Post indies worth buying & playing.
Post indies worth buying & playing
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what's the point? Sup Forums is just gonna shit on some of my favorite games. fuck that
Stardew Valley
La Mulana
Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Cart Racer
>looked interesting
>not on GOG
>no longer interested
A enhanced version of it is on the way to PC/PS4/XB1
>Post indies worth buying & playing.
As opposed to worth buying but not playing?
m-my game
based on steam and backlog threads, buying games but not playing them is a chronic problem on Sup Forums
As opposed to not buying or not playing. C'mon!
This after guacamelee made them quickly become the exception to "devs charging for indie shit are always cancer."
you guys really can't come up with better games? not really interested in anything posted yet.
Then you have to list stuff that interests you.
I really need more great indies on my Vita.
Can't really recommend it to anyone even though it's my favorite game this year so far, it's really a love or hate kind of game.
Guacamelee was great. I bought it twice on Steam.
Super meat boy
>release the title saying it will be VIta exclusive
>a few months later it gets ported to WiiU, 3ds and iOS
Fuck those guys, I'm still mad
hmm. hard to pin down. i was about to type a long answer but here it is in short terms
>I'm a sucker for style. good looks will make me interested
>I like going fast. fast and fluid gameplay will keep me interested
>i like goofy memorable characters. interacting with characters is always fun
Cave Story+ on the Switch once it gets that sweet co op and new challenges summer update.
Hollow Knight.
Same, Guacamele didn't impress me the first time i played on PS4 but i downloaded it 2 days on my Vita and i'm hooked! Same thing with Severed i thought it was fruit ninja shit but turned out to be a great game with a surprising depth and challenge
I'll always have a soft spot for the bit.trip series. Can't wait for runner 3
>Hollow Knight.
Vita when?
I dunno. Barely interested. People say it gets annoying later in the game. guess we'll see when it releases
>Works on his game for months and months
>Only after he has spent so much time did people tell him his gameplay is terrible and is not fun at all.
It's every dev's nightmare realized.
What's a Vita?
but only like 3 people out of like a hundred told me it was bad
I fixed the shit tutorial
Did someone save picture of Niko that looks like Niko Bellic?
Runner 3's camera angle upsets me a lot.
For what reason? It's been too long but I don't remember anything real bad about it
>It's been too long
The game isn't out yet, user.
was excited for this for a couple years, somewhere in the middle i got disinterested in indie platformers but i still ended up buying it. never finished but it was solid and the concept is fantastic
Too long since I saw the trailer
this nigga gets it
I make it a point to suggest Severed in every 3DS thread I'm in
You should give it another try, it gets really amazing atmosphere wise around halfway through the game, really makes you feel like a rat in a giant structure.
Super meat boy
welp, this thread is a lost cause. now I get why people on Sup Forums say indie games suck.
How do you get so much right on your first attempt?
These guys knew exactly what they were doing, this is easily one of the best speed based platformers.
>Still not even close to Spire releasing.
20XX is amazing. I just wish it would come out of early access - it's been almost 3 years and they're still adding/fixing things.
Yeah, no idea what's up with that but they're clearly far from done based on how little they've shown yet.
mah nigga
>spend life playing videogames
>use your brain to think about what made the good ones good
>put those things in your game
its honestly mindblowing to me how many games still come out with outright terrible design decisions, like they're made by someone who never even plays games. shit like dustforce would be commonplace if humans weren't majority retards.
I've considered this, it just looks like ass (even though the gameplay looks alright). Early Access kills the deal for me though.