Why do you play as female?

Why do you play as female?

I fantasize about being a massive slut.

Because I wish I was a girl.

I-I don't want to have to look at a male butt!

I'd rather look at one

i don't

Because Djeeta is cute.

I never do, though.

if game allows me to be a huge slut, then because of that.
If no, which one has the best character design.
If it's a character creator, female, because there's a good chance the modding community has made it possible to be a huge slut.

I really, REALLY like to erp

i make both tbqhwy

I've never done it. boys are superior

Given the choice, I'll play as a male first, but in NG+ or a replay or whatever, I'll play as the female to see the differences in how the world reacts to you, slight as it may be for most games.

Where is that character art from?

male main with female alts is the true patrician choice

Because they're trannies

Granblue Fantasy.
Lot of cuties in this game.

Because I'm not insecure enough to think that there's something wrong with doing that.

I usually play the male character when given the choice. In fighting games I sometimes use girls. Playing as the other sex because you wish you were the other sex is kinda... well, if that helps you deal with that impossible wish, that's cool I guess. I get my adventure and violence from games, why shouldn't you get your impossible fantasies. If playing out fantasies in games isn't enough though...

Boys/men wanting to be girls

Girls/women wanting to be boys

People need to learn to deal with life as it is given to us and face reality. There is something excedingly decadent about sex change operations. Blurring of these kinds of boundaries is a sign of a dying civilization, historically.

DJ has better portraits

If there's dating in-game. I'd play as a guy to fuck sluts.

If there's none, I'd be one to look at.

Because my parents hated me.

For the gay

Why? Because you'd be too turned on to concentrate?

Because I am a stupid tranny and it makes me more comfortable.

Because I am one?

>not playing as the girl character while also having the old man in your party

I only play as girl when the class's gender is locked as female only.

Because then I can stare at titties and butts

Who /autogynephilia/ here?

>Playing as opposite sex
>You become a tranny
That's about dumb as the "hurr durr violence makes you a serial killer" bullshit

I don't, because I'm not a degenerate that wishes he was a girl.

Because dominating draph and erune women as a petite girl is my fetish.

Justification of your actions or beliefs to others is a symptom of insecurity

For fun.

I just think that girls are pretty

Not avaible in the US.

Looked really neat too after watching the trailer.


Explaining shit is a symptom of you being being a faggot assmad that I'm fucking your mom.


I never said playing as the opposite sex in itself means you are a tranny.

I don't.

Where's this going?

i don't because i'm not a fgt

What game is this? I am too lazy to reverse image search

I only play as a girl in online games so people will treat me like a girl :3

is there a game where i can make a girl with back-length hair? i feel like i don't see those too often.

too lazy to read the thread too?

These doujinshi are god tier.