which one is objectively the best and which is objectively the worst
Which one is objectively the best and which is objectively the worst
Play Switch U Box
>Wii U
>This faggot actually bought a Play Switch U Box
GG. X Wii Station's sales are way up. Enjoy your dead console.
Exclusive wise
wii u >>>>>>>> ps4 > xbone
Overall assuming you can have nothing else
xbone > ps4 >>>>>>>>> wii u
SmashBorne 5: Guardians is fucking great
I'm a Wii u owner, but am planning the PS4 eventually. How on Earth is the Xbox better than PS4 besides the controller?
Would put Wii U in "medium" personally
Xbone>PS4? top kek
Objectively according to what?
What the fuck are you asking?
The only truly objectively shit console is Xbone
Only thing PS4 has over Xbox one is exclusives, Ps4 can't even do backwards compatibility.
And being better overall.
As of right now, as an overall all-in-one games machine:
PS4 > Xbone > WiiU > Switch
With the next year of releases in mind:
PS4 > Xbone > Switch > WiiU
With ONLY exclusives + near future in mind:
PS4 > Switch > WiiU > Xbone
cheaper, better """free games""""" with online tip, backwards compatibility, better online service
It even has the more popular exclusives with the playerbase if you look at the best sellers on both.
PS4 > Wii U > Xbox One > Switch
>exclusive wise nintendo wins
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
EA access, game pass, backwards compatibility play anywhere etc
Shouldn't you be getting to school soon?
I believe you mean subjectively
>Not owning a Play Wii 4 U
>How on Earth is the Xbox better than PS4
It's not.
But keep in mind that as Xbox's popularity plummets, the few remaining Xbox fanboys become even more hardcore, delusional and defensive, so you get crazy posts like the one you quoted and the ones that replied to you just before me.
I'm close to buy a Wii u, what i'm for?
In this to see Switchfags shit on WiiU. Ergo, the same motherfuckers who made pic related 5 years ago. Fuck you faggots
In reality everyone believes this. Just look at the best sellers on each, xbone/ps4 are practically all multiplats.
Exclusives, and if you are intelligent enough free pirated games.
Multiplats > Nintendo Exclusives
I actually use the wii u to wank off on my tv, works surprisingly well with pornhub.
OUYA> rest
>Delusional and defensive
t.Sony fangays feeling threatened by anyone saying good things about another console
Yeah it's pretty fucking obvious multiplats are better because of how many there are.
However nintendo games are usually very popular, whereas exclusives on the ps4/xbone aren't.
>inb4 b-b-but nintenbros have nothing else to play
PC gets the best version of multiplats but (non f2p difficult to run) pc exclusives are still in the most played on pc.
looks like french Italian flag.
it's obvious
ultimate combination is
xbox one x (multipats, og xbox, 360, dreamcast, psx, psp, n64 emu's, upcoming pc games like PoE, battlegrounds etc)
switch (exclusives)
nothing else is needed
shouldn't a good console have both good exclusives and good multiplats?
PC>shit>everything else
that is if we're trying to be objective.
I never said or even implied Xbone doesn't have any "good things". It does.
It's just that they are completely outmatched and overwhelmed by PS4's own "good things" to such an extent that saying "Xbone>PS4" can be nothing more than a joke or a falseflag post
Only needs one tbqh since most games are multiplat. However if it has no exclusives if must be significantly cheaper than PC (after online and need for a normal pc is factored in), which none of the consoles even come close to doing since the xbox 360/ps3 half way through their lives.
That image is still objectively right. The WiiU is a better console than ps4 and xbone still
PC doesn't belong to a generation and isn't part of OP's question.
But thanks for interjecting with something no one asked for or cares about. You bumped the thread at least, I guess.
Best is PC, get fucked.
Worst is everything else, get fucked.
Would put Wii U in fucking terrible personally.
Kinect level controller.
>PC gets the best version of multiplats
This isn't always true.
Fighting games are terrible on PC due to the lack of community. Just the other we had an user complaining about how dead the new Blazblue was on PC, and everyone told him that that's how it goes with anime fighters, and to stick to discords, where you get the worst of weebs.
Meanwhile, I just bought the game yesterday on PS4, and can find randos to play against very easily.
The same goes for Guilty Gear. Communities for fighters die very quickly on PC. Making PS4 the ideal platform for those multiplats, as that's what most of the FGC plays on.
Yeah, I can see this argument being true for single player games, but even then, it doesn't always turn out that way. People all had trouble with the PC ports of NieR Automata, Arkham Knight, and Dishonored, just to name a few.
