Perfect games don't exis-

Perfect games don't exis-

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*ahem* Let me try that again.

Perfect games don't exist outside the Phantasy Star Online games.

shitty devs needed to make more splitscreen games like this when I was younger. I wanted to play games with my friends locally almost all co-op games had everyone on the same screen (which is annoying).

Any actually good Phantasy Star games that are not shitty MMO's and with actual content and plot?

my fucking disc is scratched so i spent like 15 min going through forest 1 only to have it crash at a loading screen

Please don't use PSO to shitpost.
There's always the Blue Burst servers. Controlling everything by keyboard exclusively is awkward at first, but once you do it's just like the good ol' days. And the specs for it are low enough that it could run on a toaster.

How is this perfect? It aged like garbage and it suffers from the infamous "Sonic team cannot make a functioning camera" meme. Also, there is no dodge feature and lots of bosses have unavoidable damage which makes it incredibly frustrating in a bad way.

>Dark Falz one shotting everyone at the same time every 30 seconds
>If nobody can tank it and then moon everyone then it's an unbeatable boss.

>needing a babby "pls dont hurt me" button
>when you can avoid shit by simply walking away from the attack's obvious hitbox
>when you can simply gear up against elemental damage
>when you can even abuse i-frames and knockdown threshold
Then again, you can't even beat dark falz, can't expect too much from people like you.

Tell me how you avoid this.

Also beating Dark Falz is just a matter of your numbers being high enough to tank that. I've beaten him but not out of skill.

Light resist and HP units.
If you want your "dodge memes" so much, you can also abuse Resta iframes.

Still pisses me off what they did to the look of female hucasts in 3.

Alright, so now we agree that this game does have bullshit unavoidable damage.

Dodge isn't a meme. Phantasy Star Zero had a dodge feature and it worked fine. It was still a challenging game but the deaths were actually your fault. You're defending shit design with "lol just abuse an exploit idiot."

Unavoidable damage putting a time limit on the encounter isn't inherently shit design, you just don't like it.

I never denied that there are some unavoidable attacks, Grants is designed to be like that, and there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to protect yourself against it, just like how you have to equip yourself to actually attack Falz since your puny Saber from Forest 1 won't hit it.
PSZ was also a mediocre game with worse camera and controls than the original PSO. If you want to defend babby mechanics, use PSPo2 for your example. Parries at least reward you in that game.

>Taking huge damage that the player can do absolutely nothing about without glitches is not bad design.

>player can do absolutely nothing about without glitches
>casting resta is a glitch
>units are a glitch too
Woah, we have a professional game designer here.

>PSZ was also a mediocre game
It was just PSO with a dodge button. The only bad thing was it was on a handheld and Nintendo's policy on what you could and couldn't transmit on their wifi servers is shit. So no adding people and making friends.

I'm sure the developers were thinking "yeah this is supposed to be avoidable by casting resta. This will be a good way to dodge it. Especially for CASTs."

Also units do not avoid anything, they just lessen the blow.

>some World of Warcraft bosses have literal damage auras that are unavoidable so that healers have something to do

I love these double standards. Why can't we just have comfy threads? Why do the mods keep gargling on cum and not stop these shitposters?

That game is nice

PSO's plot is dope

PSO was PA spam with only two good weapon types?

>It was just PSO with a dodge button
It really wasn't, it was just a collection of some of the worst aspects of PSO (camera issues got worse due to the smaller screen) and PSU (PAs, no utility gear just numbers), plus terrible online mode. It's a cute game but it still is medicore.
Not point in blaming hardware or company issues, they decided to release the game even with all that shit.

>they just lessen the blow
I guess you just found out how to beat dark falz, son.
Nobody denied that shit is unavoidable, you just have to learn how to deal with it, like any other fucking game.

i could never get an .iso of this to load properly on my wii

Combat and movement is a little sluggish but that makes it kind of chill to play.

Gonna dump some scans from a PSO artbook I bought recently. Been slowly scanning it and working on translating both it and the two PSO novels that nobody knows about

I don't think it's impossible, there are some videos of people that played it on Wii (even online, thanks to private servers). Never tried it myself, though. BB is fine to me.

PSIV is better than FFIV.



Most of this first section is covers of other guides / books / OSTs.

>no utility gear just numbers
Priority #1 in PSO is to maximize your ATP and ATA, and one of the unit slots is reserved for /Battle at all times.

Though I get that Zero had fuck all for weapon and unit variety.

>imbalanced to the point even forces have to use physical attacks to deal damage and not fuck up everyone else
I love PSO but get fucking real.

I remember I was amazed the Cube had an online game. Never bought it, though, as I autistically only played Nintendo and sports games back then.


>tfw you realize blizzard steal their designs



How is PSO2 for any pso fans who have tried both?

What are you trying to suggest?

The only way Forces won't get in the way if they do that is if they keep missing because of their shit accuracy. DMC is DMC no matter what you attack with.

It's not very good. I won't get started on it because I always end threads with like 6 max character count posts about how awful PSO2 is.

It's a great game on its own, it's just gotten less and less like PSO the further it goes on.

It's on Episode 5 now, I think?


