Do you let review scores influence your video game purchases?
Do you let review scores influence your video game purchases?
No but a well thought out and explained review does. If I'm gonna buy something I wanna know the pros and cons.
I usually take reviews of Nintendo games with a grain of salt, BotW was good but overrated by critics like Skyward Sword and Mario 3D World
No, just user scores
>he spoils himself with detailed reviews instead of just looking at the general reception and going in blind for the maximum experience
You guys spend money on games? I just watch let's plays and read threads about the games and formulate my opinions like that. Isn't that what most of Sup Forums do this?
Yes but not for Nintendo.
Nintendo has massive amounts of fanboying and favoritism. I dont know why. Maybe because we all grew up plaing it and there is a soft spot. Maybe the ratings are baced more on a family friendly perspective. Maybe paid shills? Who knows.
I only ever see review scores in shitposting threads.
I love nintendo games but all I ever see is the fans defending any old shit regardless of how bad it looks. Like that 3ds sushi game.
No. Too many shills and people reviewing with different standards.
Half the sites are just reviewing with a short term "should you buy it?" scale where a 10 means fuck yeah buy it, it's fun and not a perfect game vs pretentious >muh art reviewers who nitpick every flaw to lower scores as much as they can.
And in addition to that most reviewers are playing through these games on rapid fire to push the review out the door asap. This isn't good because games take longer and cost more to consume than movies which makes people more picky and jaded. It's hard to trust the word of random journalists who couldn't get a job at an actual news outlet and settled for game informer who probably doesn't like anything I like.
Either yolo it based on trailers and gameplay footage or ask a close friend who likes the same games you like.
>Nintendo has massive amounts of fanboying and favoritism.
A little bit but what matters most for me in terms of checking a game out is through reviews, not scores.
It's true that sites like IGN can be biased as fuck but on sites like these, there's less bias and even then, you can sometimes see which is legitimate reviews and not. You can analyze a game through reviews well because you can see random people just straight up say what they have seen and experienced with a game. It's mixed sure but even then, you can see some sort of pattern within those reviews.
Also, regarding with scores, it's near impossible to give a game a perfect 10, let's be honest now. A 9 is much more believable than a 10.
Are you the type of faggot who cries at people when they spoil the plot or story of a movie, comic or book?
Exclusively. If a game has a big enough score I buy it even if I hate it and never play it again.
Yes, more than it should. Same with movies. It's a shame cause I wonder what I've missed out on because there have been a few poorly received movies/games that I thought were great
It's because nintendo games have a world - class level of polish, no matter the quality of the game. What I mean by this is that a lot of their games seem timeless, with no micro-transactions and pay-to-win style games.
>Hard mode $19.99
You get where I'm coming from. If you only played nintendo games you wouldn't experience most of the shit that plagues the industry today. I'm no nintendo fanboy, I think BOTW is overrated and would probably give it an 8 (i played it for >60 hours), but I respect the company for not sinking to the level of not completing games on release and making you pay for the rest, releasing unfinished games and saying that they'll do the rest in segmented patches etc.
They are just old-school, and make games how they always have
Ya but
>hard mode is 20 bucks
>Pokemon go filled to the ass with micro transactions
I could keep going dude, Nintendo are a shadow of there former selfs these days, you can't pull the "BUT THEY DON'T DO DLC AND MICRO TRANSACTIONS" card anymore, they do that shit nowadays
What about the unused (as far as I remember) cut scene from the switch presentation trailer with all the guardians roaming castle town that doesn't appear in game?
They did that shit even back then
It does you dumb faggot, it's in the memories, or the intro cutscene, I forgot which. Anyway it appears
Hard mode isn't $20 technically. That $20 also gets you more quests for armor pieces and shit as well as the "new original story" and "additional dungeon" coming in winter. The hard mode is just a cocktease to hold people over until then, though I do think it should be in base game.
Fuck no.
There's not a single time in my life where I wanted to play a Zelda game.
I've tried Link to the Past and Majora's Mask, bored as fuck.
