What video games mommies play?

What video games mommies play?

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that's some dreadful dialog

Mine played the shit out of Tetris. She also introduced me to Mischief Makers, Shadowman, and a bunch of other N64 games way back when.

Rewrite it.


My mom played the shit out of solitaire. That's a game right? Oh she beat me once in Mario Kart and always brings it up.

use saucenao.

How to acquire 2D mommy?

Lucid dreaming



Google it my friend!

no losers allowed in our secret panda club

save the picture into a .txt format, you will see the real link for that hentai

How do I proceed?

>not masturbating to pandas

They're endangered, nigga. That means they're rare and special.

tell her this

"I lay down on your lap while you whisper sweet nothings to me"

titty suck and willy rubby mommy

shut up you fucking fag, thats not what roasties want hear

2D mommies = super fucking hot, S grade fapping material

3D mommies = old and wrinkly, no full round breasts and bosom like in 2D

If I could remove 3D from existence all together, I'd do it

Send her this picture

"It means you should be a screaming, angry nag who never appreciates anything and won't accept getting anything less than 100% of her way all the time."

"So basically, just a normal girlfriend"

Imagine if every time you had sex the person you were fucking described every thing you were doing a that moment like you were a fucking retard

I'd actually like to have sex with her, so please be serious.

Is this good?

Puzzle Bobble

That would be just like my hentais and mangos.

What's going on here?

I haven't touched a woman in seven years so I guess that wouldn't really be too bad.

>imagine if every time you had sex-

>I'd actually like to have sex with her
Then why did you actually say mommy gf you fucking virgin?

This one might actually get you laid, because it's funny and doesn't make you seem like a complete autist.

This. You already fucked up user

just say it directly mother fucker
they have no time to play around

this gives me the hardest boner


mommy position handjob is easier to get into

My dick last Saturday. Will be doing it again this weekend. Feels good man.

Nah, women are into emotionally needy man-babies with incest fetishes. Trust me, I'm an expert on women.

Candy Crush and its various clones

spoonfeed please

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag)

Jackie Chan

means imma make you a mommy lemme slip into that choice pussay lol #notpullingout

My time has come

i don't understand this
its is not necessary but man they are headstrong about it

thanks for the sauce

No woman ever responds so I said fuck it.

Ok I was honest

Good God user


she's yours, dude


At least you got out of it with your maidenhead intact.



real smooth user

I'd change the last part to "when I'm about to ejaculate you'd say "go on, be a good boy"
but looks okay
tell us her response user



I'd rather have that than whatever the fuck they do in Western porn.

>screeching like some kind of nightmare
>repeatedly telling you to fuck her as if you aren't already
I honestly don't know how people watch porn with the sound on. It's so fucking annoying.


what the actual fuck

mommies play candy crush and farmville


good job user good bulletpoints

We haven't spoken in two days so maybe it will take as much for her to respond, sorry if I don't update on this thread.

Did I go too far? Maybe I should add something to make it less awkward and make it sound like I was sort of joking (but still open to it if she's also into it), any ideas welcome
Maybe something like:
>get it? hahahaha (it was a joke, sort of)


How could she say no to that?

>tfw another user will lose his virginity before me

I ain't even mad, godspeed!


>let me do all kind of things to your body
You fucked up, that sounds too rapey


don't say anything before he responds
if you make it look like a joke you can lose the opportunity

I'm a woman with a 5 year old son and I mostly play weebshit and Nintendo

theres no 'saving' it now. might as well just follow through with it because its probably not going to work out anyway

You fucked up. Now she's going to think you're autismo.

>Did I go too far? Maybe I should add something to make it less awkward

Tell her you also want to steal panties from her drawer and jerk off into them while she's out of her apartment.

Nice job user.

On a side note, how does Japan get motherly women just right? Like, Japanese voice actresses always pull off sounding mature a lot better than in the West.

>backing out
from my time on Tinder I can tell you one thing that will never work is backing out. Like literally never ever do that.

you know the rules

how's tyrone

How do I get a mommy gf, Sup Forums?

Who is best artist why is it Takasugi Kou?

There are no girls on the internet, faggot.


I fucking knew it. Ninendo toddlers are boring people and literal manchildren.

Women can smell fear

>i wonder if you could be my mommy gf but it's just a joke haha
Are you mad

stop trying to start shit

I am now monitoring this thread.

>Maybe something like:
>get it? hahahaha (it was a joke, sort of)
That would just make it worse. Get confident, stupid.

>We haven't spoken in two days

What fucked up shit did you say to her last time?

You committed social suicide user. There's no coming back from that.

my mom plays hayday

>bullshit: the post

>get it? hahahaha (it was a joke, sort of)get it? hahahaha (it was a joke, sort of)
That's absolutely perfect.

I would like a chance to make you mine

user, you are one crazy motherfucker
but goddamit I respect you

na dude once you're in, you better be balls in

>tfw this thread will close before we get to know the reply

Well I guess I am kind of boring. I'm basically a normie suburban mom now although I am a total weirdo in private and browse Sup Forums etc. It's my outlet for all of my non normie impulses.