Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
*homer entering the ring*
Because everyone decided to bash Sony ever since they won the console war.
It's a witch hunt, no fan is safe.
it's too far too late, blood has been spilt and past transgressions can't be ignore. If you want the slate clean you have to erase the history, start fresh take out the players and bring in a new cast.
Yes we can, Wojak posters are redditors
>Console fag talking
Nibba please
this mentality that sony is the good guys who worked oh so hard and oh so honest to earn your fanboy appraisal is the exact reason why people hate sony ponies, it's the exact reason why people hate you guys on Sup Forums
i'm pretty sure that xbox, nintendo and pc gamers are fine with each other. wii60 was the most popular combo last gen after all and now pc gamers get crossplay with nintendo and xbox and also get xbox games so there is literally no reason for them to hate each other unless they have some serious platform loyalties.
ps4 is the only one out because their fans spend more time shitflinging than playing games. just look at fucking neogaf and this board.
>shtioddlecucks talking that talk
>| PS4 # | 29.194 | 25.680 | 23.679 | 804.832 | 676.680 | 4.905.499 |
>| NSW | 25.805 | 22.361 |
>| 3DS # | 15.720 | 14.729 |
>| PSV # | 4.403 | 4.077 |
>| XB1 # | 228 | 265 |
>| WIU | 193 | 150 |
>| PS3 | 153 | 201 |
Friendship is for cucks
How to fix Sup Forums
-perma ban wojack posters
-perman ban aussies/canacucks/BRHUEHUEs
>PStriple last place
It's the sonyfags, of course
And keep YuroFIFAs?
Because people always want to feel superior to others, no matter how petty.
Yeah at least they talk about games from time to time, when they exposed the others with flag ids all the shitposts were from the ones I mentioned.
You turkeys will see, you'll all see
brand loyalists are scum. defending companies that constantly implement aggressive anti consumer policies and pump out games with less content than previous iterations for double the price. bunch of good fucking goys
Because then Sup Forums will get better, and people don't want that. They want to wallow in shit.
humans are tribal by nature
unironically this, tbqh desu senpai
Nintenbros can't into any game that doesn't have Mario or Zelda slapped on it.
Xboxfags never have anything worth discussing.
Sonybros are constantly sucking the balls of Jap devs.
And PCfags aren't even half as smart as they like to think they are.
Considering everything, you think we would get along.
Best post of the day
pls don't bully us.
>tfw you are not poor
>tfw you have a high end PC, PS4, vita, xbox one, 3ds, wii u and switch
>tfw master race
I think you have a big hole inside you to fill, and I'm not talking about your anus.
I own all consoles + pc but will always remain a xbot because of Halo nostalgia.
Because the medium through which you play video games is objectively inferior to mine and I will mock you for being dumb enough for not playing video games on the medium through which I play video games.
How do you become not poor?
[laughing Eternal Anglo]
>playing games on it
tribalism is the most basic human impulse everyone does that
trying to fight it is pointless
but 360 obliterated the ps3!
oh sorry, we are in 2010 apparently.
>Switch sooner or later
Feels good man, Yakuza 0 is great fun.
As if any of these platforms are going to be a fucking thing when atari reveals their console
What's the point? You're not gonna play games on all of them. There are better ways to use your money.
Right now I have a 3DS, Switch, PC, PSTV, & PS4.
I honestly don't understand the point of all the fighting we have on this board. They're all nice systems and they're all really affordable to get with an ok income.
>shit online service
>commercial desaster
>only good exclusive is DeS
>cinematic shit like Heavy Rain
>PSN hack
>only managed to sell as much as 360, even without paid online
Shitposters won't allow it.
Ive never seen a wojack on reddit/
Because people here get way too buttblasted and wants to validate their purchases and primary gaming choices.
I miss the time when everyone owned a a different console and people would just talk about their favorite games.
>tfw xbox one and pc
>switch and 3ds soon
looking forward to it
You seem upset. Must be because you're a PC gamer.
Because consoles are killing videogames.
Wojak is probably the only memes that stayed true to the meme definition. A thing of past culture that can be placed into multiple formats without losing the meaning. Pepe on the other hand is a lost cause
>Wii U
I don't give a fuck.
I... I think we are talking about the current gen son... this isn't 2010 froggo.
Because fuck nintendo.
because yall niggers are poor as shit
This tbhfam
you keep accepting bad business practices that affect the entirety of gaming negatively
found the retards
I want to cum inside Ai-chan
because no common enemy unites us.
I understood this post
Because money doesn't fall off trees.
