>DOTA 2 is a much better game than league of leg-
>dota 2 has notail, puppey and best girl, zai
league literally cannot compete
>Cheek bones of the gods
Then explain this picture?
U mad?
MOBAs have never, will never, and literally cannot ever be good videogames to begin with.
Very accurate. Everyone that plays league of nations should blow their brains out.
tell me what kind of games you like
why? so you can pretend there are worse flaws with them? are you just as insecure as everyone else who plays mobas?
fuck off autist
Heroes of the Storm btw
>brood war requiring less skill than any of those games
meant to quote
>not posting chuan now
>High skill ceiling
This image is clearly made by Dota fags.
>strategy games simpler than fighting games
What a mess.
This is pretty accurate desu
League of Legends is for SJWs on Tumblr.
Dota 2 is for men with a deep appreciation for complex mechanics and a rich, consistent lore.
>muh gook click requires skill
Why did every SC pro fail at dota 2?
>LoL less popular than anything
>SC2 more skills than anything
>DOTA more skills than CSGO
yeah nah
League of Legends is for people with a normal life.
DOTS is for greasy NEET neckbeards that dedicate 18 hours per day to the game.
Cause the only "skill" you need at dota 2 and all mobas is teamplay and SC is an individual skill game.
probably because sc players that transitioned to mobas weren't good enough to compete in sc in the first place. also the fact that there were players that had years experience in that game already.
now conversely, are there any dota players that have had any success in sc?
any dota player could easily become a professional at starcraft, they just don't feel like it because of how easy it is
>are there any dota players that have had any success in sc?
Why would they play a dead game without any e-sport money and prestige?
i made new dota acc and there is literally a leaver in every game i play
i cant imagine someone new coming in and playing this mess, i would just quit after 5 games
>fighting game skill that low
explain this then
yeah okay, just compare and contrast.
Brood War
Money =/= skill now? What do you think of Overwatch?
Dota is League except it has more actives. The only thing more difficult is the guy with the clones but that is one character.
What. That guy is a 6/10
How can lolbabbies even compete?
His cock is erect and max 5 inches if he is even half as tall as me.
that boner
look, a penis expert
Chuan has lost some weight. He still looks kind of like a monster though
will pupper win TI?
they look really strong
Uhh no. There's also invoker, and natures prophet, and Chen, and enchantress and beast master. I dont play shit league so correct me if I'm wrong but I'm like 1,000% positive there's no heroes with micro in that game
>RTZ boner
>ever winning anything ever
That meme is dead
your CSGO placement is objectively wrong as fuck
MOBAbabies are a bunch of whiny SJWs
Here's a real team
>His mum bought fake yeezys
>no courier
>doesnt lose money on death
>doesnt need to carry tp
>stupid bushes and invisibility mechanics
lol is literally game for babies
>Money =/= skill now? What do you think of Overwatch?
Pretty sure there's not that much money in overwatch
Lolbro looks way better brah you fucked up breh like what you doing how did you fuck it up that bad bruh
Only dota players are so cucked that they have to constantly try and look superior.
Nobody cares, just play what you like faggot.
>controlling one character with more than 2-3 actives and microing couple of minions is considered high skill among moba players
remind me, do they have highground in lol or is the whole map flat?
Only the river part is "lowground". It does't play into games much if at all though.
>Far left looks half-asleep
>Left-center looks unfocused
>Middle looks like he doesn't give a shit
>Center-right looks like he doesn't shower
>Far right looks like he white knights
Yeah real great team you got there
it's still in it's infancy. the game itself has no clout as a competitive game so it's artificially built up with promise of big prize pools and mainstream sponsorships.
what your biggest lose streak?
once i had 20 game lose streak in dotes
>average league player
>average dota2 player
both are shit regardless, fuck off back to /vg/
Mad some CSGO guy fucked your bitch? Only pussies play MOBA trash
The DOTA>League is just because League, while really really fun, was an incomplete game back int he first seasons. Now that the game has developed to be on the same level claiming that Dota is better is just showing your virtue signaling elitism wannabe.
no, lol is objectively bad game
you literally cant defend it versus dota
thats just how it is
>moving goalposts
Go back to your shit dead game faggot. Suck blizzards cock some more I'm sure you'll get StarCraft 3 split into 4 games this time
>he has to spend money to unlock all heroes and be on an even playing field with everyone else
>skin cancer is better than colon cancer
Mobas are more than just controlling. In Dota theres so many mechanics and timings that you're just going to give up learning because top people started learning that game 10 years before you. I played Dota but not any more because too many people who only care about their mmr and nothing else in their lives (6k). While sure people give it too much credit it still is not an easy game as a whole.
so you admit it requires more skill and time to master?
