24 Hours until the Splatoon 2 Direct

>how fresh you currently are

splatoons for pedos

Hi there CoD! How's your stagnating IP going?

>USA not getting the pink and green joy cons

They're probably going to reveal how voice chat functions, how much the adapters/headsets will be, etc.

I won't be seeing it. I'll be too busy watching a film.


>tfw just got these bad girls
I hope they have got some cool uses in Splatoon 2

I'm hoping they'll show off new stuff for Salmon Run. Maybe even co-op in the story mode.

>USA not getting the bundle
>USA not getting this sweet-ass keychain
Fire Reggie.

wait, what am I thinking, that's on Saturday.

Gamestop has a bundle listing for the pink/green pro controller and has a splatoon grip

I'll be pissed if I have to import, I want to have pink and blue on my switch and give friends the red and green watermelon combo.

will you be able to aim in all directions with motion controls?
I distinctly remember being able to only aim up and down with motion controls and left and right with the stick (or the other way around), I fucking hated it but I really want to like the game

how likely is splitscreen multiplayer online? I don't want to buy the game twice

Id imagine they'll announce them officially in the direct, no reason not to

You bastard


I fell for the arms meme and ill probably fall for this one too

Splatoon has already proven itself to be a good game, though.

I'm pretty sure motion had full range and analog stick was only left/right, when you used them together.

i hope at the least they do split screen against AI or something.

i'm almost certain you could aim all directions with motion controls in the first one

Is this another motion controls bullshit? Will I be gimped for using standard controls like with arms?


It has gyro controlled aiming but a lot of people don't use it, myself included

where can I pre-order the digital version

Hopefully they'll show whatever is replacing miiverse posting

FYI Splatoon 2 preorders on Amazon right now for $47 (at least in the US)

You will be more gimped in Splatoon than you were with Arms. You use a gyroscope for aiming in conjunction with the analog stick, it's much easier to get used to than Arms's motion controls, and you can more tangibly feel your aim improve.

If you just want to play casually, you can probably still ignore the motion controls, but the upper tier of ranked mode in Splatoon 1 got pretty brutal, I can't imagine finding much success there when you gimp yourself. Unless you are extraordinary or your team is carrying you.


Amazon been had preorders open since it was announced

They already had a global testfire. Assuming the testfire is being used as advertised, for testing the online functionality and making adjustments as necessary, it's pointless to do one right before the game comes out.

im just saying it's cheap, I'm assuming the game will be 59.99 when it releases

Cheers, saved me making another mistake

There might still be fans who don't know the game is coming out, so another testfire will get their attention

if you dismiss a game just at the thought of motion controls then yeah don't buy it, in fact probably don't buy a switch

if people still don't know the game is coming out yet another testfire won't make them aware

But I didn't have a switch when they happened

Motion controls are a meme and therefore all games that punish you for not using them are as well

Playing a shooter with analog sticks is more of a punishment.

Gyro aiming actually is very intuitive, but by all means let's be dismissive just because. The reason you're at a disadvantage for not using the gyro controls is because they are so good and intuitive, not because the designers intended to punish you for not using them, you can still have a full experience using stick controls, it's just like trying to use a gamepad in a PC fps

Agreed but I just want to chill on my couch and not flail my arms around like a peasant

You can play the game just fine without motion controls.
The only motion control in the game is the entirely optional ability to tilt the controller and make fine adjustments to your aim.
The gyro controls in this game have been proven, time and time again, to be more accurate than analog controls. Not because the analog controls are gimped, but because the finer degrees of movement possible with gyro adjustments to analog movement simply make better players.
You are not "punished" for using only analog controls in Splatoon the same way you aren't "punished" for using a controller when you could be using a mouse and keyboard.
It's not a meme. It's simply a control option which gives more accuracy. It's not a gimmick.

you don't flail your arms, just flick your wrist a bit. It's like using a mouse

It doesn't punish you for not using them. It's just better with them because motion controls naturally allow for better aiming. Like, Splatoon controls easier than most other shooters that don't use motion controls just because it does use them.