>almost 5 million sales
>but it took 4 years
>and not a single PS4 game has sold over 1 million there
>BotW alone has sold more than most PS4 games in jap land
>Splatoon will sell more than any PS4 game, probably by at least 2x
>Japs also love Mario so that will sell as well
LMAO'ing @ your life.
what we really need is a senator or president who hates video games and is trying to ban them that we can all unite against and hate together.
But even if this president DID try to ban video games, people would still like him here because of being contrarian and frog memes.
>muh sales
great job, marketer.
I unironically believe that we should go back to the times where media just shouted from time to time that games are violent instead of pushing politics into it like right now.
Because the average guy on Sup Forums is poor and can't afford all platforms, so they have to pick one or two and then rally for them in hopes that it "kills" the other platforms and more games come to those they own.
rescue from page 10
Why do Nintendies get so triggered by the wojak meme? It's the only wojak that ever gets me banned
Did e3 2017 -- dare I say it -- save gaming?
they get triggered by everything
Too much spammer
If only you could stay banned.
>This is what he does with his life
>He complains because he can't do it for a few days due to getting banned
See what I mean?
I had a dream that Sup Forums implemented user IDs. I'm 28 and had a dream about Sup Forums user features. Help.
There is no need to be friends we just need separate boards. I really don't give a fuck about switch sales figures, botw or splash toon 3.
Comfy thread can only exist again if each board is dedicated to one platform.
No we are not. Nintendo fanboys have become insufferable lately. They shit up every thread about classic pc masterpieces because they somehow feel threatened by 20yo games
There is more than one person posting it. Maybe people would stop if you didn't pay attention.
we always hated sony
But why can't we be enemies?
we have an expert talking
I don't get it
Sony won't shut the fuck up
Nintendo won't stop with
Xbox just beats their chest like a gorilla
PC won't stop tipping their fedora
And retards won't stop complaining about
>Muh cinematic experience on PlayStation
>Muh kiddie gaem on Wii/switch
>Muh no game/dead game on Xbox
>Muh anime/it too hard to do on PC
Because their fanbase is a cult they aren't used to criticism of any kind.
literally SEETHING rn
Nailed it
As an Idort, yes you fucking are. I used to be so confused about why this place hated sony fanboys so fucking much, but then I actually decided to spend more time here and actually got into an argument with a bunch of you fucks. You are easily the most deluded, angry, shitflingers on Sup Forums. Xbox fans, Nintendo fans, and PC fans don't go out of their way to shit on each other all of the time. Sometimes you will have a PC thread talking about how underpowered consoles are but that's all you will really see. Xbox fans don't shit on Metroid Prime by constantly comparing it to fucking Halo all of the time. PC fans don't shit on Fire Emblem while constsntly bringing up various other strategy games like Age of Empires or Civilization. Nintendo fans don't go out of their way to try and rip Killer Instinct a new asshole while constantly shilling for Smash Bros. however, you always have some fucking idiot sony fanboy going out of their way to try starting shit with the other fanbases, like acreeching about how many shitty exclusives the PS4 has while making thousands of dumb collages to bait other fanbases into some gay argument. You CONSTANTLY have sony fanboys picking fights with other fanbases. No Nintendo fan ever gave a shit about Horizon but some sonyger shit constantly decided to shitfling against Zelda with Horizon to the point where you can hardly have a Zelda thread without some fuck bringing up HZD. All those dumb "zelda killer" threads were the shittiest attempts at consolewar bait and it worked every time. Sony fanboys also tried using Killzone to shit on Xbox and Halo Non-fucking-stop. Sony fanboys also keep trying to shit on PC with dumb graphics threads all the fucking time. Whats worse is that every time someone brings something like this up you jack asses play the victim card.
tl;dr Sony fanboys are easily the worst fanbase on Sup Forums and deserve all the hate that they get.
Underaged and poor people
this user gets it
>There is more than one person posting it
Sure there is user, sure there is
Sony fans aren't that autis-
PC/PS4 master race here.
As a father shepherds his son, so to do I look kindly down upon my my children Nintenbro and Xbot. With us living in unity as a family, we will build the wall, make America great again! and usher in a new golden age of gaming.
By denying capital to publishers and developers who promote globalism and further erodes our way of life, we will watch the rebirth of our beloved culture be revitalized.
God bless you, God bless your families, and God bless AMERICA!
>204 results
GTFO user
I would have called it a great E3 if BG&E2 didn't shape up the way it did
>Have a 360, Xbone, PS3 and PS4.
>Have some coworkers that are more into Xbox.
>Have some coworkers more into PlayStation.
>Friends with all of them.
>The coworkers who are more into Xbox are indifferent to PlayStation.
>The coworkers who are more into PlayStation HATE Xbox and will remind you how superior Sony is in every way.
Real life experiences here, my friends. I'll never understand how someone can be so loyal to a company.
Do we even know anything about the Ataribox yet?