Does it have anything going for it aside from the memorabilia aspect and its resale value...

Does it have anything going for it aside from the memorabilia aspect and its resale value? If I want the games I should just cancel my pre-order and go for emulators with a fancy 8bitdo controller, right?

This way it's legal to play the games

The Super Where the Fuck is Chrono Trigger Classic
Honestly. I've emulated CT for the past 15 years, but I can't deal with such an obvious oversight when there are three other fucking Square games.

can someone explain why this and emulation in general is preferred over the real console with everdrive?

That's it?
I forgot about the finished Star Fox 2, which is a pretty weird 'exclusive'. SF64 is just that but better, no?

To be fair, it's collection is still pretty good
But I agree with you

it has star fox 2. and, that's about it really

never heard of it
it looks pricey

>To be fair, it's collection is still pretty good
The collection is fucking amazing, which makes it that much weirder that Chrono is absent. If it was a shit collection, I wouldn't even think of it. But they actually went as far as putting third party RPG games like FF6 on there (which is also great) but not the other obvious one. I still have some hope that they'll add it last minute, but the thing is probably already programmed up and done.

Who cares tho? There's no repercussions for breaking this law.

Yes there is

My bf is getting us this so we can play games together, since he never played the original SNES and it'll be easier to play over the road in his semi.

Such as?

Easier than a laptop? In what way?

It probably has to do with licensing stuff honestly.

you don't own it legally

>If I want the games I should just cancel my pre-order and go for emulators with a fancy 8bitdo controller
Then why dont you do just that?

Yeah but there's no repercussions. I'm not going to get fined or arrested, like I would with breaking other laws, so there's no incentive to follow this one.

>tfw amazon uk preorder
should I pay now with gift cards to avoid potential currency rate fluctuation? don't give a shit about resale, I just don't want to get screwed

you could

No, you literally couldn't. Prove it, then. Show me cases where normal users were prosecuted for downloading roms.

it's an emulation machine. it'll be hacked and you'll be able to dump a shitton of games and have legit nintendo SNES controllers.

$80 is pretty worth it imo for that

It's small and has hdmi

The Laptop's put away because of a little space issue and it's easier to just place the snes where our other consoles are at.
Our phones do almost anything we could use the laptop for, anyways.
The laptop I was addicted to for years/over a decade I only touched like twice in 2 months.
Feels nice tbqh.

> legit nintendo SNES controllers.

It's no more legit than the hundreds of third party controllers you can buy right now for a few bucks. Fuck, they'll probably be better quality.

Of course your entire post was invalidated when you considered spending $80 for a non-portable emulation machine.

They better have download codes for the switch virtual console when it comes out. Pretty good deal for 21 games and two controllers at $80, if you paid for each rom alone it would cost you $167.79

>Prove it, then.
It's the law, dude.

portability is irrelevant

Chrono Trigger isn't included because Square is currently working on a Chrono Trigger Remake

Just buy a fucking retropi. $120 bucks gets you every single snes,nes,gameboy,gamboy advance,genesis,atari,mame,ps1,n64,psp,negeo, and lynx game. You can even get yourself a wireless bluetooth controller. If you want to get real fucking fancy spend that extra 30 bucks and get a 3d printed n64, ninendo, or snes case to put it all in.

>That's illegal user!

Oh ya sure, FBI is right on top of beating down all those doors of all those retropi owners as we speak. Jails full of people that just reply bing bang wahoo when the real cons ask them what they are in for.

Don't mind me, just emulating this plane. It's way cheaper than a real plane and more environmentally friendly too

Virtual console exists though

The cheapest Everdrive for the SNES costs more than 100 dollars.

>Show me cases where normal users were prosecuted for downloading roms.

Ill get the controller to play on my hacked wii with. The NES classic controller is fucking awesome

But ninty's emulation is the one that will be makeshift garbage.

Genuine, official release of Star Fox 2 is mildly hype

Those SNES Classic Controllers are expensive, so I'm getting this piece of shit so I can have one, as they don't seem to be selling separate controllers like with the NES Mini.

OP asked for things that -won't- get dumped onto the internet hours after release.