How come when people talk about gaming markets they talk about North America, Europe and Japan? Don't Latin America...

How come when people talk about gaming markets they talk about North America, Europe and Japan? Don't Latin America, East Asia, South east asia and India buy vidya?

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Who gives a shit about third worlders

Vidya is a luxury, third worlders have far greater needs

As a non american you'll be used to shit like this.
Just deal with it, americentrism is entrenched in every major online community and there's nothing we can do about it.

>do I spend 1 million pesos on a PS4 and uncharted
>or do I buy food and just steal one?

North America, Europe, and Japan have lots of money and lots of people that play video games. Video games are expensive, and most people in those other regions are too poor to afford them, or have import tariffs that massively increase the price.

As for East Asia, South Korea gaming culture is entirely dominated by mobile games and internet cafes, plus a major disdain for non-korean products. China literally had a ban on video game consoles for several years, which is only just being lifted via a lot of negotiation from Microsoft and Sony. American publishers are trying to target the Chinese market a lot more because there's a huge population with money and an interest in video games.

Not exactly, it's common entertainment like TV or books unless you're a modernfag

Big companies that want to make money

East and south east Asia are poorer than the west but they're not Africa tier and probably could buy something. China and India have like 2.5 billion people combined but must have like at least 400 million people rich enough to by a console or PC.

Are you retarded? They can't afford the basic necessities of life let alone video games. In India they still shit in the streets, they don't even have toilets

>south east asia not africa tier
>with people shitting in the streets
I agree china doesn't make sense, but they have such a huge knock-off market there's no point in focusing on it as a market for media

Piracy is rife in parts of Latin America, especially Brazil where stupid laws meant to prevent gambling make the price of games insanely high

South Koreans mostly play MMOs and phone shit

Video games consoles were literally banned in China until very recently

Dunno much about southeast asia.

China banned video game consoles until 2015, and any hardware or software sold needs to be approved by the Chinese government. For instance, you're not allowed to show any bones in China for cultural reasons.

>Latin America

I wish they fucking wouldn't. Every single latin american country is filled with the worst players, and the worst attitudes; BRs most of all.

South East Asia is not India I have visited it, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore easily have enough consumerists.

>there's nothing we can do about it


Only the Japanese consider Japan a market. Everyone else ignores it as a market, and only considers it as a suplier.

>Europe and Japan are America
maybe if your country had schools people would care about your game markets too

Because white pride

World wide

>third world


The order goes like this
North America > Japan > Europe, Middle-East and Africa > Oceania > Central America
Everything else is irrelevant

Why does Joker always look like he sits on the fence. As someone who has never played the game he always has this faggot ass look on his face like he's above everyone, even how he dresses is obnoxious.

The Nazis went there for a reason

Because most people aren't aware that it exists

The USA has a surprisingly small internet population.

Much more far rural areas than other countries in the upper tier. These far rural areas have a hard time getting internet setups and frankly just don't care for it. At least I assume that's what's going on here.

>you will be alive to see the US fall like rome

It's easy to forget that the US still has large areas that are basically empty.

Latin America is usually included in America

Of that only Argentina could be considered second world. The other two are definitely third.

Do you even know what second world means?

The textbook definition? I do. But I'm using the colloquial understanding of the term here where it's used to group countries based on development and wealth.

Ann lools like a slut and she isnt one. Futaba looks like a teenager that goes to a lot of parties but she is a shut-in NEET. Ryuji looks like a delinquent punk but he isnt one.

Labels is one of the themes of the game.

Because Joker is above the law and shit.

>implying we will not fire every nuke we have to Russia and China, ending the world as you know it and force everyone to live by hunting two headed kangaroos during an eternal winter.

>Buying games
All memes aside Indians generally don't buy too many games for a bunch of reasons. If you're a kid your parents probably think video games are a waste of time and money. So by the time you're old enough to earn some dosh, you're used to pirating whatever you want in a country that doesn't give a shit about piracy laws.
My parents are pretty cool so they bought me a bunch of shit, but even then a lot of it was pirated PS2 discs.
Now I try to buy games I like from developers I want to support but I'm still pirating at the speed of light because why not?

Also my family is rich enough to afford our own toilets so you can extrapolate about the others.

Then I suppose it does a good job

ah yes, a fine example of the american education system

But I bet you still poo in the loo.

>Futaba looks like a teenager that goes to a lot of parties

Lmfao fuck no

I could immediately tell she was some nerd off her look.

Because they are inconsequential and insignificant by comparison. Literally aren't worth the breath to say it.

Futaba looked like some roastie trying to turn on people with those really short pants.

Japanese market is shrinking, they are just a part of the eats asian market

Everyone pirates in the third world

Turd-worlders are only interested in MMOs and f2p trash

Do you poo outside the loo user?

IMO it's only her headphones (and maybe glasses) that make her look like a massive nerd. Otherwise, she looks like a teenager hiking through a rebellious phase and experimenting with drugs.