>all these shitposts and no mods
Can we have a thread discussing video games? What video games are you playing?
I am playing Saint's Row 2.
Wrapping up Berseria and gen on to Crusader Kings 2
fallout NV
bing bing wahhoo
Darkest Dungeon
Fuck the courtyard
>Saints Row 5 that continues the after the events of Saints Row 2 never ever
>no mods
mods are here, just watched a video game thread get deleted, probably to make room for more not video games threads
Mods have returned as well, but the look of things
I'm actually enjoying Berseria quite a bit. Going from Zesteria to this feels really good. Just starting to get used to the combat and figuring out how things work.
Crash 3 from the remaster
Vehicle sections are such shit now
odd Nier Automata
even Persona 5
Post more Luigi
>mods deleting threads again
>mfw they think they can contain the chaos
Dead Rising, just started the Overtime. This game is not as fun as I thought it would be.
Just started dragon quest 9.
>main desmume branch is shit because the guy in charge is a faggot, and the hd mode runs like shit
>x432r has hd, good performance, and different sized screens but no texture filtering
>forks with texture filtering have no different sized screens, requiring 2 monitors
X432r is still the best one by far, even being so old though.
it seems like buzzfeed is "rading" this shit
Mods deleting Friday the 13th threads with lots of bitching about the devs but leaving up "let's brag about our college degrees" threads till they hit the limit. What a shit board
This. I don't even want to consider 3 or 4 canon.
Been pretty into pinball lately. Got 4/5 of the table goals for cyclone in two attempts. I still haven't figured out skill shots and plunger controls on keyboard/controller. Any tips? It's a big weak spot in Pinball Arcade.
I never understood what these games are thinking with the plungers. In real life, you can pull it back slowly, guide it up to the exact point you want, and then release at your leisure. These pinball games always have the weirdest plunger controls, or worse, the fucking power gauge.
Don't forget that pony porn thread that hit at least 400 before it was deleted, and the mods decided to delete a gamer gurl thread at 480. Why even waste the time to delete it at that point when there are a dozen other threads that need moderation?
crash,cave story+ and mario kart. gonna try melee netplay next week
What if they kept 3 and 4 canon by making a shitty back to the future spoof that continued at the end of 2?
your a fucking mongoloid for even buying that game. You should have taken it back
Skyrim Special Editon.
Infamous 1
holy shit what's up with these frame rates?
I'm nearly finished with nier: automata.
i just need to do all the sidequests, get all of the joke endings (expect ending Y), get ending E, buy and upgrade everything and fight one extra final boss.
Got level 200 in my shitty dead frontier MMO and I am gonna quit right there.
Mount and blade warband mod, the last days of the third age of middle earth
Its tits
I'm doing an inferno run in Ys Felghana. Currently in Valestein.
FFXV. Never understood the hate this game gets. Almost 200 hours in and still having a blast. Loved the characters too.
>You should have taken it back
Mind explaining why?
I am working right now, but I am trying to complete Jet Set Radio
damn, I suck at this
Gonna replay the .hack series
Currently addicted to Mount & Blade Warband.
I'm playing kingdom hearts 2 on PS4 I haven't played it since it came out on ps2 and I forgot how much fun the combat is
De Blob 2
- great graphics, level design, sound effects, colors, story and all in all collectathon.
- frustrating as hell camera, timer, cheap deaths and up to fucking 3,5 hours for one level.
Could have been a masterpiece !
>Don't forget that pony porn thread that hit at least 400 before it was deleted
It actually got archived at 600 posts.
mods here have been pieces of trashes for a long time. I hope every single mod here has a close relative and friend that gets cancer and dies a slow and miserable death.
At the end of the Gat out of hell spinoff, you have the choice to choose and ending you wanted for the game. One ending showed Johnny as an interrogator, Thought it was a good idea for 5 to take off where you could play as an undercover cop and crack down on rival gangs and take over your city again just like old times, though you'd be working for the government. Sounds like an asinine idea for a Saints Row game, but damn it I want a good Saints Row game again.
Interesting. I never played Gat out of hell, is it worth it or is it just more of Saints Row 4?
I've got like 1200 hours on it, half of which spent on Prophecy of Pendor.
Looking for a game with some sort of progression and preferably base building of a kind. Equipping characters, making military decisions, building a base, that kind of stuff. Already finished Xcom, waiting for Xcom 2 to get a DLC pack.
playing dfo. you're thread is probably going to get deleted as well. rip.
I think it says a lot about the mods that the only rule they consistently enforce is that you get a three day ban for complaining about them.
I've applied to be a janitor three times now so they clearly think they have enough people.
Playing ragnarok online classic right now , had a little bit of nostalgia blast
Don't even spend your money on this shit. If your'e curious on what it looks like, just take a gander of some videos of it on YouTube.
Dragon Age Inquisition. Multiplayer is breddy fun, I wish some of these classes could be played in single player
Dang. It's a shame we'll never get a true continuation of Saints Row from the end of 2