What's Sup Forums's GOTY so far?

What's Sup Forums's GOTY so far?

>out for 3 months
>4.8 mill copies
>300,000 peak players


Crash Bandicoot (not really fair) or Nier: Automata.

Calling it in advance. I've been wanting something like this for years and it's helmed by all the right people.

>he could of kept slaying that witch pussy 24/7 but instead he killed her so he could have more gay sex with brainiac
Why was Lex so retarded, Sup Forums?

Tekken 7, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Gran Turismo Sport

He was basically a god while fused with Brainiac and he didn't want to let that go

The other question is what would stop The Flash from just destroying Brainiac again?

Automata. I hope that Taro will finally get more recognition.


Wasn't he being manipulated so Dark seid could come back?

Also reminder Tala banged Grod.

>Bribing Miss Martian with OREOs to make her show you her pussy

She'd already been B A N A N A E D and who wants that?

PUBG or Persona 5


>tv show almost explicitly mentions a woman having sex with a gorilla
how did they get away with this?

Nioh or The Ringed City dlc.

Judging by amount of talking and rage, BOTW easily.

Remember, if it wasn't it wouldn't make the sony ponies assmad 4 months down the line, but here we are.

Nier: Automata.

Skyrim on switch

Something Unlimited

What have the latest updates added?

P5 or PUBG. Haven't played Nier yet so we'll see how it goes.

His desire to not get sucked into the Speed Force permenantly

>popularity = quality

I wonder if people seriously think like this or they are just pretending to be retarded.

Breath of the Wild is easily GOTY winner for 2017. Not even worth discussing, really.


Tales of Berseria. Fucking great game.

Lesbian stuff, Cheshire stuff, Princess Audrey stuff, Blackfire, some masturbation things at the strip club, and a dick sucking at the bordello.

Last I played it there was no "special" scene or some such for the strippers. Is that different now?

Yeah special has them masturbate on stage. Most the girls have one now.

Amazing. This was months ago but people in the thread that introduced me to the game said the developer had left it or something.

Resident Evil 7

That's bullshit. It updates at the beginning of every month. Heard the dude had some health issues but apparently he's powering through it cause the last update was a few days ago.

It's obviously bullshit. I was just expressing my awe at the fact that the thing is actually getting more content. That thing will satiate my fapping need for a while when it's done.

it's still Divinity: OS for me, haven't finished a single game since then

nier automata

it has its flaws and the story isn't as entertaining as the original

but the gameplay is just fun as fuck

Currently Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami might beat it out though

Hollow Knight

>I've been wanting something like this for years
how come user? it's just a speedy side scroller, there's already plenty of those

This desu

Breath of the Wild or Playerunknown's Battlegrounds.

Injustice 2

As long as it's not on PC


Same, but only because I desperately want to make babies with 2B

I unironically wouldn't have bought it if the game only had Nines

>Pre-Manta Injustice 2

Maybe when Manta comes out I'll clal it my GOTY

Prey. since The Ringed City is a DLC.
despite the bit underwhelming second half and the lackluster enemy variety, the first few hours of the game were absolutely memorizing, the only singleplayer game that kept me playing for hours without being bored since Dead Space.

big fuckup

Can I carry over my save? I pirated the latest version like 2 weeks ago, did everything and am waiting for the finished version.

It has a lot content but seeing how much of it's missing I would say it's pretty barebones.

Not even memeing....


A game that came out in December 2016


Probably Prey too

Prey so far but I haven't finished Nier Automata yet and I have a feeling it might replace it after Ending B.

Also holding out hopes for Shadow of War being good.

PUBG thus far. I'm waiting for the full release of Divinity: OS 2 because I think it'll be the true GOTY but we shall see.

Horizon Zero Dawn was just alright. I liked it.

Haven't played P5 or Nier or Nioh yet so can't speak to those.

Don't own a switch so can't speak to Breath of the Wild.

But that's pretty much the short list, right?

Halo Wars 2

BotW was alright, a good game for sure, but just alright.

Same with HZD, it was alright, a good game, but just alright.

IMO, its the best Nintendo fans have, and you know how they are, so they will shill it to the end of the world. It is chocked full of SJW stuff too, so of course the reviewers will like it.

For that reason (rabid fanbase, accepting media), i think it stands a good chance of getting it.

We will have to see though, the year is only half over, and we still got uncharted, destiny 2 (minor contender unless they knock it out of the park), middle earth game (an actually big contender imo, given how much of a sleeper the other one was), and ace combat (another minor contender)