Are MMOs dead?

Are MMOs dead?

Last thread had some pretty good discussion, I'd like to continue it.

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Forgot last thread

Don't lie to us. You're planning to start your shitty shillblood general

I've actually been having the MMO itch. Are there any fun 2d mmorpgs that are still alive, something like tibia, ragnarok, or endless online? Any exceptional 3d mmorpgs that are kind of like those games? I like games with player run economies, farming for rare items, crafting, player businesses, and fun pvp is a plus.

>2 threads discussing WoW stay up
>Can have one thread for another MMO

Nah, fuck off.

BDO is probably the only open world game like that at the moment.

It has it's own share of issues, but it will give you the economy and PvP you want.

>Does it work, though? Compare FFXIV's numbers to WoW during Wrath.

This is unfair and you know it. Wrath was a flash in the pan, and it is extremely likely we will never see numbers like that in any MMO ever again. It was great expansion following the two most praised eras of any MMO, vanilla and TBC WoW. It was in the right place at the right time. Even current WoW can't compare.

The game had less than half of the numbers in MoP than it had during Wrath. Not to mention they have always counted the chinese as subscribers, who don't pay a monthly sub. It has been estimated that at its peak, WoW has only had about 3-4 million. During MoP, the game probably had less than 2million subscribers.

Don't believe anything I just said? Here you go:

>"World of Warcraft subscribers are defined to include: (1) individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft , (2) those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access, and (3) Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days."
>(3) Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days.

>"In January, there were 1.6 million level 90's in North America. 1.9 million level 90's in Europe."

Now sure, you'll say, how many people that play don't have a max level character (at the time)? Quite a few, I'm certain. That being said, how many people at max level only have one max character? Who really knows? I had 11 level 90s in that snapshot personally, and while I know that I'm not the average player quite a few people if not everyone I knew had at least 2-3. Also, this isn't taking into account people who hit level 90 and unsubscribed. The game isn't as popular as Blizzard makes you think.

Also, it sounds like you don't like MMOs. The genre is all about playing in a living world, accomplishing difficult things with or without friends, and having a place to either admire others or show off.


>1200 queue for odin
>1400 queue for omega
Stop playing my game you fucks

no, the age of mmos has died
all the mmos are now are p2w crap, sit all day on the capital or some edgy experimental nonsense

the future seems to be steering towards mobas, as cancerous as they are

Current era is that of min-maxing and korean grinders. There is no longer sense of adventure you had with older MMOs. Meeting a player with rare or hard to get item was huge. Now people just dig game files and find the best possible/quickest way to things.

>using a bow
>with pauldrons bigger than her head

transfer to one of the dead servers if you care so much, not like there is a shortage of them


Why is there such a lack of content in Stormblood?

Not as long as I'm having fun.

>weekly limit on drops
>content gets less and less people running it after everyone got their shit
>mfw more than 30 minutes on V2

>Think ESO isn't even that good
>Decide to try other MMO's
>All of them are reduced to standing in front of each other and exchange damage as if they made a real-time game but decided to go with turn-based combat anyway
I've heard BDO is pretty decent but that it's basically p2w

Rare items are probably never coming back.

There have only been a few modern games with legitimately rare items, and these usually had one or two downfalls that killed the community.

Either the drops were so rare that literally only one or two people on a server would get them, or the drops would be zerged and monopolized by a single guild.

>mfw leisurely finished the MSQ a day before omemega came out
Feels good to not be an autistic poopsocker

The closest to Ragnarok WoE is Black Desert Online right now.

Make an MMO that isn't a fucking WoW clone. Hell, preferably one that isn't even a pure RPG.

>there are people who don't play elves in every MMO that has them

Disgusting plebs.

i miss vindictus.

I only play the HUGE races.

is that a game about menstruation?

Try playing a non-DPS class some time.

I think it's hit a stagnation point after the big boom in the early-mid 2000s. The market is oversaturated with a lot of mediocre to bad games and most of them seem to follow a routine (even the big ones like ffxiv) where content is churned out with an almost paint by numbers design. So it's dying I guess sort of in the sense that innovation and advancement is pretty slow.

BDO PvP comes with the poor balance of WoE as well.

I'm enjoying it but I picked a broken class.

I fucking HATE this shitty meme.

"Exploration" in MMOs is dead because you grew up. When you were a kid, you had an expansive imagination and a very limited set of expectations. When you walked around you had no idea what you could find in that chest around that corner behind all of those scary level ?? kobolds. It could be literally anything in your childish head. Nowadays, you come across that chest and your cynical adult mind says, "it's probably 14 copper and a shitty health potion" or you just look it up online. Then you'll go level as efficiently as possible to get to the real content at endgame because you KNOW that the real game for an MMO starts at max level.

Exploration died with you, when you grew up.

Remove huge races

It still doesn't change the fact that this retarded design makes queues only go at a reasonable rate around the reset day
I've had tanks stuck in the same queue

Reminder that Dragon's Dogma Online exist. It's not a perfect MMO by a long shot but hot damn the combat's good with some buddies.

