Bought this shit in the steam sale and I've been playing for 67 hours now and I'm still getting curbstomped by fucking...

Bought this shit in the steam sale and I've been playing for 67 hours now and I'm still getting curbstomped by fucking rookies.

What kind of masochist do you have to be to enjoy these types of games? No wonder fighting games are dying.

Buyer's remorse thread.

P.S. All you 'git gud' fags can go git fucked

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If you recognize how to play rock paper scissors then you have a learning disability.

Should've bought Guilty Gear Xrd REV2

|Metal Gear Rising was my buyers remorse.

It wouldn't be so bad if i had bought the game on a sale but i got it on release and finished it on the same day.

so he can be curbstomped even harder?

Xrd is better balanced than V and arguably easier once you grasp the cancel and burst mechanics, which aren't that hard.

Guilty Gear is way more fun and there are plenty of scrubby players to fight.

>Learn to guard

Poof! Out of rookie rank. Don't thank me.

>Xrd is better balanced than V
Fuck no. It's a better game for sure, but don't lie and say it's more balanced.

>67 hours mean you aren't a scrub

I love Sup Forums fighting game threads

>anime mixups
>easier than SFV
What the actualy fuck am I reading?

Getting good at fighting requires a lot of studying. Before learning character and game specifics there are extremely important fundamentals that span all fighting games.

DSP, get out of here and go back to your crying about getting bodied

jesus christ, how bad do you have to be
literally just block low and wait for them to sweep and punish, they fall for that everytime

>P.S. All you 'git gud' fags can go git fucked
saying that won't make you less bad, faggot

>Xrd is better balanced than V
i'll give you that
>arguably easier once you grasp the cancel and burst mechanics, which aren't that hard.
false. doing combos is pretty easy with most characters but grasping the defensive mechanics and possibilities of offense the game provides with each character specifics is really fucking hard.
>Guilty Gear is way more fun
True, gg is pretty fun for the most part.
> and there are plenty of scrubby players to fight.
Also, wrong. ever since a few months after Xrd I've only ever met people who have played this game for quite a while. I only ever found 2 people on beginner level.

i finally made it to silver yesterday. didnt really play ranked until a few weeks ago because the connection was always awful, but i pulled a long ass streak and broke through. i can already tell im gonna get bodied for a few weeks; cant wait to learn this level of play now

stop being a whiny bitch OP, you can do it. stop jumping so much and spamming wake up supers and shoryukens

>SS gief
>slow as shit MM
>3 guiles in a row

well if you don't want me to play your game you could have just told me so

*forgot to mention i've also played every version of xrd and the amount of new players deminish every update, as so the amount of total players.

for as shit sf5 is at least people can find matches consistently without using discord.

I think both games are comparable right now, but Xrd didn't nerf/remove pretty much all defensive options so the bad characters of the cast at least have means to protect themselves. Also when the bad characters are people like Potemkin who will stun you with 50 meter or just kill you in 3-4 grabs or Ramelthal who has the 2nd best okizeme in the game you can look at that more favorably than characters like Juri, Alex and Ed just kind of having nothing impressive and can't even protect themselves from Laura, Ibuki, Balrog, Urien mauling them.

The best advice I can give you is have a plan.

>my opponent is a nash player. When the match starts, I'm doing to do a raw dp because those fucking retards always start the game with that horizontal axe kick they think is safe

>my opponent is a gief, I'm going to throw a fireball and then see if she jumps at me, if he doesn't jump, throw more fireball, if he does jump, heavy kick him in the face

>my opponent is a ryu, at the start of the match I'm going to step backwards and see what he does because this is the only completely safe option, then I'm going to throw two fireballs, and then start whiffing jab to see if he tries to jump on reaction and get a free antiair

Also, learn how to whiff punish

After you've listened to that shit, this is a good match to watch to see real footsies in action

>curbstomped by rookies
Hold back to block, user.
Welcome to Gold.

Understand that the game is literally rock paper scissors.

If your opponent throws a fireball, and you assume he's going to throw a second one and you jump, that's throwing rock. If they did throw a fireball, they threw scissors and got beaten. If they instead watched you jump and beat you out of the air, that's them throwing paper. If they waited for you to jump and antiair, but you DIDN'T jump and instead moved forward on the ground and gained an advantageous position, that's you anticipating that they were going to throw paper and changing from rock to scissors at the last second.

get good you faggot

Also worth expanding that this is not random. You win these games by anticipating your opponents behavior and mood.

It's like you have a friend you play rock paper scissors with, and this friend of yours thinks he's a smart shit. You both throw rock to start, and your friend proceeds to throw scissors, because he thinks he's so smart you know that he thinks that you think he's going to throw rock a second time and is expecting you to switch to paper on the second throw, because because you know your friend is a jackass who does this sort of thing, you just throw rock a second time and punish his attempt to counter you.