>He actually believe this.
>moving goalposts
what are you even talking about? also, were not arguing about popularity here, i'm obviously willing to concede that moba's reign supreme currently in that regard and there is a reason for that.
for one it's a team game, which means it has less emphasis on individual skill and more about teamwork. also, the mechanics of the game are objectively much simpler and because of it more people are able to be at least somewhat competitive unlike in an rts where you will get destroyed 99 times out of a 100 if you play against someone who has better grasp of the mechanics than you.
that explains it's appeal and popularity, that's not to say that it has no skill floor but it is much lower than starcraft. to argue otherwise is to be biased and or misinformed.
why cant i go right now, install lol and play any champion i want?
Nice argument faggot, neck yourself.
Mobas are for autistic faggots.
>that tiny boner
meanwhile in the FGC
I agree it does suck. But you dont need more than 10 champions you are good with. It isn't a disvantage at all
>SC is an individual skill game
user no "strategy" game is an individual skill game.
I say "strategy" because sc just barely makes the cut.
How dies it feel to Browse Sup Forums 24/7 you pathetic human beging.
yes just like him
and runes. and runepages.
I meant to quote you and not myself fuck
Runes and runepages are being removed and replaced with 1 system that is free
>no courier
So going back to the fountain is a bigger decision since you'd be missing out on gold/exp
>doesn't lose money on death
There are plenty of snowball mechanics in LoL already
>doesn't need to carry tp
Because you only ever tp back to base in dota right? In league you need to waste a summoner spell slot to be able to tp like you can in dota and it has 4x the cooldown
>stupid bushes and invisibility mechanics
Stupid trees and highground mechanics
The shit you're posting isn't even casualization. Its just design choices.
>But you dont need more than 10 champions you are good with
And this is why the game is casual shit.
are you just baiting now?
>Dota 2
>higher skill ceiling than league
Learning to bring more people to the fight is not the same as the game requiring your mechanics to be good. In League the game revolves around individual skill while in Dota it literally only comes down to getting successful ganks which isn't hard when every CC in the game is point-and-click.
>Pretending there aren't people who play pudge or invoker only
>posts some random video of autistic gooks screeching
Thanks user, that really clears up what you meant.
Enzo "Timado" Gianoli (16yo soon to become millionaire) is swimming in underage peruvian pussy while y'all shitpost all day in this reddit infested board.
it's a MASSIVE fucking bulge
>pcfags actually think sf4 is hard
it's just a diagonal input nigga hahah like just press forward and do a fireball haahahah
amazing startegy
>literally just gook clicks and who ever gook clicks faster win
>Starcraft is a strategy game
Ya sure. Like. 10% strategy. And I get it its RT(S) but genres have always been missleading.
>genres have always been missleading
To retards maybe.
>any e-sport pro
>swimming in pussy when they play 24/7
yea nah.
>runescape and LoL having almost twice as high skill ceiling as quake and SC2.
>BW at bottom
1/10 bait got me to reply
it's a compilation that showcases many unorthodox, metagame changing strategies used by pros. some of it might be hard to understand if you're not familiar with the game, but i'm just showing it as an example of how strategic the game is.
"If it makes money it is good" is one of the stupidest arguments because hey look it pretty much eliminates all the discussion. Not just for esports or games. It applies to EVERYTHING. Like guy A eats shit and gets paid nothing. Guy B eats shit but gets paid in millions. Guy B is more right than guy A.
Was it that hard to type that in the first place user?
Here I was thinking you were disagreeing with me saying that strategy games aren't stronger in co-op multiplayer.
By the way, that's not strategy you're pointing out, but tactics.
>underage peruvian pussy
he got aids already?
Well what strategy is there? You gotta have brain problems to think that it is heavy strategy game.
>LoL is greater than dota
>as long as you compare anything besides the games
>strategy = a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim
that's literally what the video is about. if you want a more elaborate example of how strategy has evolved and impacted the game then i can supply that too
>Spam TA
>Get to 4k in two months and stop playing
wow that was hard