Pearl or Marina

Who is best girl

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The Octoling

Marina. It's not even close

Callie > Pearl = Marie >>> Marina

Anyone who likes that fivehead THING on the left over the delicious octoling has objectively shit taste

...Why does Marina seem to have a concern expression at all times though?

>better than anything

The left looks like an angry cat. There is no contest.

Marina, We ask for hot oct we get hot oct

>not colonizing the dark meat

fear of being deported

lol this party is getting crazy

Marina has a bellybutton piercing. That makes her worst girl by default.


This is probably the shittiest taste I've seen all day

Because she's constantly looking over her shoulder for some Inkilng wearing a Make Inkolpolis Great Again cap.

What were they thinking with Pearl's design? We want her to lose the inevitable splatfest contest by an inconceivably wide margin.


Marina is perfect

You have a very good point. That doesn't change Pearl's hideous design.

I still think it's Callie-Marina-Marie(because she's a cunt)-Pearl

Wait wait wait. A fucking OCTOLING? What's this shit? REMOVE OCTOLINGS

Marie is better than Callie, so naturally Marina is superior.



>forcing me to choose between a hideous disgusting brat and an otherwise lovely negro

god dammit this is how the jews win

>Love Pearls desgin in general but I hate her fucking face
>Really like Marina's face but her overall design is knid of bland
They trully are Callie and Marie 2.0

obviously the pure white squid. DEPORT OCTOLING

I'm really feeling Pearl, bratty loli with exposed forehead is my jam.
They better remove Marina's piercing by release or I'll fucking do it myself.

>pearl harbor was a marina


Female oct woolie

>even splatoon is getting in on the delicious brown meme

marina no doubt

pearl looks like an asshole already

the inevitable idol splatfest is gonna be so one sided that it will be insanely funny


marie > onahole > shit >everything else

Mint chocolate, baby!

Marie > Marina > Callie > Pearl

Marina > Callie > Marie > Pearl

finally someone correctly solves the equation

This is the only right answer.

Best taste


Don't want to be a waifufag but Marina's design is just absolutely great

This guy knows what's up. But
Marina = Marie > Callie > Pearl is fine too.


a better question


>make one character so terrible that everyone has to love the nigger

no fucking point in voting anymore

Race traitor. The Inkling race needs to be pure.

Marina obviously

Yeah, Pearl is pretty fucking shit. Unappealing in every way.

>tfw you realize how much lesbian r34 will be made of the two since they're the new Squid Sisters

Some real plebs in here can't handle forehead appeal. you'll realize your mistake one day

Pearl looks like a fucking downs >¦D

Marie > Marina > Callie > Pearl

if she had big squishy eyebrows she'd be okay

If Marina is an Octoling, how does that work?

My negro

Nintendo is getting better at creating waifus. As great as Callie and Marie are, those two look more unique and Marina has some delicious proportions.

nevermind someone already said it

oops wrong post

Why did Nintendo create ratchet and bimbo? This is not cute, this is not cute at all.

Their niches are too perfect man, bratty loli kawaii with five head and delicious brown with that long side hair

I cannot choose


On the left we have a smug loli princess, and on the right there's someone who doesn't know what the fuck's going on but is trying their best to roll with it.

the nigga. at least she doesn't look like she has downs syndrome

For a second there I thought the octoling had heart pupils
Didn't take long.

Octolings were always the superior species.

I think she's supposed to have that "kinda ugly but also cute because of it"-appeal.

>implying league is better than dota
>implying league is better than anything

i fucking love the promotional art for this game so much, they even made pearl look ok in it

>at least she doesn't look like she has downs syndrome

Do any of you fucks know what's going on outside this thread? Is the backlash that bad?

>that giant forehead
Shes like that short girl from the MegaMan Battlenetwork series
Marina wins, not even a contest.

How can Pearl even compete?

Marina is adorable!

That would only make sense if she was in heat, do octopi go into heat?

some newfriend got his first ban?

those are Sombra and Tracer...


Just don't acknowledge it.

it's a old japanese thing

>None of them are wearing Flipflops/Sandals

They all suck.

God tier taste.

Pearl looks fucking retarded. Why didn't they come up with a better design?

Callie: Asian
Marie: Asian
Marina: Latino
Pearl: White

>b-b-but Marina is BLACK!!!
then Callie and Marie are white lmao

> Ask who better
> Answer *THE NIGGA IS BETTER* because the white one looks like has downs
> Your stupid ass is too dumb to understand the response and try to imply the opposite

Madafaka are you that thick in the head?
Nigga go back to kindergarten and learn some basic english

Dumb ass negro

If you choose Marina you're playing the wrong game. Kill all cowtitsfags.



Because she's aware of the dozens of Sup Forumsirgins obsessing furiously over her right now. Myself included.

God she's fucking hideous
Marina dresses pretty slutty but she's still gorgeous and acts like 10/10 waifu material

What an absolute treasure this girl is

foursomes when?

Is it bad that I really, really, REALLY like the music to their intro vid? 'Cuz I really, really, REALLY need more of it…

well these monstrosities are going in my blacklist

>"Some Inklings call her 'Aunt Flow'."
What did they mean by this?

Obviously Marina, but Pearl is qt as well

Pearl > Marie >Callie > Marina
