So,is Titanfall 2 fun?

So,is Titanfall 2 fun?
Are there still hoomans playing it?
Titanfall 2 thread

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I recently uninstalled it. It's fun

Yeah on PC you can still find a game, maintains a dedicated fanbase.

Probably the most fun I've had playing an FPS in a long time. It kinda bums me out that Lawbreakers might do better than it. Having played Lawbreakersr, you just don't get that FAST feeling of stomping on a nerd

Its fun, and the community is still alive albeit small. I still get games pretty quickly.

It's fun, and all game modes are still playable and queue times are short.

It's really fun, it has a few problems like certain modes either being completely dead, badly thought out or literally every player using SMGs + Phaseshift + Arc Grenade because it's the simply the best combination in Live Fire.

Tone and Devotion are still baby mode and the community is full of faggots like F3, RDDT and TFG.

The Game has been getting steady Content Updates at a faster pace than Overwatch, the last one having been released a couple weeks ago.
It had a big resurgance in Players about a month ago when a new Titan and Maps were added but the Userbase declined to a record low since then.
During the week it's not uncommon to only have 1k Players online but it's still pretty easy to find games, at most it'll take you a minute and the 4 good modes (TDM, LTS, HP and BH) are equally as easy find now that they introduced the new matchmaking system.

It's a good game.

It's far from a perfect game, but I still love it and it's a lot of fun. Balance is absolutely fucked, but at least the co-op mode is coming at the end of the month.

nuDOOM sp is better
online is dead for anything that isnt attrition, and frankly it's just cod with wallrun

What platform do you play on? My only complaint about the game is no ranked playlists. I've been in too many matches where my team gets completely destroyed and matches where my team wins the match with a 350 point lead.

I define fun as titanfall2

I fucking love this game on PC

Slow movement and being forced to aim down the sights are the issues with CoD.

Other modes have been playable ever since they changed how matchmaking works

MP is shit though.

Can only get Team Deathmatch games on PC, every other game mode is dead.


Stomps are definitely the majority of games but in LTS and Bounty Hunt you can usually carry a Team even if the enemy team has more good players.
That's far from ideal but it does feel nice to see that 3k Money earned on the post game scoreboard.

>it's just cod with wallrun
spotted the slow

>people shilling TF2 for months after its release
>people complaining that the game is dead and blaming it on the publisher
>implying everyone would buy the sequel after the stale shitfest that the first game was

You can only jew me once

I play on Xbox. I'm not sure about average player count but last night there was about 11 thousand players on. Although we still have the issue of certain game modes being quite empty.

The first game was great though

>no single player
>no co-op
>game about mechs, with THREE mechs
>DLCs with only shitty maps and no real content

Sure it was a great game, for about four days.

>literally every player using SMGs + Phaseshift + Arc Grenade
That's happening because of the accurate hipfire and low TTK. Aside from the mediocre vanilla map design, these things are what's ruining the game in the long run. Everyone escaping phase shift for a few seconds and freezing others with arc nades is just a reaction to escape this bullshit design decision and to actually get a chance to outplay someone instead of dying almost immediately.

But titanfall 1 had co-op

>no single player
>implying people will touch tf2's sp more than 2-3 times after release instead of playing mp

>no co-op
what is frontier defense

>game about mechs, with THREE mechs
3 that play very differently with different loadouts that is. Do you really think tf2's locked moba titansoffer any variety?

>DLCs with only shitty maps
confirmed for never playing the game

Added tons of months after the release, when it had 1000 players on average, looks like 2 has the same treatment, simply retarded.

It had co-op. And the gameplay was fun.

I'd recommend getting it on PC since the console version is plagued with aim assist. I've rarely been in a lobby on console where people actually take advantage of the good movement system. It seems they'd rather sit around with a hitscan gun and never go fast.

>Balance is absolutely fucked
Some of the tacticals need looking at, Melee needs to get nerfed hard, R97 , Car and Alternator need to get toned down. Other than that, the game is fine.

what the fuck did you just say about my waifu Tone

>and frankly it's just cod with wallrun

>Can only get Team Deathmatch games on PC, every other game mode is dead.
Not in Europe.

Northstars are the worst in the game. I hate fighting them so much. Nothing gives me more pleasure than catching one from behind and taking away half his health before he can even react.

you clearly weren't going fast enough, scrub

There was nothing wrong with the first game

>but muh sp!

>Tone and Devotion are still baby mode
Devotion got nerfed into the ground. If you're still dying to it, you're a complete shitter. As with Tone. Tone is only exceptional versus Pilots. Every other Titan has real options to outplay Tone.

Where is Bountyhunt, lads? I only seem to get into attrition modes.

Then stop searching for Attrition.