This is literally Splatoon 1 with a few new weapons
This is literally Splatoon 1 with a few new weapons
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did you want it to play as need for speed or something?
Are you really surprised? Splatoon 1 is only like a couple years old so Splatoon 2 probably hasn't been in development that long. More than likely Splat2n started as a Switch port of the first game.
I'm probably still going to get it. I like the Switch a lot better than the WiiU and will probably play it a lot more now that it's going to be on the Switch.
Yeah, what the fuck kind of shooter would implement
>new weapons
>new cosmetics
>new multiplayer modes
>new story mode
>various quality of life changes
while still maintaining the same basic gameplay as the prior game?
Oh wait, all of them do that, you fucking moron.
>he didn't watch the direct
>he didn't watch the direct
I watched half of it. What's new besides mocha loli
So the same as LITERALLY every shooter ever then?
Splatfests are back
New mode that you can access on local multiplayer
New story mode
Cosmetic stats no longer random
New abilities
Drawing is back
This is literally Doom 1 with a few new weapons
oh, so literally nothing. but it counts because it's splatoon
it's true. not that it's bad
Apparently it's not okay when Nintendo does it
Its called a sequel.
Have you heard of a sequel before?
it's the original game with a reskin and you know it
Yeah, nothing LOL
What did you want? Splatoon 1 DX instead?
So what makes it not a reskin user?
Stop liying !
Are you so desperate that you have to resort to lies?
I missed it. How is drawing back?
Why fall for the bait friendo
>returning features
>a few extra gimmicks
so it's an enhanced Splatoon, got it.
>>various quality of life changes
I missed the direct, what are those QoL improvements ? Any word about the chat, ability to play with your friend, or the possibility to change weapons without having to leave the lobby?
Those were my biggest problems with the first game.
name a sequel that isn't
Voice chat is back, friends are now available in splatfests with the app and in general play. Not sure about switching yet
What will make it splatoon 2 for you my dear baiting user?
voice chat among party confirmed
Nothing, They're probably not even a fan of the game. It'll be impossible to please them.
Reminder that people who are dead set to hate Nintendo make constant goal post moves when they get their qualms answered.
It was confirmed you can swap weapons in the lobby now
Can I play with my friends outside of splatfest ? Because I remember, in the first game when I wanted to play with a friend in quickplay, we were sometimes put in different teams. That was a bit boring after a while.
this is fine honestly. Who the fuck talks to randoms anymore? That shit was awesome when you were 12 screaming "nigger" in halo 2, but it's lost its charm over the years.
Final Fantasy 2
>what is a sequel
they showed it but never stated how it was going to work.
I feel sorry for you console players.
HELL YEAH. How is this working ? Can I swap only weapons, or can I have some presets for the rest of my clothes ??
only with a nintendo game will people be excited over basic features that every other games has had for years
Nice good to hear they took notes from Splatoon 1.
remove the new idols, they are really ugly
then why can't you switch cars in the end game lobby in rocket league?
only with nintendo games, sonyegros get THIS mad.
I havnt used voice chat in any video game I play on the PC in years
Its so much better just to use Teamspeak
Marina > Callie > Marie >>>>>> Pearl.
Does anyone have that pic of that splatoon fan walking into that mcdonalds? Looking for it but cant find it right now, thanks
No I won't lie, you're right. The first game was very fun but definitely needed some QoL improvement. Very basic features were missing.
i don't know, i don't play shit tier games
t. nigger
what do you play, user?
you got that backwards
t. mariefag
oh, i don't find video games fun anymore, i just like to get angry about them on online message boards
I only have about 15 hours in this game since I got it in the sale but so far it's been a blast with about 90% of the people in random PUBLIC matches communicating with voice comms. Really you can't do anything in this game without voice comms because there are purposefully no marking enemies or giving orders through the HUD and teamwork within a squad is absolutely vital so that does narrow down the playerbase to those willing to communicate.
Full servers though, and the in-game voice system is just packaged in mumble (a competitor and in ways superior to TS3 in case you didn't know). I too like to use teamspeak or mumble or something so the game fucking up doesn't interrupt them but this game is different because it's literally 50v50.