>the real game for an MMO starts at max level.
this is actually the meme that killed mmos

RO was a balance clusterfuck as well, but people have fond memories.
Are you talking about the concept as a whole or class balance? Because I like the approach they are doing here, even if it's slow (bring other classes up to the level of strong classes with buffs, instead of arbitrary nerfs to appease winers like in WoW).

I still firmly believe that EVE online is still the best MMO out there

>Inb4 hurr durr second job

You're wrong. Flat out wrong. Having gotten back into everquest with project 1999 recently I can definitely say that it's not solely an "age" thing. I still get those feelings rediscovering things I hadn't seen in over a decade and going to places i never got the chance to back in the day. The thing about older mmos is you had to actually work to explore. You felt a sense of accomplishment when you successfully made it there.

I want a vindictus-like arcade brawler with the open world/world of guild wars or WoW

Is it too much to ask?
BDO is not and will never be like vindi's combat

Just class balance in general. BDO and RO are similar in that there are 4 or 5 jobs that are considerably more useful than the others.

Balance patches seem to be pretty sparse as well, at least for the NA release.

>tfw outdamaged by a DRG as SAM
>his total autoattack damage is straight up 125% that of mine
Does having a VI materia in every single slot make that much of a difference?

>implying teso is any different
Seriously nigga? Combat in teso is the worst thing about it, from animations to how stiff the whole action part feels.

Sure I can't argue that the weekly reset EVERYTHING design is stagnant and poorly thought out, but you can at least get through it faster if you just have an alt job to quick queue. Either that or just live with the DPS queues and find something else to do in the down time. Watch some TV, craft, gather, do daily hunts, do homework if you're a student, etc etc.

I had a slight hope for something different in Stormblood, but realistically I just expected a good story and more of the same endgame stuff, the only high hopes I had being that the primals continued to be fun and Savage will be mechanically interesting and not a fucking soulsucking nightmare like Gordias. So far I haven't been disappointed beyond the general sadness over the weekly reset design.

It is mechanically but in actual play it's boring as all fuck.

I agree
I don't really get the "second job" complaint. Maybe it's because I put in a lot of research when looking at corps to join and I don't take part in the nullsec stuff but every corp I've been in has understood that EVE's just a game and sometimes you get too busy to play, or want to play something else sometimes.

I'm playing an mmo literally right now, so obviously not.

That Hyur woodwailer is a qt

No shit. But it's what you get in today's MMOs. The life of an MMO fanatic is suffering.

>older MMOs

This is why I'm keeping an eye on Pantheon. I feel like it'll be shit like every other MMO, but I want to hope it'll be good. While I stand by what I said, it doesn't help that developers no longer know how to create something worth exploring. I grew up without the internet, so exploration was necessary and natural without a walkthrough. Nowadays? I don't think it's possible to do in a large-scale, popular MMO. How do you properly incentivize and create exploration? I don't think you can, and that adult cynicism we have doesn't help.

SAM autoattacks aren't particularly strong compared to most classes. You get your 10% damage buff from Jinpu, 10% speed buff from Shifu, and 10% slashing from Yukikaze, and that's it. DRG on the other hand gets 15% and 5% passively, but also has two direct damage buff duration skills. The materia also probably makes a difference, but the bulk of that difference is probably the other guy optimizing more than you and the differences in jobs.

Farm party they said. High dps they said.
Fuck it, I'm going in full slayan gear next time.

While the internet really has killed most of exploration it's not always the case.
EVE Online still had a real sense of danger and exploration was an actualy way to make money.
BDO usually suprises me with how great and atmospheric certain places look. Riding through this foggy forest at dusk has been a memorable experience for example, or a sunset at the beach, or while hunting in the mountains.

Well they have several options

A) Make the gear drop directly and only give like 1-2 pieces meaning you have to spam it and get lucky. (which is more or less the normal route except there is a LOT more gear to get because it's armor and jewelry)

B) A loot lockout which means you have the issue you mentioned, but the loot that is dropped is at least not class restricted

C) A timed lockout where you can only run it x amount of times a week and you just get the loot from it for running it which would have the same problem in terms of queues slowing down a lot, in fact it'd be worse.

>be dps
>do lakshimi
>die to OT tanks not doing their job
>be tank
>do lakshimi
>die to enrage

You just can't win

>I like games with player run economies, farming for rare items, crafting, player businesses, and fun pvp is a plus.
oldschool runescape

I'd throw in Wakfu, but the recent mining and kama minting changes inflated prices

Could be better I guess, I'm just glad there is a huge demand for wizards/witches as well. I remember how WoW had servers that LITERALLY where 50% rouges and they were basically fucked as not group or guild would ever want them.

Yeah, they have to give classes withough good aoes, utility or CC some sole to play. Assassin type classes aren't great either in how endgame PvP is currently like. Other classes are just underrated with people not realizing their potential (Tamers). I think I'll stay cautiously optimistic for now though.

delete fast travel

Don't let maps fill in massive chunks by walking an inch into a new area.

It's good but really stale.
If they did a server reset I'd pick it up in a heartbeat. This late into it's life with that retarded skill progression? Not so much.