You read all this shit from a the way your opponent plays, how often he throws projectiles, how often he jumps, how often he does invincible reversals, do they seem really aggressive wanting to make hard reads or do they seem like they're really trying to patiently figure you out, etc.

take the time to understand the system and you'll reach at least gold pretty quick. This game is more about guessing and making the correct decision rather than actual skill like execution and reaction. SFV is basically SFII.

op don't listen to these people, refund that shit and get an actual fun game, like a shooter. no one plays fighters anymore lmfao

>tfw i play karin and dont give people time to do anything and only have to anticipate crush counters

the problem most people have with this game is that they dont have enough experience to read people well. they dont play with friends enough to pick up patterns - its always 3 matches at most and then a new person. its kind of hard to learn to read people online IMO, its not like your sitting next to them and get to learn their habits. unless you know the different ways each character is played before hand and can identify your opponents playstyle in a round or two, you kind of have to just do your own thing and try to survive

he already passed the refund time.

Jesus, how bad is SFV if SFIV seems like the good ol' days now.

Offline SFIV was always good.

The problem was online SFIV was laggy ass. SFV on the other hand is laggy ass both online and offline. You can see in that dieminion video just how fucking fast and responsive it is, the way they're landing those reactionary whiff punish combos.

the game has way too many problems to be fun.

Personally, the game is jsut too lack luster and the game play is just too boring.

what video

Hold back to block. Good luck.

>arguably easier once you grasp the cancel and burst mechanics
If it was any other SF game, I might agree with you. The flowchart of your character can get you pretty far in GG, without knowing anything else about fighting games.

However it's SFV, aka Woshige Fighter V. It's an objectively dumb fighting game.

To be fair, competetive SF4 is probably the most fun SF to watch since SF2.
But people forget how stupid ultras were, they act like vortex wasn't a big part of SF4s life. I hate to say it, because I got a lot of problems with SF4, but compared to the shitshow of SFV, SF4 is really good.

>hours invested = skill
sounds like you should stick to your rpgs you don't just magically progress to being good

>buy SF5
>it's like a slower more boringer SF4
>oki was supposed to be gone but now everything is just corner carry and either throw or crush counter
>the only fun thing in the game was Mika whip shenanigans because there were lots of options and setups it made available
>Capcom removes it
Between this and literally every decision made in MvCI it's like Capcom actually wants me to stop playing their games.

The one in the post the post I quoted linked

>SFV is laggy ass both online and offline
This, it reminds me of playing at a shitty SFIV tournament where the guys setting up the sponsorship TV's didn't bother to check the delay on them

i like playing sfv and will buy mvci, it looks fun.

mvci roster sucks kind of but the gameplay looks great so im still excited. story demo was wack though. i'll prob play ryu | gamora

i know there are alot of problems with sfv but i can't help but like the game. I enjoy playing it alot. birdie is super fun

Buy dbfz

Seth Killian leaving was the worst thing to happen to them by far. SFV had shoddy ideas going in and they don't know what to do with it and MvC:I PR and behind the scenes shit is god damn disgusting.

>SFV had shoddy ideas going in

Fuck are you talking about, ideologically SFV was the best thing to happen to fighting games, they fixed everything to do with the business model and changed the overall gameplay for the better. Everyone was hype as fuck for removing bullshit like focus attacks. It's the execution of those ideas that fell apart.

I too enjoy playing sfv and I find it fun as well, but unfortunately since you play Birdie you and I can never be friends.

Alpha 3 is still the pinnacle. III would be if it weren't for parries.

>baww i hate this game because i am not winning baww why did i spend money when i cant beat people baww

are you a woman? pathetic fucking sissy. no "man" would think in this manner except now with the nu-male generation.

>I enjoy playing it alot. birdie is super fun
I don't know how you can when Birdie gets dumpstered by half the cast.

He loses to rushdown hard since he has a 4 frame normal and no true reversal.

And he also loses to zoning because his anti-fireball game is super weak. Guile is his worst matchup bar none.

You have to outplay opponents REALLY hard in neutral to stand a chance, and it often goes down the drain when they manage to land one jump in.

t. Birdie main.

not the same guy but
>Fuck are you talking about, ideologically SFV was the best thing to happen to fighting games
Yeah it's incredibly bad first surely made everyone happy. The game still has a bad rep even today.
>they fixed everything to do with the business model
Nop, they just sacrificed one type of model for other just slightly less shitty
>and changed the overall gameplay for the better. Everyone was hype as fuck for removing bullshit like focus attacks. It's the execution of those ideas that fell apart.
Focus and ultras surely weren't the ideas ever implemented in the franchise but neither is crush counters and v-triggers. The lack of range and the huge amount of block stun is also extremely shitty.

problem with fighting games is their only good if you have friends to play them with, user



Aw, come on user! We can be homies, who do you play? Birdie aint so bad

Yeah, this is all true, but i like his using his moves, they are cool and he's a funny character, using bannana peels and shit. whats your rank?

Oh I didn't click up 4 times, my bad.

>that juicebox autism video
I really hate how he talks down to everyone.
You don't want to play footsies like he describes for the most part; it's incredibly risky for little reward if you're not whiff punishing big slow buttons or moves.