Episode 5 starts in two weeks.

Was considering getting the private servers to play pso on pc but I'm worried it will ruin my memories of the game :(



In PSO you had different weapons for different situations, special attacks that helped in the "max damage" process, and utility stuff like gear that buffed your elemental damage and self-buffs/recovery like S-Red and Double Saber. You even had some "secret" set bonuses like Red weapons, and there are armor and other units with /Battle effect too.

It's a fun game still.


It's great. Not too much like the older games, but the combat system is miles better.

In terms of content, PSP2i was much better though. It seems like Sega has no idea what the fuck they're doing sometimes.


RAcast is the master race


Do you have a MEGA link for the artbook?

I wish this weapon wasn't literal trash in PSO2

Pity they never expanded on the story for RRR

Not yet, I've gotten pretty lazy recently. I only have the first chapter scanned. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll hook you up when I'm done.

Oh, and the novels please. N3 here, did N2 just a week ago and I'm not sure I've passed it so I'm sure I need to practice my reading a lot more.

This game corrupted many third party memory cards with its double save mechanic.

Don't hurt me like this

All right, thank you man, I can wait.

Get some weaponoid boosters to relieve the FotM times.


I also just ordered the novels recently, so they'll be a while before they come in. This page and the next in the art book in was tipped me off the existance of the novels.

I miss it.

She died user

too bad I'm the only one that played it

I actually really enjoyed it, the way you get story lore by completing certain missions with certain characters is really interesting but it meant you had to look up who to play as each time in order to get the full story


I am beyond pissed that we didn't get pso2 over here or even an official rerelease of the first game.

I am the biggest pso fan. I love everything about that game. I'm considering getting a gpd win just so I can play pso on the go.

>Episode 4
Its trash user you don't want it

She mutated into the horrible monster you fight in the end

I used to have to much old artwork and stuff saved from this game.

Trust me the last thing any true PSO fan wanted is PSO2, especially Episode 4.


It's a decent game, but I think that PSPo2i is better.
Combat itself is fine, but PA spamfest feels a bit too much like PSU. I don't know why they dropped chains, it was a neat feature in Portable 2. Weapon type balance is fucked but that was always the case in this series, anyway.
Maps are too big considering there is nothing on them most of the time. I know why they are like that (random bosses can spam, you can meet other groups and grind that photon event thing together, etc), but most of the time shit never happens and you are just walking and hoping to find the exit instead of another dead-end with shitty boxes.
I hate the jewish bullshit with mags, but I guess that is how F2P games are.
Client Orders are cancer, same for Lulu and his RNG bullshit.
Doll joint caseals are super cutes, at least.

Get out.

I played online on the gamecube version when retail servers were still up and it was such a hacker infested shitfest. People were using action replay to powerlevel to the level cap and getting any item they want. Assholes were making FSOD weapons that would freeze other peoples games as soon as they equip it in their lobby. The worst part is when some asshole would do this right as the game is saving, so your memory card gets corrupted.

Don't you meet her in Portable 2 Infinity?
Then retcon PSO as a whole by saving her and her mentor, then using the power of FRIENDSHIP to kill dork falz before he fucked up everything ? I never played Infinity, but I heard it's something like that.

It starts off ok but devolves over time to become an insult to what the original PSO stood for. Offensively bad.

Chains offer far less variety in combat. Sub Gunner or, if you happen to have a Vita lying around, get Nova to see how spamming the same string of three regular attacks to power up your next PA works in PSO2.

I just hate the general art design of PSO2, it's way too otaku focused compared to PSO1. The gameplay itself is a improvement over the first but the problem is that content is mostly dead or pointless unless you wait for emergency missions.

>tfw played this 17 years ago

I couldn't get beyond the first few cave missions in pso2 because I didn't know what to do. The Japanese language was too much for my fragile little mind and I uninstalled.

You probably tried entering "doors" in MPA areas that other parties were supposed to come from. I remember a lot of confusion with it during beta, and in the first few months after.

Jesus christ go play dark souls or something, PSO is just not for you

He probably didn't complete the matter board story missions


I've never seen a more blatant design ripoff (not counting Chinese knockoff shit) than Bastion and the RAcast, even their color schemes are the same for fuck's sake.

Caves are pretty far into the matter boards. You visit two other planets and watch a lot of events before going there with Aki.

It carries a yellow bird on its shoulder. Do you know the concept of homage?

I never played it until a month ago where I played all the game in a sandbox server from epi1 to epi4, all zones and all bosses.

Game was fun but clunky.
I expected to have more content though.

What server?

Most of the games content outside of just going through zones is in the quests.

Where do I download this game to play on pc with some friends? Is the download safe etc?

I would love to have PSO2 in official English and such but do you people not remember how they treated western PSO/PSU Servers?
I don't think I would want to put effort into playing for a long time when the same shit would inevitably happen again.

PSO2 Is shit. Because there is no "endgame". You just sit around the lobby watching the autistic player base sperg out.

PSO2 is worse than PSU ever was, what a fucking let down.

Try Ephinea private server.

Great Offline split-screen gameplay for four players sure doesn't exist in modern games.