
>New game+ added for players who want to play through the game with their existing gear.
>Ultra Hard mode is added for the players that are up for another challenge!
>Added two new trophies to the game: One for completing New game+ and one for completing >New game+ in ultra-hard mode.
>Added support for all EU and US text Languages on EU and US games.

didn't Zelda just release a DLC with these things? for $20? Really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop spamming this

It's still a worse game than BotW, though.

>Horizon thread
>immediately brings up Zelda in the OP


>completing ultra hard
>in ng+
wow sure an achievement

well actually the $20 is for the entire season pass which includes another batch of DLC that will be coming at a later date
oh but you want me to ignore that don't you?

give me a mode that gets rid of the bullshit "follow the glowing path for 5 minutes" quests and I'll be interested

also maybe add more than 4 ranks or whatever it is of each weapon so the rarity system actually means something

and make human enemies not retarded and actually enjoyable to fight

why must every horizon thread have zelda in there somewhere

stop feeling so threatened by it

DLC was a good idea for expanding games now it's just releaseh half finished and charge later

only way for a horizon thread to survive in Sup Forums
if it wasnt i'd be ass creed tier dead thread


>chorus of anime girls
user what have you should me, I didnt know I needed this


What's that? A couple more challenges and a very hard mode that does nothing but make the weapons break even more easily?

Why is this so hard for other developers to do? Like if mgsv had a new game plus with new items and content i'd replay is over and over again.

Lets just hope that this becomes a trend for games. Free new content.

>you fell for the switch and zelda meme


well actually no, there are new areas and the world is altered in some ways
but of course you'd rather just ignore that

>Hhorizon will win GOTY and not Zelda

How can we stop Sony my Ninfriends?


Oh, I see. I'm sorry, then.
I didn't realize they were adding more empty space to it. That makes it all better, then.


>Lets just hope that this becomes a trend for games. Free new content.
Not with Sony at the helm.

I have Nintendo and Steam wojacks. Does anyone have any Xbox/Sony wojacks?

thats nice of Guerilla to not nickles an dimes everything.

you wanna start shit cos I'll start shit

Come on Sony, I just got fucking addicted in Crash, are you fucking kidding me? why ;-;

No wonder it's free, what it does is absolutely pathetic.

Yeah, Sony certainly wouldn't allow it for any of their hallmark exclusives like Horiz--

>hard mode that just increases the numbers of things
>hard mode where the enemies get entirely new tactics

Gauss they are both awful.

Horizon user.
As in it has paid DLC on the Horizon.

botw still outsold this game globally and got better reviews from both users and critics

When your mom says you must stop play Horizon:

>Shallow Monsterhunter clone adds ng+ because it was too shallow and easy
>for free
>Changed a few peices of code
>still doesn't stop it from being a shallow clone of a japanese masterpiece
>Like if Activision did their own MSG game

lmfao the desperation is so obvious