How is this not just an excuse to sell an unfinished product?

How is this not just an excuse to sell an unfinished product?

Why this is allowed Sup Forums

You can have your reply now but I'll finish writing it la

I thought they were getting rid of this anyways?


What? It's the perfect system. I can play hundreds of hours of the game in Early Access, then when it is released, refund it for full price :)

Yeah but some early access games never get released or development stops, and then you get burned.

This has happened to me on steam way too many times

>when it is released
user, I have some news for you...

I actually like early access. HOWEVER you should always buy games on it under the assumption they won't be improved from their current state.

>when it is released

The only early access game I can even consider enjoying is astroneer. And half of that was for the silly physics bugs.

Free beta testing.

>when it is released


Astroneer hasn't had any content or real patches in 6 months user.

what the hell is a 'la'

as in
he didn't finish typing it

After latest controversy with Star Citizen i hope this project fucking flops and creates a huge gaming crash so it will stop all the early access bullshit.

>mfw people are still backing that scam

How the hell is DayZ still in development holy shit

name one game made in the past 10 years that WASN'T an unfinished product.

you can refund a game once it leave early access even if you have 500 hours in it
they don't want to get mass refund, the game will never leave early access


Klei is the best example how to make EA work:
>release game in EA state
>releasing bugfixes and balancing things
>releasing big content update
>releasing bugfixes and balancing things
>releasing big content update
>repeat until game is finished
It's the only company that I trust when it comes to EA games.

>when it is released

I'm gonna need more rope