To make a blanket statement that all multiplats are better on PC is blatantly false. It depends what you're looking for overall, really. But to say "X game doesn't count on PS4 cause it's multiplat." Is fucking dumb, when in some cases, tge best experience is on PS4.
And then also you add console exclusives like Destiny or FFXV. Games which simply don't make it to PC.
Tell that to Switchfags.
The only games that are doa in pc are fighting games, there just isn't a community for them in pc gaming, and shitty ports normally get fixed in weeks/months. I personally never cared about final fantasy, never understood the appeal
You also forgot to mention PC's constant delays
Nier Automata came 1 month on PS4 before PC, and I saw first hand plenty of PC players getting spoiled on threads (their stupid fault I guess) before getting to touch the game.
Destiny2 and Monster Hunter World will also be 1month+ delayed on PC, both of which as online games where half the fun is being there day1 and being part of the zeitgheist
It's true at least 95 percent of the time.
>NieR Automata, Arkham Knight, and Dishonored
Due to difference in standards. If a game is locked to 100 percent stable 30fps it will be shat on to oblivion on steam, whereas on consoles it's fine.
>Atari will be added in soon
I got FFXV for free due to account sharing, and I found it to be very average. But that's not my point.
Fighting games are the best example of why "multiplats don't count cause they're on PC" is a dumb fucking argument. PS4 is a much better console for fighters than PC is atm. Will that ever change? Unlikely methinks. If you wanna play fighting games, get a PS4.
As for optimization updates. Idk, I find it pretty shit that you'd have to wait even longer to play a game after you've bought it, just to be able to play it, even if you do get the ultimate exp in the end. On a personal level, I don't care, as I normally wait for discounts to buy games, but some people do. Do people want to be able to play games ASAP, and for those people, a PS4 multiplat is more beneficial.
Well yes, i myself am a poorfag and instead of waiting for sales i would pirate the game like 3 months later, and yes as you said that's really the biggest downside of multiplats on pc, there just isn't a big community for fighting games.
Not only that, but many multiplats also have PS4 exclusive content. Destiny 2 for example, has entire maps, armors, and weapons, exclusive to PS4 owners. Get a different version, and you're getting less value for your buck than the PS4 owner, even if yours runs better.
>95% time
Is it?
It comes down to personal taste. I'm a huge fighting game fan, I know to get the PS4 cause the PC versions simply won't be as great. Many games are made and held up by their communities. For me, it's not less than 5% of games, it's over 95% of games I'm interested in being better on PS4. Having access to Souls, Witcher 3, abd GTA without needing a new platform is just a cherry on top to me. I don't care if PC runs them better, I just wanna play them. And many people feel this way too.
Also, take Monster Hunter for example. It's multiplat, but in Japan, it's PS4 exclusive. Guess which platform will be the best if you wanna go hunting with randos?
>Everything else
MHW also has PS4-only content FYI
Tekken7 and GuiltyGear Rev2 too.
This is objectively the only correct post ITT.
95 percent of the time the most played multiplats on console are better on pc.
Some of them the difference is absolutely ridiculous like any fps(KB+M)/minecraft/skyrim(mods), some of them the difference is big and a few the difference is very small like rocket league.
Obviously depends on your taste if this matters.
PS4 > Wii U > Xbone > Switch
>monster doesn't care about the player at all and ignore you to beat a dead monster to super death
is this game really this casual? I mean, I don't care all that much if it is but this is kinda sad if we don't get a true monhun 5 and instead get this
Xbox one >Wii U >Switch >Dogshit>Ps4
Exactly. The benefit of the PS4 is that while it might not be as powerful as PC, it has access to games and content PC doesn't.
On PS4 you can play:
PS4 exclusives
Sony Exclusives
Vita games
Console exclusives
Multiplats (sometimes with extra content, typically before anyone else).
PC's greatest strengths are its power, the modding community, and the ability to emulate Nintendo.
Ideal console if you're limited to one, is a PS4. Ideal combo, is PS4 + PC. PS4 + PC + hacked WiiU is also great if you really wanna dig into Nintendo games, as the WiiU is an excellent emulation machine.
what exclusives does the dogshit have?
Corn pieces in top plus some ugly looking maggts.
not really. gonna play monhun world anyway and I know it isn't monhun 5 but I'm thinking we'll have to wait even longer for monhun 5 now just because of world
They are all consoles user just buy all of them if you want their shallow Exclusives except Nintendo ones those ones are pretty fun.
what is that? I'm not reading all that
user, do you really think this monhun will be that great?