Very little from the dieminion video is raw reaction. You can see some of the EX moves they're clearly reacting with.
Most of the poking stuff is already knowing opponent's (likely) options from certain ranges.
All (or most) of dieminion's hop-kicks over low tigers are predictions/reads, not reactions, for example.
Reaction ultras are actually pretty easy for good players. You can already have the motion buffered, so all you have to hit is f/uf+3p/3k. It's one of the biggest reaction punishes you can get, so definitely something to think about when available. Changes matchups significantly when stocked.

Some of Dieminion's flashkick/dp reactions are pretty nice in this set. The action is easy (u+k), but having the charge and presence of mind are not.

What's really interesting to me about that set is the various ranges that dieminion is comfortable throwing fireballs, spacing, or throwing out pokes at.
Bonchan's really planting and spitting fire in a lot of situations, which is more about the character than the player.

>but i like his using his moves
Yeah I agree, he's a ton of fun to play, does a ton of a damage and he's goofy as fuck. It's just a shame he isn't better.

>whats your rank?
I'm Ultra Gold, but I haven't played ranked in a long while.


Fuck the Birdie matchup.

No wonder you hate Birdie. It's probably his best matchup. Gief can't do shit about banans, he can't jump in, he can't dash in because of Birdie's godlike normals, he's SOL.

On the bright side though, once you're in, it's GG.

Do Gief's Gym.

>shame he isnt better
This nigga does more than zangief with every command grab.
Birdie's footsie buttons are top fucking tier.
VT birdie is a MONSTER.

He's just not a very attractive character and his setups aren't exactly tricky.

>no true reversal
>EX bullhorn has armor from frame 1
>best anti-air normal in the game in, if opponents can jump in on you then you're doing it wrong

Learn bitch.

Not that user, but any user who uses Ore Monogatari pictures is a friend of mine.

He has his strengths, but you conveniently forgot his weaknesses.

>no oki off most of his combos
>very weak defensive game, once you're knocked down you're at a severe disadvantage
>slow walkspeed, floaty jump
>important tools like bull slide and bull charge are extremely punishable

>EX bullhorn has armor from frame 1
Last time I checked that's not an actual reversal. it can get grabbed. You can use EX cmd grab to counter grabs but you still have to guess whether its one or the other.
>best anti-air normal in the game in
Sure, but no one anti-airs 100% of the time even at top level. Birdie in particular suffers from missing one because he can't get people off him easily.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

dont worry homie we'll get those s3 buffs! I'm super plat, so close to diamond but im gonna get there!!

You know your Street Fighter game is fucked up when Balrog and Zangief are top tier while Ryu is bottom tier.

What do you think of the Vega match-up? As a super plat Vega main myself, I think it leans super heavily in Birdie's favour, but I'd like to hear what a Birdie main thinks.

Not him, but vega's walkspeed is ridiculous, so he can play the footsies game very well. If you manage to confirm into a roll, Birdie has to guess since you're so plus. Up close pressure is equally ridiculous since most of vega's buttons are plus as well. Vega can also punish ex bullhead by using v-reversal.

I couldn't tell you who wins the matchup, but it definitely doesn't heavily favor any one.


>wahh wahh I suck at fighting games!!!!!!!

This, although Vega's reversal options are pretty much 'backdash' or 'nothing' so if Birdie manages to get in you're fucked.

>tfw ranked up to Ultra-Bronze
>tfw had an unfortunate series of losses so now I'm back down to Bronze
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm so fucking mad about that shit. My problem is, I play for hours sometimes and I don't know how to just take my W's and walk away with them.

All you need to get out of bronze is knowing how to defend and anti-air. Bronzefags love jumping.

Silver and gold shitters are a bit better but still use a lot of unsafe things. You'll get the hang of it in time.

t. platinum shitter who can't get to diamond

Birdie is arguably the only reason why I still bother with SFV. Shame he isn't in a better game. I agree that he could use some tools to handle pressure and wake up safely outside of meter/trigger, but he has so many amazing normals, arguably the best anti-air in the game, and options at close and far range that I have to say, if you get put into a situation where he's struggling, it's on you.

It still helps too that so many people online are still unfamiliar with the easiest of his shenanigans.

Friend got me Xrd, so I've been playing more Rev. 2 lately. Picked a Waif, trying to git gud. Getting stomped, but slowly grasping the character and match flow. My issue is that there are so many variables to consider at one time that I'm slow to reactions. That'll change in time.

If you want your hug box, invite your """Friends""" over and pretend you know what you're doing. If you should be complaining about anything with this game it's that its lack of content is now extremely embarrassing compared to the competition.

Which waifu do you play?

Stop trying to play the game you think it should be and play the game it actually is.


quick question. I'm switching the buttons in my stick and I unplugged one without noting which wire was on which side of the button

is there a left /right connection with the buttons? if one cable is black which side would that usually be?

Don't think it matters as long as one goes to signal and one goes to ground.

shoulda got tekken

yeah I kinda had that feeling as well but I felt I had to check
ty user

it doesn't matter at all, switches are a binary on/off connection

circuit is broken most of the time, circuit is completed when the button is pressed, so the wires have nothing to do with it outside of carrying electricity basically

think this works for most simple switches but I'm not completely certain so don't go building a lightswitch in your wall

Jack-O, but dabbling in Ram too because of Feet.