Is this kino?

Is this kino?

Its a movie? is a ps4 cinematic experience?


fuck off plebbit

>people that didn't get the joke
This is very kino OP. Some would say, it's one for dead niggas. 10/10 post

But it literally is Kino

>Not Ascension or Call of the Dead or Moon

Observe this 5.

I never understood why people liked it. I always disliked it.

>Der Riese

Is this operation kino?

pff thats nothing kid compared to this 3 kid

I like training in No Man's Land. The Biodome is also good until an Excavator accidentally breaks in.

>Zetsubou no Shima

Playing moon i would always get the noobs who never got past round 10

Kino is Sup Forums cancer atleast get your shit straight instead of crying reddit at everything

God why did the new maps have to become bloated with so much shit.
Ascension was the peak of zombies, it just started to go downhill after that. Moon and the map before that were aight though.

That's like telling dumb frog posters to fuck off back to /r9k/. It's long been appropriated by reddit.

im a shitter

Ascenscion, 79. No box, only stakeout/mustang

Took me a day and a half, not counting sleep and food. After a while, it's all about running circles around the map and getting the zombies killed with traps


Fucking friend's Router died mid round

>highest round is 39


The map is literally called Kino you fuck

This is the most Kino videogame of them all.

>Kino der Toten

Could have gone higher but got tired.

>Low 40s
We could have gone higher but we had to stop because my friend had to go eat dinner

Shadows of Evil
It was horrible.

I was never a fan of any of the Blops 2 maps, but the one Blops 3 map I played, Shadows of Evil, was pretty fun. Yeah there's still crafting, but it's not a mandatory thing you need to just play the map. Plus, the gobble gum was an interesting feature.

