english monster hunter world gameplay in better quality is here
English monster hunter world gameplay in better quality is here
seems to be completely new gameplay with a palico
>not on the switch
>palico gameplay
the map show a trap in zone 4
And thus this poster was never seen in the thread again, as he has never played monster hunter and only cares about console wars
Also this looks fucking dope
Whats the deal with monster hunter world? What console is it on and what does it do new?
How on earth is the person playing so bad at the game, that's actually so cringeworthy I couldn't get past the 10 minute mark.
Looks like alot of the soul has been lost and replaced with pretty graphics and handholding. Thank fuck the combat looks like it holds up.
oh i have to buy a ps4 now
I love how the palico jumps on the hunters back before traveling to the base
I hope the game will be full of details like that, thank god it's finally on real home consoles again...
-New main entry
-everything that is not the switch
-see the video you faggot.
ps4, xbox and pc. I hope it doesn't do too much new, but it doesn't seem like it...
>How on earth is the person playing so bad at the game
All he's doing is base gs attacks, i'm sure it's so the monster doesn't die too fast for demonstration purposes.
>-everything that is not the switch
So its on 3DS and PS Vita then?
yes, I hate this dumb bitching about the skills of the players in such showcases, yeah, they obviousy don't play like a normal player who doesn't want to market it to people, duh
Game looks good.
Jesus Christ I've been waiting for this for over a decade.
me too brother, I am really getting my hopes up for this!
Yes. He switches to a HBG near the end this time.
>capes still clip through the weapon
>Not only is healing easier, but there are insects that give you free healing.
>Monster has worse AI than a Great Jaggi
>Fireflies make tracking the monster even easier than the fucking blimp
>When another Monster shows up, game becomes easy as shit because the Monsters seem to totally ignore you
>Even the little ones
This looks like casual garbage.
Go cry about it in a corner.
I'll be enjoying myself.
What, are you expecting an adrenaline/heroics run on a presentation?
>I'll be enjoying the most Casual MH ever invented
I get to hunt monsters AND be Spiderman, thanks Capcom!
in b4 the shills call changes in gameplay mechanics, "qol" improvements
I expected a Monster to be aggresive and not just do badly timed lunge attacks forever.
>Not getting the superior PC version with inevitable mods
>easier than the fuckingblimp
how in the world (hehe) is that easier then straight out telling you where it is?
go play arms and complain, when you can actually make founded statements about the real difficulty of the game, which is, when it's out...
>How dare people enjoys video games!
>siege monsters in HD
hold me bros
Why talk about the monster suddenly? You were complaining about the player.
Oh you mean the part where the monster runs away and the tag wore off so you spend 10 minutes running around to find it loading zone after zone until you find it and it runs away again when you catch up?
Scoutflies are still lame as fuck
Monster on monster attacks all look completely scripted, which kind of kills the "breathing, living ecosystem " concept, but whatever
Hope the lack of blood is only because they turned it off in the settings
Everything else looks good
aaaaaaand, dropped
yeahh, the scoutflies will take some getting used to, but I always thought, the paintballs don't make any sense, the had to do sth different, but those flies are so overly present, meh
>breathing living ecosystem
>try bringing a monster into another
>they gang up on you
who knows
>Favorite Class
>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Area
>Favorite Monster
I think there are no qte's, they just show you, want you can press to attack while mounting, just like with all the other stuff in the gamplay, seems very much like tutorial stuff to me....
was that a counter attack of some kind at 7:44?
No, he's completely correct.
In previous Monster Hunters, if you did your learning of the patterns of the Monster, you knew where it would go when it starts to run away, as monsters have set places they go to recover stamina/Health.
With the scoutflies, learning the habbits of the Monster are less player knowledge and just a tickbox for the game to complete for you.
It just feels like they took a MH game and expected people to suck, so added tons of little handholding mechanics.
Every Monster we have seen just dukes it out with each other making it really fucking easy to hit them it seems.
maybe monsters hold grudges
7:54* fug
He wants to complain because that's how reddit told him Sup Forums worked.
Not the same guy.
They claimed the Monster AI would be more expansive in Worlds, seems more like it's worse.
They aren't gone, just casualized
>Doesn't look like blademaster/gunner sets are a thing anymore
That's pretty fucking shitty, having sets that looked unique between gunner and blademaster was great.
>quick time events
>quick time
Pushing buttons when prompted is called GAMEPLAY.
>With the scoutflies, learning the habbits of the Monster are less player knowledge and just a tickbox for the game to complete for you.
Except it still had the same nest for 3 different presentations, so you can still learn shit about it and not need scoutflies, like how you don't need to always use paintballs.
>Favorite Class
Wailing Cleaver Shin
Wald und Hügel
So no charms anymore? There wasn't a slot when he was changing armor, it seems
>favorite class
There are thousands of better ways they could have solved that issue without resorting to some shitty lights holding your hand for the entire quest. Why not just mark the monster estimated initial location like the female NPC did at the start of the video and let the player figure out the rest? But nope, let's add some shitty ghost vision for AssCreed and Bitcher babbies while completely ruining the immersion in the process.
Pretty much this They could have had a rough estimate shown to begin with, not basically a Psychoserum/Paintball that forever tracks the monster for you.
Paintball management was fine, it reminded you to keep track of something. Scoutflies removes that.
ahahaha, you try reason? they just want to complain mate, there is no reasoning...
I still dont like it.
