is rome 2 Emperor edition worth the shekels?
I heard it had a rough start but is it good now?
Is rome 2 Emperor edition worth the shekels?
no, just buy Rome TW and play with mods
which mod would you recommend?
don't listen to him, don't fall for nostalgia meme
With mods it's nice. Vanilla is garbage, don't listen to the shills who say it was fixed.
rome2 does literally everything better than rome 1 tho.
It's good. I loved it. You can check reviews if you want. With mods it's even better.
just get atilla tbqh, unless you really want that specific period
It was fixed
If you really like the period, go for it
But if you want gameplay, grab Atilla instead
do you mean this mod?
Attila is a better game than Rome 2 in just about every way
though apparently some people (plebs) dislike the setting
I already own Rome though. So I'd like to spice it up with some mods instead of buying the shitty new one that everyone hates.
europa barbarorum would be nice i guess
All historical CA TW games are varying degrees of unplayable as vanilla and specially near lunch. Then they get icreasingly better as time goes along and CA attmpts patching and the modders have time to fix, improve and add stuff.
Tl;dr worth with mods - same for both r1 and r2
But the setting is shit!
is this mod pack good one?
Underage detected
nostalgia blinded cuck detected
the game is absolutely fine now with the patches and mods
No don't waste your money
Dropped it after 6 hours and I have hundreds of hours in Rome 1/shogun 2/warhammer
Attila is meant to be pretty good though
The game is mechanically broken. I. E. Shields don't block arrows, they just have a chance to maybe work even in defensive stances.
Last time I played there was no guard mode either so all battles became big blobs and the capture zones were stupid
>Shields don't block arrows, they just have a chance to maybe work
thats how it worked IRL too you fucking moron. Arrows had high chance to penetrate or go by their shields and hit leg or arm etc
>last time I played
There's your problem. The game is good now. Try it.
Bought at a heavy discount a year ago an played a few hours. Dropped it and haven't looked back. Not only is the game itself dogshit, Rome is extremely boring and unappealing as a setting. Shogun 2 and even Napoleon are leagues ahead of that turd of a game.
Not in defensive positions like tetsudo or whatever it's called. Worked much better in previous games.
So there is guard mode and no capture zones? I may redownload and try it if that's the case. I need guard mode in armies, it's essential for blocking routes
Now it is great.
It has some god-tier mods available.
arrows can still penetrate the shields, there was many cases when shield holders hurt their hand or arm when blocking arrows with shield
>15 stacks of ranged infantry
>It has some god-tier mods available.
like what?
Since no one is talking about the mods i'll spoonfeed:
Radious is a meme mod, makes the game extremely arcadey and i absolutely hate it, very unrealistic but if that's what you want you can use this
Divide et Impera is basically the most polishing you can do with the turd that is rome 2. It's a fantastic game with global auxiliary system (not exclusive to rome), much harder economy management, reform systems(roman reforms, and other countries all have reforms automatically) and the new version i think has a population system.
reccomended mods for Attila?
Fall of the Eagles updates the unit appearences to be much more historically accurate and slows down the battles a bit
does it also apply to Charlemagne?
It's really not that good in my opinion. It's very slow paced and I feel like the city management is nowhere near as interesting or nuanced as previous games.
I do really like the politics system which is interesting, but I got a lot more mileage out of Rome, Shogun 2, and even Napoleon, than I did out of Rome 2. YMMV.
There's a seperate version for it called Knights of the Oriflamme