How do you move with waggle? Is it like with arms?

Watermelons are pink retard

You use the gyro for aiming. The other controls are just like any other shooter.

You don't move with waggle.
Literally all you do is tilt the controller to adjust your aim. You move and look around with dual analogs, just like in any other shooter - the only difference is that you can adjust where you're aiming by tilting the controller.

I'm hoping for a test fire. I know they did it a few times before but i didn't have my Switch back then. I didn't like the first game that much despite being extremely hyped for it. But I wanna get this considering there's not really much more to play until Mario.

what the fuck in high sensitivity you barely move your wrist

console bundle localization pls


Do...Do I call the cops and report the manslaughter now or?

My hopes are for a good time
My expectations are to be needlessly giddy all Thursday afterward from said good time.
I showered this morning and my soft pajama pants certainly make me FEEL fresh, aw yiss.

Will these two ever get the proper treatment they deserve? Not doing anything with them would be a waste of perfectly cute designs

>Alternate universe where Splatoon is the same except everyone becomes magical girls from Splatoon 3 onward

At least I'm not some frog fucker


Gyro aiming is shit
I'll once again get to S rank with traditional controls

suck my roller cock

more weapon types. Perhaps spray paint cans? I'm not sure where they can go now.
a general recap of whats in the game. They haven't really explained the 2 hour online tourneys yet. Need to go over splatfests. The place where you go to get haircuts.

Well yeah you're using roller. No need to aim to get your job done, so you don't even need gyro, you easy mode playing fuck.
muh nigga.

>unironically using sticks
I didn't know people like that still existed.

Maybe if the gyro aim wasn't trash I wouldn't

I hope they have the octo brush again.

The best of balance, and it felt like I earned S Rank when I got to it.

What if you're just trash with gyro? I main E-Liter and the only problem I have with gyro is on Moray. You should consider getting better aim.

>Not Spla2n

Dynamo douches are not welcome.

scrapped their voice via mobile gimmick
amiibos, voice over mobile "bundle"

Where's the NA bundle bros...

Hey does anyone have that video of that sniper who always hit his marks by drifting to the side and then "jumping" to his target?

>grr i hate voice chat
Then don't use it, retard

you pretending to be retarded?

And thus begins the cycle.

It doesn't even have local split screen, what a load of shit. It'll be the same goddamn game as 1.

Fuck off already.
It's stupid

It's "90s radical!!!" so it'd actually fit.

>sweet-ass keychain
Im not fucking 12 or have down syndrome so ill be good, also hows your sonichu necklace?

Except different.

Kimono Marie amiibo

I played that game a fuckton would only hope for the devs to be more open about the changes


Please ditch "2 maps only matchmaking." Go ahead and start with a small amount of maps again but please for the love of christ let them all be playable at once.


Listen here buddy, I only have 15 minutes left for the steam sale and I'm still not sure if I should get Victoria 2 or Hearts of Iron 3 with all the DLCs so just accept it's stupid before I have to whip out my anime pictures

no, that just leads people leaning toward the 2fort of whatever splatoon 2 is

Flip a coin and don't tease me.~

that's not how matchmaking works

They're going to do it anyway. This is the Animal Crossing team, time-locked content is their entire thing.

>pointless direct for pointless "sequel"

>I suck at motion controls and don't want to git gud

Also, at least hint to Octolings being playable. Please Nintendo, I want it so badly.

Callie is being held captive in new Octo Valley and is probably a brainwashed final boss/power source of the final boss

I want a Reverse mode where only vertical turf counts, they can use the stages from Turf War for more variety but I'd like stages with tall buildings near eachother in oreder to be able to jump from one to the other and climb them vertically in the ink !

Corrupted Callie amiibo.

>not learning motion controls and enjoying the game more

My fucking dick.

this one?

Cant fucking wait.