22 days left. Please tell me I'm not the only one kind of excited for this

22 days left. Please tell me I'm not the only one kind of excited for this.

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Sadly you're not, I want that game now.

What is it like find mii or something? Just 40 dollars as a game?

I'm really excited too. Especially the postgame, it sounds massive.

JRPG spinoff with Miis and memes.

More like Find Mii but expanded. You can create your own miis or use mii central to fill in for the characters, and with a twist of tomodachi life thrown in your mii's can grow to like or dislike each other with different effects on combat and dialogue and whatnot. There're a bunch of classes to choose from(in the final game, there's only like 5 in the demo) each with their own abilities and whatnot and personalities with each mii. Even random NPC's are filled in by random mii's on Mii Central.

It's a really cute rpg with a nice fun twist.

What's the postgame like?

I plan to use Allan from the Miiverse love story as the main bad guy

i'm excited because vinny will play this and the demo already proved that it's going to be gold

the ost is surpisingly good


>tfw completed the demo twice
>planned out party members and jobs for the full game
I thought I would've hated it, I can't understand how the hell it was so fun. Really fucking excited for the full game.

>he didnt hack the demo to play more and test the new classes

A stupid game like this(and I mean that endearingly) has no business having such good music.

For the first three chapters, you will have 4 man parties consisting of the MC who is always around and 3 characters, each chapter requires you to create 3 new party members since your previous ones are unavailable on the next chapter.

The last chapter gives you back all 9 party members from the 3 chapters. So you can make a 4-man party with them and take on the final boss.

Postgame gives you a 100 character limit so you can create 90 more characters and postgame apparently has tons of hard content.

Too bad you got Undertale characters Vinny. Your fanbase will never shut the fuck up about it.

He only got one

I only recall there being one Undertale character showing up, and it was at the very end

How often does the Great Sage or whatever show up in the main game? Are there more wandering characters like that in the game?

I had passed up Tomodachi Life and was planning to pass this up till the demo. Was pretty entertaining for an otherwise minimalistic game. I'll hopefull put a fucking use to all the random crap Miis I for what ever reason added to my 3DS back during the release threads.

Great Sage ends up as a plot device most of the game. Don't think there are any other "wandering" characters like him, but I haven't dwelled to much into spoilers for the game.

>tons of hard content

Good shit. Nintendo knows what they're doing.

This game is pretty fucking rad.

>Nintendo slapped together a bunch of JRPG elements together and the end result is Dragon Quest with memes

thats the point of this game
the lolz
did you even play tomodachi live?

Sounds neat. Is it like DnD with miis? Is there multiplayer?

>Tfw played TL for hundreds of hours

Yes I did, but even without the goofy stuff, Miitopia is a legitimately good JRPG clone.

Dragon Quest on crack.

When you started the demo who did the game set as the dubious mayor?

Mine was Richard Nixon.

never mind, I though rad meant another thing
you guys and your ghetto vocabulary

What did you think it meant?

user, for someone that uses "for the lolz", shouldn't you be better with these terms?

I somehow got Bill.

I got Waluigi

I got Toon Link

Mine was Kirby