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Kaz needs to get laid, he is so wound up all the time. Maybe Venom should go out and capture a nice medic QT to soothe him.

What's his name again?


It was already said.

no he's ok lol
*lets him go*

Kazuhira "kaz" miller

such a lust for revengeance

Big Medic

One of these faggots are not like the other
One of these faggots doesn't belong

>be skullface
>prepare for enemy to finally break into my base
>practice with my driver how fast to go
>time it perfectly so that he will have enough time for rebuttals
>day finally comes
>give my diabolical speech about how i will eliminate the English language
>sit face to face with enemy and away we go
>he doesn't offer any rebuttals so i keep talking while he looks at his cellphone
>finish way too early and sit there in silence for 5 minutes


>all my soldiers suddenly die
>forgot the code word for wolbachia to trigger was peace

His voice actor did a fucking good job in that scene

It's a shame that most people will remember him for fiddle related lines.

How could any VA make that line sound good?

Provide one piece of evidence that this man is guilty


I thought he did a good job with the fiddle line, the reason people memed it into oblivion was because of how ridiculous the line itself was, not the delivery.


Yea thats what I mean, there was no way he could've delivered that line to not make it sound cheesy, so he did the best he could with the material.

I wonder how Raidens VA reacted to a lot of the shit he had to say

>Rescues POW that has been tortured and locked up for weeks
>POW gets back to Motherbase only to find half of his captors are now his comrades

I think the problem was he got laid too much

t. Big Boss

Kaz "95% of MGSV is filler" Miller

Do you think after Ocelot managed to somehow change the minds of hundreds of soldiers they started messing with him?

I'd love to have seen way more shit on Mother Base, but imagine walking around chatting to Ocelot while in the background soldiers are making lasso gestures and saying RIDEM COWBOY

Or maybe you could get a side OP where you have to help the guards pull a prank on him. Maybe fulton the shower when he's in it and send him to the animal platform or something

Say what you will about MGSV, but the music in that game and the trailers leading up to it is some of the best I've heard in vidya.

It only added to the hype, though, which made the disappointments that much more bitter. I still listen to WOAHAAAAA and nuclear now and then. Fucking c o m f y

its sad that the best part of MGSV were the trailers

I still loved MGSV, but fuck me it could've been so, so much more. Mother Base was probably the biggest thing besides the actual ending to the game. There was so much potential for shitloads of customization, a lot of unique encounters on various platforms between guards and characters like Miller, Ocelot, Codetalker and Huey. There could've been a shitload of sideops there where you just help soldiers do mundane shit, or pull pranks on others or just something.

They could've had a mess hall where you could start food fights and pick on Miller, maybe you could go to animal platform to find Ocelot meowing at the animals

None of those things would really be much on their own, but stuff like that combined would have been great and could've been the subject of shitloads of threads on the average day at mother base

Pranking Ocelot seems like a great way to get yourself disappeared and needled for 6 months

What about pranks from Snake and Miller?

Maybe Miller could replace his revolver with a squirt gun and laugh that they should give them a water show.

Snake could've teased him by started repeating some of the dumb shit he said in MGS3

>pick on Miller

Has the man not suffered enough

Fullmetal Kaz needs to lighten up, at least he still has his health and his friend.

By the end of the game he basically has everything else back anyway, with motherbase being better than ever

DD is a hellish organisation in which people are kidnapped, tortured and forced to cooperate in the maniac schemes of a mentally ill warlord.

>no side op where you fight miller or ocelot in the sauna

yeah, but fun balloon rides tho

Japanese Snake sounds so much more manly than Hayter. I would follow that man into battle if he commanded me with that voice.

>why didn't kojimbo make the game into a pseudo-anime? wtf

>Not wanting a slice of life MB anime spinoff

>Snake could've teased him by started repeating some of the dumb shit he said in MGS3
except he doesn't know any of that stuff because you're not snake

>They could've had a mess hall where you could start food fights
desu that was my dream.

Then I realized there was no mess hall, and not much to Motherbase actually.

I just want to be able to interact with my men other than punching them in the balls. Is that so much to ask Kojima goddammit.

No, Kaz, we can't kill him. He has plot armor. Let's just put him in a boat or something.

Top fucking kek

Kaz "Fulton a coon I'll pop the balloon" Miller

Venom IS the medic qt.

Wow! Did you just make that up now? So funny

Kazuhira 'Unloading my 9 on the welfare line' Miller

He just needs a friend desu

Because he's a racist

for you

He has? I thought that since Otacon was already born they might as well kill him


otacon already said that he died in mgs2 by wheeling himself into a pool and dragging emma in with him

No, I took it right from Hideo Kojima's notepad.
Kazuhira "If you speak Kikongo I'll use your skin for a bongo" Miller is the only character who has a separate one, in fact.


Every cutscene of the game os Kino

>muh wacky harem anime minigames
I really hate people who started with Peace Walker

Hayter's voice went to shit after 2, he started doing that weird phlegmy murmur

You do realize this series has a tradition of robot ninjas fighting giant dinosaur robots?

>wanna-be director Kojima using long-takes when they're not narratively or visually appropriate because he saw it in another movie
It was literally anti-kino

>Kaz summons me back to base urgently
>Oh fuck what has happened now
>I land and everyone is standing near the helipad
>Jesus Christ has another kid died?
>MFW Kaz and Ocelot start singing happy birthday

>ywn play MGS: Philanthropy where you play as Solid Snake globetrotting with Otacon to take down Metal Gears in a series of Ground Zeroes style maps

>there are people who didn't kill quiet when Miller suggested you did
>there are people who recruited a bitch who tried to kill a disabled man in a hospital
I ended up going back and saving her after I beat the game just to get mission 45 so I could get the achievement for S ranking each mission
>had to painstakingly level my bond up with this bitch I didn't like

>There are people who still think Miller is a paranoid shitter even though he was exactly right about Quiet from the very start

You can't be friends with a wolf