>PS4 exclusive content
>a couple of items in a game
Are we going to pretend like the pre order and console exclusive content are worth while now?
What unlucky soul goes to summer school?
PS4 > XOne > WiiU >> Switch
I wish Let It Die was more popular, only so someone could draw porn of this cunt being brutally raped.
Or, you know they're opinions. Lets not pretend 99% of debates here are over opionons stared as facts. Its possible that people just arent impressed or compelled to purchase the console because it has more exclusives. I thought Tomb Raider was a better uncharted and I know ill get crucified for that. I think Halo is a better Killzone. I think Dark Souls 1&3 are more fun than BB. and I have no real love for most the Japanese jap stuff. I have a PS4 but to me its he secondary console, hell it runs through my Xbox HDMI in. But the community, the controller, the games I like, I enjoy most on Xbox. So its better.
What is Arms?
No one gives a fuck about halo and all the other games you mentioned are on PS4
PS4 is objectively better because it has 90% of the shit on Xbox plus it's own shit.
What new big release did you fuckers even get this year besides halo wars 2
you could literally say the same about ps4.
>Nintendodoos sneak in two of their consoles in the image
WEW at least try to be subtle virginlord
The only way Xbox has games is if they let you play old shit. No thanks.
>objectively the best
Wii U
>objectively the worst
>I thought Tomb Raider was a better uncharted and I know ill get crucified for that.
Good thing they are both on the PS4?
>I think Halo is a better Killzone
Perfectly respectable opinion, one with which I agree. Too bad it doesn't matter anymore considering that ever since 343i touched the Halo franchise 5-ish years ago it turned to shit.
>I think Dark Souls 1&3 are more fun than BB
Once again, good thing they are all available on PS platforms, while with a Xbox you wouldn't know if Demon's of Bloodborne were any better or worse than DaS1-3 since you couldn't get to play them in the first place.
>and I have no real love for most the Japanese jap stuff
All well and good. Plenty of western options on PS4 too. While on Xbone the japanese side is severely lacking
You can enjoy Xbone more while admiting that it's not as good of a system as PS4.
I state that my post is my opinions. But you still want to argue "objectivity". Glad I could upset you.
>console war threads
You pcbros are no better either
>Tekken7 and GuiltyGear Rev2 too.
Excuse me, what? PC is the definitive version of those games
You, too huh? Does PS4 have more games? Sure. Is it commercially more successful? Sure. Do I see the PS4 (again I own one) as objectively better? No. But I dont think these devices can be objectively defined either. Xbox as a service is just better FOR ME.
Ps4 itself runs better than xbox. More games. More exclusives. Not being stuffed full of Windows shit. How objectively is the Xbox better?
In what way? Both have more active communities on PS4. Tekken7 is still alive on PC but will that be the case in 2 months? After all GGRev2 is already dead on PC unless you use Discord or other methods of finding players to consistently play with outside of the game's matchmaking/lobby system.
But on a less crucial level, Tekken7 has jukebox/VR on PS4 only, and GGrev2 has exclusive character colors on PS4 only.
Xbox is always the worst unless you really love Halo. Literally nothing else.
They're all objectively shit.
Personal opinion:
PC>PS4>Switch>Wii U>Xbox
It running better is negligible if you aren't doing close-up side by side comparisons. I dont even know what Windows shit you're talking about, but it plays games just like a console should so to me that point means nothing to me either. But where you fucked up is your reading comprehension. I never stated the Xbox was "objectively" better. Just better for me. I own a PS4 strictly for its exclusives. And in MY OPINION its no better than its competitors. It's like you guys think you'll get someone to change their mind if you state the obvious. MORE, MORE, BETTER BETTER. Trump level vocabulary.
Xbone = Switch > Wii U > PS4.
>fanbase on Sup Forums
Xbone > Switch > Wii U >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS4
>Ps4 itself runs better than xbox.
Not the UI, Party system, matchmaking or online store. Make sure not to put CC info in just
in case that they get hacked for the fifth time.
I would agree with this if WiiU still had support. I think with what the PS4 has gotten this year, it edges out WiiU.
NieR, Nioh, Blazblue, Persona 5, Crash, Toukiden, are all incredible games. And we're getting Gundam Versus very soon.
No it's not. Who the fuck plays fighting games alone?
You get like a month of community, and then everyone drops out.
I actually replied to the wrong poster so you're fine mate.
>PC=PS4>Wii U>Xbox>Switch
There is LITERALLY no point in owning a Switch if you have a WiiU, and the WiiU's library is much more expansive and varied.