What are some games that include fun mind control mechanics? The only one I know of is Yuri's Revenge

What are some games that include fun mind control mechanics? The only one I know of is Yuri's Revenge.

4 and 2

1 and 4

anything except 3, that's just autism.

I want to kiss 2 and make her break the trance so she becomes 4 or 1.

2 > 4 = 3 > 1

2 is the lamest and 1 is the best. I would rank:

1 > 3 > 4 > 2

inflation-tier. expected of a touhou yukkuri abuser parrot


i just want the girl to be into it honestly

1 except crying in terror.


I prefer 3 over all others but only if it's done step by step slowly changing the person. I sort of like how they retain a semblance of their old personality. Also when you're programming them they should be in 2.

>owns several large dildos
>is still a virgin

1 = 3, turning into 2 > 4 mindbreak.


>tfw waiting for new hypno nukige to be released or announced

1 transitioning into 3.

I always find hypno, on the receiving end, to be fucking dumb. Like oh boy, you don't remember that sex that just happened, how hot
At least, for the ones where they clearly are under the hypnosis like 2

I'd assume it's similar to people who have receiving-fetishes around being drugged, while asleep, unconscious, etc. The knowledge that you were helpless and things occurred to you without you having the ability to stop it, or something along those lines. Basically just the hyper-version of bondage or any form of restraint.

I guess I still don't see the appeal
Would someone just jerk it after waking up and realising it?
>at bar
>get drugged/hypno'd
>wake up
>clearly just got fucked all night
>oh fuck that's so hot lemme jerk it
But we all have our differences i suppose

If you don't like it you don't like it.
Probably because you just consume passive porn. In ERPs, where even the second party is having an active role in the porn stuff, both people can enjoy it.
It's also a power trip for the first party.

4 > 1 >>> 3 >>>> 2

Emotionless dolls are never fun.