>Complain about number of threads
>We pare it down to one
>Still get hunted and deleted

Come on.

This is the fucking worst feeling. I can tank Expert roulette, group pull the whole planet and survive for a long fucking time, and then all the monsters are alive when the healer runs out of MP because the DPS are braindead sacks of shit who are single targeting, but switching targets so nothing dies. Or of course a healer who can't sprint and doesn't know how to use their heal spells properly, though that one's really rare, even if they don't dps they can usually keep me alive.

Or I queue as DPS, sit in queue for 35 minutes, then get a tank who refuses to pull or tank more than 1 enemy at a time. The only way to win is to bring your own party.

If we're on the same data center i'd help you some time. I mean I'm a healer but I've done the fight plenty.

what game?

Have you tried dungeon fighter online? Farming for rare items is a staple.

What are your opinions on these MMO's I've played and genuinely enjoyed?


Guild Wars 2

>check out black desert
>"3 friends already own this game"
>all anime avatars and known trapfags

I'd play her game...

>being friends with people you apparently hate
whats wrong with you

Anyone still playing Runescape? How is it now?

runescape 3 is an abomination
oldschool runescape is great
Sup Forumsscape is exactly what you'd expect from a fucking Sup Forums private server with like 100 active players

Some guy in Duty Finder literally referred to me as Bara Dad the other day.

>having those on your friends list in the furst place

FFXIV is like going to a very nice fancy restaurant where they have live bands playing music for you and amazing art hanging on the walls and then they bring you your meal and it's a fucking bologna sandwich

He needs a padded friends list to feel good about himself

How is the questing in wow these days? I'm on a break from playing warframe and looking for a good mmo to play with some friends.

Trying to decide between black desert on steam, world of warcraft or maybe elder scrolls morrowind.

OP here. I play OSRS. It's pretty good, but they still pump out updates weekly which over time will change the game (obviously). They are very hesitant to introduce the powercreep we see in RS3, so most of the gear you remember from late 2007 is still BiS with some minor exceptions.

It's basically the classic game if they had kept updating it and not had the removal of the wilderness, EoC, and updated graphics changes which destroyed the original game. Worth a try.

>keeping people you hold in contempt around

Nice meme.

There actually is at the moment, I tried to make a new character on the EU datacenter and all but 3 servers were closed to new characters, and there were queues on the 3 that were left.

Don't expect this to last though, the new raid is easy and boring as fuck with ugly gear rewards. After a month most of the playerbase will fuck off again.

>Lakshmi extreme on the sunday night during EA
>manage to kill her just fine in a party of people sub 305
>last week try to get kill for friend
>can't do it with a group of 307+

albion online is going to get released on 17 july what do you guys think will happen with it, are you looking forward to it? or has it killed its own hype by being too late?

Well you are a friend with those degenerates, so you'll probably enjoy it too.

I don't use Steam to socialize. However, friend list is pointless if I don't do anything with it.
I have hundreds of friends since I add good players so I can always join a decent lobby through them. I really don't care what kind of people they are since we never communicate in the first place aside from greetings.
Aside from being portals to quality lobbies, they apparently also work as red flags.

I had a Shinryu group yesterday that failed like 7 times in a row. Vote abandon into new party and we did it first try. Most people are just retards.


Majority of the servers are very low population.

If I get started playing OSRS what are some things should I know? Scimitars are the only actual melee weapon right?

play it
wander around
have fun
yes scimitars are the real niggas of pve until lv 70 attack

Add my IGN: Ice Arrow.
I'll help you out without ruining the game for you, especially if you're new.

osg ironman idiot

I know making an MMO is a titanic endeavor. Although, despite everything there are some free/pen source projects made by enthusiasts.

Which begs the question: would it be possible for Sup Forums to join forces and, using one of those open source projects, make a good MMO (things like global real time combat, good graphics, etc would obviously not be there)?

dragon nest?


no, of course not
why would you even entertain such a ridiculous notion

>Parties in PF with ilvl 310+ Requirements
>Idiots actually believe better gear will make them retard proof

Every time.

>people keep saying that the new EX primals are easy
>instead of making successful farm runs more frequent, this just attracts more shitters to them
>mechanics have a complex targeting system that almost always go after the dumbest player in the party so shit is actually harder than it should be
I will just put on top of my head and wait for the relic quest patch to have something to do in this game. Apparently that is the only way to enjoy this game after MSQ ends.

Sup Forums couldn't even handle broquest and that was a shitty 2d single player RPG

Went in with a new group

i know who you are dont try and hide from me

it worked for a while, since you'd need to have been a part of good groups to get 310+ early on. now its not so hard.

Dunno, I mean, if some dudes made Tibia in a garage surely a group of 1000+ people should be able to make something better, as long as they are motivated and well organized.

I'm not. That's why I posted my IGN. Do you have brain damage?

even the MT is shit, that's impressive.

I had some WoW tokens from last time I quit and decided to use them.

I rolled a new character on a populated RPPVP realm (Emerald Dream) - I was horde always, so I decided to try Alliance and start from the ground up, no heirlooms no nothing.

I'm actually having fun.