone how smart he is.
In eu there's always a couple full servers for Ro2, even in the middle of the night
I've been here since 2004 buddy
Wow. Your pic looks like City 17 in Half-Life 2. Is the city in Mankind Divided similar? I might grab the game just for that.
>"Yea OP get R6 so you could get insta-headshotted by every stacked squad that runs casual just so they could get an easy victory."
>reddit spacing
I had no idea what this was until these people starting bringing up more. I thought it was just autism, so dont even bother acknowledging them.
I've been playing dishonoured 2 last couple days since it got cracked. It's pretty good and runs well for me on max settings (2500k + 980).
Lots of sneaking, exploring, finding keys, secret areas and fun powers
This is what autism looks like.
How can he be smart if he doesn't even own a smartphone?
This is what reddit looks like on Sup Forums
The city of Prague is the main hub, you'll spend about half the game exploring and doing quests there, and does have a similar feel to City 17, but more modern.
You'll also visit a smaller hub in the slums, but it's so obviously the victim of cut content it may as well just be a level.
Not him but it's a good game, it got shat on because of microtransactions and optimisation. Werked fine for me tho.
If you liked human revolution you'll like mankind divided
>what are hentai games
You haven't even used half the weapons in the game and you say you're bored. Do something different, challenge yourself.
It's almost as if the two sites share a population or something.
Mostly unfinished, untranslated, or otherwise lacking.
No one cares you autist
>m-muh sekret klub
>Mostly unfinished
Stop picking up trash games then.
Use machine translation if you need story in your porn.
>or otherwise lacking
See first point.
Mankind Divided is set in Prague so obviously it looks like a lot like City 17, all the cyperpunk adds to that too.
It's an absolutely fantastic game except for the story obviously being cut in half for a sequel, it's 75% off so you should defintetely get it.
The game has like 3 weapons per class lmao
Here's your (You) faggot.
>"Le epic bant"
Cheap ass insults
Then give me some fucking suggestions, there's such a damn surplus of babies first RPG maker games it's burnt me out.
Ok, thanks!
You seem obsessed with reddit maybe you should see a doctor senpai
>won't use SMGs, shotguns or sniper rifles out of refusal to be cancer
>can only play 2 classes
MaidenSnow Eve, RepureAria, Tsukinomizu games, Futanaring, Princess Sacrifice. For starters.
every pc fag should play that game
>poorly optimized
>zombie game
How the hell don't you guys get bored playing open world zombie games? I understand you like zombies and probably jerk off watching "The Walking Dead", but what's so interesting in hitting zombies the same way over and over again?
this game has such a shitty engine, the whole game looks like a massive pile of shit, and to top things off trying to max out the FOV doesn't even help. just as bad ass farcry.
>poorly optimized
>video game
How the hell don't you guys get bored playing video games? I understand you like video games and probably jerk off watching "The Video Game", but what's so interesting in playing video games the same way over and over again?
>Endless Space 2
yep, loving my energy vampire bitches
EDF 4.1
Thanks guys.
Its not poorly optimised though, that's ur dual core and 750tis fault
Its a genuinely good zombie game, your mistaking it for early access crap