Honesty is good
isn't that like every shooter sequel though?
yeah, this seems better, but it seems like nintendo have somehow fucked up voicechat with making you have to use a fucking smartphone app.
its like 1 step forward 2 steps back. at least the dlc will be free though
Just wish it was releasing on the Wii-U so I could play it. I regretted buying the Wii-U even splitting the difference with a pal on a refurb. it was an overpriced splatoon machine. At least I can play Breath of the Wild on it.
how is the app working ? I don't want my friends to hear the sound of the game while I'm playing :/
>yeah, this seems better, but it seems like nintendo have somehow fucked up voicechat with making you have to use a fucking smartphone app.
I bet it's because of trying to move processing away from the Switch, and knowing that 99% of the Nintendo userbase already has a perfectly usable smartphone for this anyway. 99% of the Nintendo userbase also has a perfectly usable PC for their games, don't they?
idk, but the official spatton headset has to be plugged into your phone and the switch at the same time
Every nintedo game is just a copy and paste of older games.
true, but its annoying when litterally every other system doesnt need a fucking app to do voice chat, for fucks sake even the vita could handle voicechat
well yeah, its a fun game but some features were sorely needed and anyone who isnt a total retard is willing to admit it
>mini games counts as valuable improvement these days
>Game changing clothing buffs/debuffs
>New Hair
>New weapon types already expanding the pool significantly
>New grenades
>New supers that change the face of lategame forever
>Pre-Match buffs like Monster Hunter
>New maps
>Returning maps are revamped to the point of being new anyway
>Singleplayer factors brought over to multiplayer for variety
>Ranked is split by modes instead of just one big number
>Fixed level up system
>Horde Mode has bosses and unlocks you can carry to the rest of the game
>Many QoL changes that just make the game all around better
You guys were right after all...Splatoon 2 is just Splatoon 1 again.
niggas cant be serious
Well, yeah. It's basically Nintendo wanting to port Splatoon 1 to the Switch but not knowing how to incorporate some of the supers that used the second screen, so they did the bare minimum required to get a 2 at the end of it.
But it has best girl
get out roach
Well what do you expect? Switch has no games so they just porting old shit.
i always use discord, skype, vent or other third party voice chat anyway regardless of platform.
this isnt as big of a deal as people make it out to be and are just shitposting
The graphics literally looks like a fucking ps2 game hahahhaha
How can nintendocancers even life with themselves?
Jak 2
You're too young to know what a PS2 game looks like you little gremlin.
Yeah its complete shit i bet it will only sell 300k lifetime.
Okay, then you're right; Splatoon 2 is different, my b.
Okay watching the direct right now and I don't know where they said this.
I don't know how they fucked up lobbies so bad in the original, but good.
What's wrong with a game trying to have a cute, unrealistic artstyle? Games of this kind age far slower than ones which try to chase the unattainable goal of realism.
Only if you want game audio and chat in your ears at the same time
>300k lifetime
There are 800k copies already preordered in Japan alone
Pearl and Marina can't replace Callie and Marie!
oh yeah I love choosing between game audio and hearing my squad mates :D
Probably works the same way it did in the first game I guess.
>not only getting excited for basic shit that's expected but basic shit we've already gotten before in the last game
I'm actually really upset. I loved the first game but there was nothing keeping me interested in the online for more than a month. I doubt it will be different this time.
Man this all sounds really good. Splat 1 was the most fun I'd had with a shooter in years but I got burned out too quickly from the lack of modes and other content at launch, but this sounds pretty great. Switch is looking like a pretty solid purchase now, maybe this and Odyssey will push me over the edge.
Good thing I didn't play the first one then
Eh, I'm picking it up regardless, will be my 1st Splatoon anyways.
It was awfully designed in the first game.
Sounds like all the changes from destiny to destiny 2.
Yet Sup Forums claims destiny 2 is the same game as destiny 1.
Hmmmm, really gets those neurons firing.
You can say this about every other current shooter though.
>So it's an enhanced CoD
>So it's an enhanced Battlefield
>So it's an enhanced Halo
Et cetera
Sup Forums does...which is the entire point.
Oh I forgot to mention for you memers; There's a drawing center that goes through a filter (against porn of course) and is uploaded to appear over your head as a NPC or as graffiti throughout levels. In short: The Miiverse mechanic isn't gone, it made it's home in the Squidverse itself.
>tfw want to play this in its first few months when it's active but can't justify buying a switch when there's nothing else good and exclusive to play on it
Why did I have to get tricked into buying a Wii U, I can't let myself get tricked again
This is literally Galaxy 1 with a few new levels
>all these butthurt Sony faggots
Don't worry, You guys can have VR.
Isn't destiny 2 recycling most of destiny's maps and campaign?