Good scores? No the reveiwer is probably a fanboy
I will avoid a game with bad scores tho
Ok and? That doesn't make it right, shit should of been in the game day 1
If it's a game from before 7th gen, then I pay it a bit of attention. Post-7th gen reviews in no way represent my opinion or tastes.
>paying 20 bucks gives you hard mode and one WHOLE new dungeon
Wow thanks shiggy, hope the next Zelda game has the ending and master sword locked behind a 20 dollary doo pay wall as well!
>difficulty is behind paywall
You can throw in as many bells and whistles but the fact remains that they locked a difficulty and expect you to pay for me
Well when you put it the way you did it makes it sound like you have to pay $20 just for hard mode. Just saying you get more than that for your dollar. Even though I agree it should have been there in the first place.
I really liked BotW, but I've also liked some games with ~75 score on Metacritic
t. 13 year old
im 26 user..
but age wouldn't matter since zelda is a game for all ages right??
Review scores from the media used to matter to me a lot. Now I know all the gaming media are shit I don't take any notice of them.
Then I used to base my judgement to buy off some youtube reviews, then I saw Bethesda paying them all off with Prey and lost trust in them.
Now I normally base my purchase on steam reviews / comments, also use my 2 hour refund option.
Yes. Though the series didn't click with me at first either, only returning to it years later made the games some of my all time favorites
>I shall ignore things to make my point
K thanks
I make up my own mind I rather than having some paid hipster with an agenda tell me what they think.
if i didn't like it the first time why would i continue to suffer through it? zelda just isn't my cup of tea. and i feel as if im not missing shit.
Yes when I'm comparing different versions of games on older systems and if I'm not sure if I'll actually like what I'm looking at when watching gameplay. Some games look good for a few seconds of gameplay but they could be repetitive slogs after hours of play
Try breath of the wild on Cemu. It's quite different from the other zeldas, you might like it
Only when it fits your arguments you fucktards
>and i feel as if im not missing shit
You definitely are
Post it
You know, it.
I ain't ignoring shit, I'm just not blinded enough by pure fanboyism that I'm going to defend hard mode (something that should be in the game from day one) and a SINGLE dungeon (dungeons normally last about 20 mins) for 20 bucks
Nope. I've done my research. Watched a few videos.
Nothing compelling. Its also why I stopped after Pokemon R/S/E
Ah I see, it's boring as fuck to watch, I would agree
That's not all though, the focus is the story and trials, and whatever the additional challenges are
Yes, to an extent. All final decisions are based on how I feel after researching the game for a good 45mins to an hour though
Oh no worries. here they both are.
like i said earlier itt, Scores/Reviews don't mean shit unless you're arguing over video games like manchildren.
Both BoTW and TLOU got 10/10 and praise out the fucking ass.
Really think about it.
No you dumb shit you know the Ellie thing? Fucking newfags
No, a bunch of games i didn't like had high review scores. Generally just look at gameplay videos and make my decision based on that.
if a game has mediocre reviews, it's mediocre
if a game has good reviews, it's probably mediocre, but with a chance of being good
doesn't matter if it's "professional" reviews or user reviews, both are equally low in overall quality
Combination of posts on Sup Forums, review and user scores and gameplay videos.
Gameplay can look boring without actually being so, review scores can be biased as can user scores and posts on Sup Forums boards have zero credibility on their own.
They usually influence my opinion of the review outlet.
Thats even worse
Solely, no. But with combined watching game play videos, trying demo/pirating and reviews.
>Sup Forums
>Falseflagging, fanboyism, nearly impossible to discuss anything popular
>User Scores
>Literally only scores something a 10 or 0
I think I'll pass on listening to those
Honestly I just use gameplay and word of mouth from friends at this point. Any discussion platform is usually horribly skewed in one direction or another on a game, and user reviews are even more useless than critic reviews 99% of the time.
How many fake accounts has created to like your fucking shitty game
This is the most cancer reaction I have ever seen in my whole life lol
(jump to 8.4 KIA)