Give me 3 games you consider a masterpiece, Sup Forums.
Give me 3 games you consider a masterpiece, Sup Forums
Resident Evil 4
Dark Souls
Fallout 2 or Modded New Vegas
Is Marco Demarco actively trying to look like a mentally disabled person?
>Red Dead Redemption
>Metroid Prime
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Demon's Souls
Timesplitters 2 or possibly 3, it's been too long.
>Fallout New Vegas
>Crusader Kings 2 (Minus certain bullshit dlc)
>Total War Shogun 2
>MGS 3
>Metroid Prime
The darkness 1
Shadow complex
Sands of Time.
AssCreed 1.
Silent Hill 2
Fallout New Vegas
Silent Hill 2
Planescape - Torment
Castlevania - Symphony Of The Night
>Red Dead Redemption
>CoD 4
>that's it
>System Shock 2
>Civ IV
>Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 1
Shadow of the Colossus
>Resident Evil 4
All other answers can suck my anus
So basically "what are your top 3 games" thread?
Final Fantasy 7
Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation)
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Fight me, fags.
Trick question
>sly 2
>Paper Mario TTYD
>Ratchet And Clank Going Commando
Thief 2, DMC3, Nocturne
Ape Escape 1
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Explorers of Sky
>Mac could be a handsome fucker
>Always dresses like a moron, always show is teeth gap, hair always look like shit.
I don't understand. And he probably still fucks all the bitches.
Darks souls/bloodborne
Paper MarioTTYD
Mario 64
Super Mario Bros 3
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Demons's Souls
he just don't give no fuck
Yoshi's Island
Metroid Prime
Breath of the Wild
Witcher 3
Virtua Fighter 5
Quake 3
I dunno about a third.
Truly the patrician choice.
>Silent Hill (Any of the first 3)
>Flatout 2
>Alan Wake
I know for a lot of people Alan Wake was underwhelming and boring, and I'm not sure why it clicked with me so well, but it did. The story, characters and setting are all so enjoyable. As repetitive as the combat is, I still get a feeling of satisfaction from the way the enemies kind of pop when you kill them. I dunno.
Swap it out with Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict, then. Undertale was an amazing experience, albeit short.
Heroes of might and magic 3
Metroid Prime
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
fuck yeah flatout 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Skies of Arcadia
Final Fantasy 7
>Breath of the Wild
I agree 100% and more people would say this if not for console war faggotry
Dead Space
Resident Evil 4
Battlefield 1942
In terms of influence.
Super Mario bros
Space Invaders
Street Fighter 2
>Deus Ex
>Super Mario Bros 3
>NFS Most Wanted
Killer 7
Ridge Racer Type 4
Soul Calibur II
Deus Ex 1
Witcher 3
Max Payne
>having a "favorite" game
X-COM UFO Defense
The Curse of Monkey Island
A third I don't know, maybe Portal 2.
Metal Gear Solid 2
Persona 5
Ace Combat Zero
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Metal Gear Solid 2
>warcraft 3 TFT
Super Mario world
Street fighter iii 3rd strike
Shinobi 3
>I am so unique and different XD
Super Mario 64
Shin Megami Tensei II
FZero GX
VTMB is so perfectly imperfect.
Cave Story
Ghost Trick
Super Mario Galaxy
Metal Gear Solid 3
Fable 2
Bonus: Mafia 2
if we go by developers
Castlevania SotN
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime
Eternal Darkness
Lost Odyssey
Company of Heroes
Titanfall 2
Half Life 2
Diablo 2
Yoshis Island
DOOM 1 2
>Diablo 2
>Heroes 3
Bloody Roar 3
Vampire Savior
3rd Strike
mac demarco sucks and his music is poppy meme shit you forget within 5 minutes
Portal 2
World of Warcraft
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
gotic: Western RPG´s msater piece
Baldurse gate: Western RPG´s msater piece
Operation Flahspoint: Cold War Crisis east euro master piece
all this three games have done more for gaming then anything. Rememberd and played till today. Everything else is just a bland and bad copy of said games.
who's your favorite solo artist
Literally not what the thread is about you dingus.
scatman john
Ariel Pink
The Cat Lady
To the Moon
Everybody's gone to the rapture
final doom
>Steambot Chronicles
>Fabled Lands
>Way of the Samurai (any of them)
Nah he's just a goofy dude that doesn't sweat the small stuff.
>Not liking both Mac and Ariel
Although Ariel shit talking Mac during the show I went to in 2015 was hilarious.
Fallout New Vegas
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Dark Souls
Abe's Oddysee
La Mulana
Tactics Ogre LUCT
Silent Hill 2
Resident Evil Remake
Fallout 1
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Tetris Attack
Gunstar Heroes
>Evil Genius
>Space Rangers (both games, and remakes.)
>Original Spyro.
Shittiest taste in the thread. Worst MGS, dating sim, and a Sonybro version of a Reddit-tier game.
MK: shaolin monks
vampire masquerade bloodlines
witcher 3
dark souls
>modded NV
>but unmodded F2 is fine
all game fujo have made!
>Ace Combat Zero
>Fallout New Vegas
how's it bait?
I saw him at a gig in Glasgow and he did a dare at the bar afterwards. He stuck his finger up a mans ass.
Fifa 17
Metroid Prime
Demon's Souls
he once stuck his finger up his own ass and did a backflip with his finger still stuck up his ass.
Zelda OoT
Baldurs Gate 2
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim®
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition®
>The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®
jackie chan
jackie chan
jackie chan
Wait minute.... no that couldnt be... Todd? Could it?
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim®
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition®
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® for Nintendo Switch™
Baldur's Gate
Dragon's Dogma
What a great taste my friend!
xcom ufo defense
halo combat evolved
deus ex