They better show some REAL nonscripted hunts at some point, or even better give me a demo.
>Voice acting instead of grunts and moans
Not sure how I feel about this.
hmm, as I see it, the way you want it, would destroy the immersion. I see how the flies are cheap, but I think they're perfect for immersion...
>Every Monster we have seen just dukes it out with each other making it really fucking easy to hit them it seems.
Wrong m8, the hunter try three different time to make no-trex and big iguana to fight but only in the third try they actually fight
>all the hype around this game made me want to play MH
>check amazon for prices on 3ds xls
WTF. Does Nintendo force suppliers to maintain these ridiculous prices at gunpoint? This is fucking ridiculous for a handheld this fucking old.
>GS and HBG gameplay again
>GS infinite combo instead of charge attacks again
At least the resolution was better but nothing new here.
That shockwave ripple though. It's like fighting on a trampoline! Can't wait
you can change it to the old monster hunterish though! I am not sure yet what I'll do, but I think I'll give the va a shot!
>no charms
might be alright because FU didn't have charms and that was fine
>armor skills are now always active and work per piece rather then at +10/+15
please no
>Monsters seem to totally ignore you
>>Even the little ones
10/10 game of the year
play the psp ones with ppsspp
if you have a controller and ok pc, then emulate it!
>ruining the immersion
First of all: wat? And secondly, the graphics alone would make MHW superior in that regard if you're an immersion fag.
>No reasoning
>Game has handholding mechanics out of the ass
>Looks slower than any other fucking MH
>All the MH shills saying the animations look smoother, when they're the fucking same.
When they show us gameplay against something like a Steve, then I'll be satisfied this game isn't just a themepark
Marking the initial monster location is even worse. If you have to level up your scout flies, at least that implies that you can get the wrong track.
If scout flies "forget" over time however then this discussion is basically moot but they haven't shown that nor stated it.
the 3ds is still selling.
>armor skills are now always active and work per piece rather then at +10/+15
oh man, that's so lame, I loved getting everything out of an armor with decorations! :/
there is a new type of monster at 10:23
>Guy does fucking horrible damage to the Monster
>Enviroment does huge amounts of damage
Oh boy, it's like Sleep-Bombing, the most unfun way to play MH.
At worst it looks about the same, but definitely not worse.
Man I really want this game to be good, but I can't tell if they fucked up the combat since every mong in the videos are trash at the game. I hope you can ignore the scout flies and make that female hunter go away
Oh boy, texture swaps and nude mods, can't wait
I am just saying, we don't know the complete game yet, so we can't say how the changes make sense regarding the game as a whole, believe me, I want it to be as hard as it gets, but why complain now, when you just can't make any good estimation regarding about difficulty. oh shit, now I tried reasoning, silly me
why would they get rid of charms if they still have decoration slots? i hope that empty space on the far right under the weapon slot is where charms show up
Why are you fuckers such fucking idiots? It's literally the first few armors in the game that don't really give anything. It's like those fuckers that saw a 1 second clip of the HBG in the trailer and decided that was what the weapon worked like all the time like the game had been CODified or some shit. People like you need to eat shit.
far left i mean
>barely attacked the monster themselves up close
>have rath fight it, spam environmental damage then shoot it a bunch with a rapid fire gun
Yeah, totally not westernized. Fuck them, game looks casual as hell.
>inb4 some console war autist tries defending the game by implying I'm a nintendo fanboy
SeeNips are also pretty notorious for making their shit look more difficult in the trailers than they are.
>monsters are so smart they so can smell and hear you, check out this great AI
>big nose trex follows the sound of fucking falling nuts instead of smelling the big sweaty man 2 inches infront of him
game is so western even the marketing has become bullshit western lies
why even give the trex the massive nose if it serves literally no purpose?
Noob to the franchise here, are you able to see what's left of life for the monsters, are regular battles this long, and how is the saving system for Monster Hunters games usually?
mhfu had decorations but no charms, it was also the last mh I could play, soooo, what are charms?^^
just buy a used 3ds or 2ds and clean it up. they often go for $60-80
That's because this game is for westerners, so it IS casual garbage. They feel they need to dumb down the game. Thankfully it's gonna fail. It not being portable will hurt this game big time.
>literally the same gameplay
It's this shit scripted or what?
>No more gunner only of blademaster only armor sets
>Skills now require no thought to get
Ok the skills i can let slide aslong as they are all still there and work how they usually do, but come on, having unique sets for gunner and blademaster was great, it gave us variety in appearance and in skills between the sets, now we just have everyone look the same with the same skills.
Because they promised smarter AI and shit and we've seen no such thing.
My biggest worry is the enviroment damage, it seems REALLY EASY to fuck a Monster up with it and it does far more damage than the weapons in every demo we see.
I understand the reasoning behind it, It just seems that normal players, especially groups, can use a bunch of environmental factors at once and stomp monsters and I can't tell if this or the case or not because the video hunters are never aggresive
does the handler shut up?
Because I want her to shut up. It looks assblastingly easy, but I'm thinking this is probably a demo for tards.
user, the first few sets had shit like Combo Rate +10/Combo Plus +10.
Now, if you stated "probably armor skills aren't fully planned out yet because a lot of armor skills have to be cut", tl;dr it's in development, then I would agree with you.
But yeah it's likely we're losing shit like Fast Gathering.
It literally has fucking healthbars
you only save in your village and there is no monster healthbars...