Is it GOTY?

Is it GOTY?

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How does a single good early access game literally break Sup Forums?


>twitch bait early access survival game #6274217

wonder how many refunds when it gets out of EA

A friend forced my hand and got the game for me. Squad/duo games have been surprisingly fun considering I wasn't expecting to like the game. Haven't bothered solo though.

I kinda feel like the game is carried by its high population though. Hitting queue and almost instantly being dropped in a game with 90+ other people is pretty great.

It's pretty funny but it's still an Early access that has many bugs, wouldn't call it GOTY

If they manage to fix the bugs and take it out of Early Access and add in more content I could call it a GOTY

cant let people refund it if it never leaves early access

What is this?

There is no good early access game

Unoptimized piece of garbage, run of the mill zombie-but-battle-royale-fps shit, one of hundreds on the steam store but the difference is that this is being shilled by top streamers who got paid massively under the table to play this garbage.

Wait can I buy it now and play it for 50 hours then refund when it leaves EE? never used the refund feature


why is this shitty game popular

I don't know, and it makes me upset.

you should buy it , and find out goys!

If its not their precious dark souls, bloodborne or zelda, Sup Forums wont like it

>Wander around for 20 minutes collecting loot
>Get shot by a sniper or blown away by a guy with a 12g hiding around a corner at about 30 people left
>Rinse and repeat ad infinitum

Really compelling stuff lads.

Rimworld, Factorio
Ill admit that is nothing compared to the number of EA games but atleast its something

maybe if it was on sale for 5 burgers, but at 30 burgers that's too thin for my shorts.

>getting paid to shitpost Sup Forums all day with this crap game btw

Why? Give some explanation to your argument

There has been a ton of cases of that happening. I don't think it's strictly acceptable just like that though, you'll have to argue why you think you deserve a refund, iirc if it removes or changes significant amounts of content when leaving EA you might be able to get it refunded for false advertising (No Man's Sky).

There were a bunch of threads about people refunding games with 50-200++ hours played like half a year ago, can't remember which game it was though (killzone 2?).

Many people did that with killing floor 2. If the released game has big differences than what was promoted, then yes. I would just cost you time to write a reasonable email to the steam customer support

Blackwake and Squad are pretty good.